Night 16 - The Final Night

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I entered the building. It was so broken down, pieces were falling from the ceiling. I scanned the place. Nothing. Nothing, other than a small piece of paper. I picked it up, dusted the dirt aside, opened it, and read it. "Upstairs is where you must be, that is, if you would like to see. The poor souls of your traumatized friends, soon might be nearing their ends." I threw the note out of anger and dashed up the broken stairs. There was no one. It was oddly quiet, and I felt like something was watching me. Bang! I fell to the ground.

I started to shiver. Then, I heard the sobbing again, but this time, there were two--no, three--no, four cries. Exactly how many people were being held hostage?! "Killian!" I heard one of the voices scream. Killian was here? But isn't she sick? I looked around the room. All I knew was that they were nearby. "Hello!" I yelled out. "[Y/N]! Is that you? We're here!" A voice sounding like Hanako spoke out. "Where?" "The pos-" A voice like Ivy's seemed to have been cut off. Wait, did they say the poster? I already tried that. Still, I attempted to walk through it again, and this time, I was able to pass through. I don't think that poster likes me. I ran through the long corridor that was behind the poster. It eventually led to a room with two doors. One on the left wall, one on the right. There was another note on the wall in front of me. I grabbed it and read it quickly. "There are two choices you can choose from, they both will conclude this war. If you're ready to pick one or two, walk through the correct door. One will lead to your dear friends, one will lead you to your demise. Pick quickly and quietly, and be extremely wise." I have never been good at common sense and general knowledge, so this was going to be a difficult choice. But at that minute, my brain began to work.

"KIRA! KILLIAN! IVY! HANAKO! ANYONE ELSE! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I yelled out. I waited to see if I could hear a response. Nothing, not at least for a good five minutes. "We--here," a voice from one of the doors spoke out. The second I heard this, I ran to the door on my right, for some reason. I yelled out again. "HELLO?! WHERE ARE YOU?" It was quiet, until I heard a scream, followed by scratching. It was coming from the door behind me. I ran to the left door. But it was locked. I yanked the doorknob as hard as I could, but that didn't work either. I picked up my leg and kicked the door down. "OW-" I yelled out. I just sucked up the pain and ran down another long hallway, except this one didn't have any light. When did this person get the time to do all this? This hallway had so many turns, so each time I had to switch directions, I hit the wall. Everytime. I think I hit my head about ten times. I was about to lose hope, and I was tired of hitting myself on the wall over and over, until I saw a light at the end of the hall. I fell against the wall, about to faint again, but I just wiped the blood off my face and ran quickly down the hall. I jumped into the light. "I'm here!" I blurted out as I got up. There they were. I jumped onto them and squeezed them tightly. "Kira! Ivy! Hanako!" I untied them, and removed the cloth that was covering their mouths. However, they didn't seem very excited to see me. They actually seemed scared, and Ivy even broke out into tears. "What even happened?" I asked them. "Killi..She's--" Kira paused. I didn't even need her to finish that sentence. She was gone.

I stood in shock. Killian was...dead? I mean like, she was 1,784. That's a good lifespan on Earth. But just to die of pneumonia? "Nevermind! She's gone. We have to go. Let's not let Kila's death go into vain." I said as I shuddered. I grabbed Ivy's hand and turned around to face the dark hallway. But there was no entrance there, just a wall. "Where did the exit go?!" Hanako blurted out. There was another note on the wall. I read it from where I was, too scared to move a foot. "You have two choices you can pick from, each with its own side effect. Pick the first one, you will live, but with a little defect. The others you love so dearly will all perish away, and then you'll be free to live another day. To pick a choice there must be two, before you decide what to do. The second choice will save your friends , and you will not be nearing your end. You'll be no human anymore, however, your head is alive no more. Pick a choice, I'll say no more. And yes, this choice is now all yours." At the bottom, it said my full name, "[Y/N] [L/N]"

The choice was mine? Why me? Why not someone else? What is a simple human girl like me going to do to "save the world" or so they say? "Kira, can you--" "Sure, I'll translate." Ivy was still in the corner, balling her eyes out, and Hanako was attempting to comfort her. Kira slowly read through the words. "You have two choices." "I know that! What are my choices?" "OK, OK! One choice is to live, while we just...die." Kira slowed her talking. "The other one is that you'll save the world, and your father, AND us. But then something'll happen to you. I don't know what, since they're not clear with it."

"You'll be a hero! Now choose wisely." I swiftly turned around to see Foxy holding Hanako, who was trying to run away. Chica was holding Ivy, who started screaming. I heard a footstep behind me, and turned around to see Kira being held by Bonnie. Kira was trying to punch and kick her way to safety. I fell into the corner of the broken down room so I could see them all at the same time. Freddy appeared next to Chica and Foxy, holding a mask that looked like a star. It reminded me of Sundrop and Moondrop. "Let's make this quick. You have a minute." Freddy said as the other three brought out weapons of all kinds. I couldn't think straight under all this pressure. I began hyperventilating, and magically, Sundrop came crashing through the wall on my right, followed by little Gregory. "I'm back--oh my stars, what is happening?" Foxy electrocuted Sundrop, causing him to go into shutdown mode again, and then Bonnie picked Gregory. I apparently waited too long. Ivy was the first. She ended up getting a knife to her neck. "IVY! STOP! I'LL DO IT!" I yelled out.

A/N: I got confused reading this chapter :3 ALMOST DONE I SWEAR! 

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