Night 9 - The Volunteer

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                 Another boring day occurred. Ms. Johnson wasn't very happy with me skipping school the other day, and she gave me extra work just for that. Come on, it was just one day! Suddenly, another animatronic peaked its head through the classroom door. Ms. Johnson walked over with heavy footsteps to the animatronic, which is a S.T.A.F.F Security Bot. For the record, S.T.A.F.F Security Bots are not the same thing as the Night Guards. A minute later, Ms. Johnson grabbed me by the arm and dragged me until we reached the cafeteria. Why did we need to go here? I don't know, because this rat wouldn't tell me anything no matter how many times I asked her. I was pushed into a seat reserved for humans. Every species has a table designed for them, but I was put in a different table away from the other kids, and I even have a different lunch time from the other kids. Why? Because they don't want me to get hurt. So for the first time, I actually got to be in the cafeteria with the other nonahumanals. And boy, were they noisy. It took the headmaster 20 minutes to calm them down. And that's not even the worst part. Not even all the nonahumanals were there, just a selected few.I slumped back in my chair while the Security Bots did their best to hush the students. Finally, peace and quiet. "Good morning, students. I apologize that I took you from your classes. But you are here for a special opportunity not every student receives. Now, I know a lot of you would not like this opportunity, but it was just for asking." The headmaster took a deep breath. "Due to...unknown circumstances...we require a nonahumanal Night Guard for the Daycare. Keep in mind, if you accept your duty and fulfill it, you will receive 15 extra credit points for your weakest subject." Hah, how boring. Why on Earth would I take up a Night Patrol job for the---the Daycare! Immediately, my hand shot up faster than a rocket as I screamed "I'll do it! I'll take up the job!" I slammed my hands down on the table, then realized how loud I was. I quickly sat down. "Alright, Ms. [Y/N]. Your job will start today. Meet me in front of the Daycare at 5:30. As for the other students, you may return to your classes." The students groaned as they slowly got up and slumped back to class. "Ms. [Y/N]. If so, a word." The headmaster gestured to me to come to her. I inched towards her, scared of what she might say. "Where did you get the cut from? Please, be honest with me. I don't want you to get hurt." I didn't---no, I couldn't---tell her that some weird version of Sundrop did this to me. "I just got scratched while petting a cat. Nothing to worry about." I assured her. It was a bit obvious I was lying. I have an allergy to cats, and I hate them. "I see, [Y/N]. You see, a lot of things have been reported from the Daycare. I just want someone to be there. Just, keep a close eye on the Daycare attendant." She thanked me, and left the vast cafeteria. The day went by fast after that, and before I knew it, my job came up. I rushed to the Daycare. After I opened the huge doors, I remember how I used to come here as a child, and how much I loved Sundrop. I even remember something I used to call him. But now, he doesn't recognize me, and probably forgot one of his friends, [Y/N]. "Sunny Bunny? Are you there?" I called out for him. I turned on the lights in the daycare, but he wasn't there.

A/N: Damn this story suck. But I am still going to write it. CAuse yes. LIKE IT ISN'T EVEN THAT GOOD I CAN DO WAY BETTER. Oh well, let's just finish this shit :3

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