Night 15 - The Final Destination

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                 Sundrop finally finished rebooting after two hours. We packed the stuff together and started walking, even though I had much trouble doing so. I didn't feel tired at all that night. Moondrop was holding an old lantern we found at a previous stop, and Sundrop was holding me in his arms, yet again. It was quiet, except for some remaining animals that we could faintly hear and the sound of Sun and Moon's footsteps. I was bored, and I wanted to listen to music. I just started singing. "Someone wrote this song before, and I can't tell you where it's from. The 4736251 to put my mind at ease." Moondrop clicked a button on his chest, which played a familiar tune. It was a music box playlist. The same exact playlist that I play when I cannot sleep. I just looked at him, but then looked away. This playlist was calming. But I wasn't sleepy at all. "[Y/N}! Look! We're finally in Wisconsin!" Sundrop looked towards a sign that read "Welcome to Wisconsin!" The bright sun rose from the planet. Finally, after over five months, we finally arrived near the place we needed to get to. "The school's about a day's walk from here, and that's without breaks. Let's hurry before we're caught by the other animatronics." Moondrop pointed out as he ended his music box playlist. Sundrop put me down as he brought out another can of pineapple. I was getting tired of canned pineapple, but I had to eat it.

                 "I think I can walk on my own, Sundrop." I told him after I finished the can of pineapple. "No! You are injured! I cannot let you walk on your own, not yet at least." He snapped at me. "OK, OK! No need to snap at me." I cuddled in his arms. It was a warm day in June, yet I was feeling really cold. Unexplainable, some things are. But I still couldn't believe it. After five months of constant walking, running, being hunted down, we're finally almost here. Sundrop stepped through the border. We were officially in Wisconsin. "Moondrop, you said we had a day's walk from here to the bunker?" Moon nodded as he said "Yeah, a day's walk without stopping." "And Sunny Bunny here won't let me walk on my own." I gave Sundrop a not pleasant expression. "So why don't we just run to the bunker?! We've waited so long, so let's just finish this hell of a journey up!" I gave them the "Fist of Encouragement" and smiled, hoping that we would hurry to the school bunker. "Eh, sure, why not? After all, you've survived this long. Let's just get over to the dang place." Moondrop picked up the pace of his walking. "Well, [Y/N}! If we're going to run, then hold on tight!" Sundrop followed Moon as he picked up his pace as well. "Wait, what do I hold onto?!" I exclaimed. "Anything!" Sundrop said as his pace turned into a run. He and Gloomy Moony to our left ran so quickly. My hair was flying in all directions, and I just hung onto Sundrop with every bit of my grip. Eventually, we reached an urbanized town. Were we finally here? But something didn't feel right. We walked around the town until we found a little pathway, and we followed it. It led up to some type of--

                "No. No, no, no, no, no! This can't be happening, right? After all the time we spent?! NO!" I screamed out. There was a building there. There was a sign that read "Whitefish Bay High School." But the building was demolished, and it seems it was burned as well. I jumped out of Sundrop's arms and limped to the entrance. "No, no, NO! Why?! It can't be destroyed! Not after all of the things I went through! No! It can't end like this! Where are my friends?! Where's my dad?!" I yelled out. There was an echo. "I'm so sorry, [Y/N}." Sundrop arrived to comfort me. "Get away from me!" I pushed him away, but then I heard a voice. "[Y/N}? [Y/N}! Is that actually you?!" A familiar voice yelled out from the school, and a familiar pair of footsteps came running in my direction. "[Y/N}!!" The person jumped on me. It was Hanako. I fell to the ground, laughing and crying. "Hanako! You're okay!" Behind him, another head popped out of the broken-down school. It was Ivy. Another two heads appeared, belonging to Killian and Kira. Kira just appeared next to Hanako and dragged him off me. But then, controversy sprung up. The fact I was traveling with two "enemies" got Kira quite mad. Kira just leapt out of the school, and Killian flew over, and Ivy did the same. They didn't seem very happy with Sundrop and Moondrop. "What are they doing here?" Kira pointed over to the daycare attendants. I said nothing, and there was pure silence until Killian started coughing abruptly. "Killian, are you okay?" Ivy held Killian up so she wouldn't fall. Ivy took her back to the school, leaving me, Hanako, Kira, Sun, and Moon. "What happened to her?" I asked, extremely concerned. "She's...ill. The doctor says she might not live until next month." Kira said. That's when I noticed Tsukasa wasn't there. "Where's Tsukasa?" I looked at Hanako. "When the school burned down, it--" Hanako froze. "It-When the school burned down, it took Tsukasa down with it." "Hanako, I'm so sorry! I didn't know!" I hugged him, attempting to comfort his crying self. While this was happening, Kira took the opportunity to attack. She leaped onto Moondrop. "What did you do to my girlie?!" The both of them toppled to the ground. "Kira! It's okay! They're on our side!" I tried to pull her off of Moondrop. "This person cut the living hell out of you! What do you mean they're on our side? Animatronics kill us!" She was persistent, but I managed to calm her down. Then I heard a male scream. Kira sprinted to the school, dragging Hanako with her. Sundrop carried my limping body and went into the school, followed by Moondrop. I looked around the school, then saw a trapdoor. With no hesitation, I jumped in. Sundrop followed me, and Moondrop stayed up to "keep watch." There were rows of hospital beds, but many were empty. There were a few in the right corner of the room that were occupied, which I walked over to. There were 4 people there. Killian was in one of them. Another one was taken up by someone I don't know. Another was Tsukasa. He was barely alive, and had burns all over his body. And the last bed was occupied by a familiar face: my father. He seemed to have been affected by the fire as well. Apparently, Kira and Ivy, and sometimes Hanako, became doctors. "Get the murderer away from them!" Kira pointed a sharp tool at Sundrop. "OK, OK!" Sundrop took a step back. He then murmured something under his breath. "What happened here?" I asked as I put my hand on my unconscious father.

                 "If you want both the elf and the dead, Illinois is the place you should be led. However, if you don't want them to be ghosts, make this your priority most." "We have to go back to Illinois? Great." Moondrop scoffed and went back into the bunker. I didn't hesitate. Illinois was just a few miles from where we were. I wasn't thinking straight, and I ran. "[Y/N}! Where are you going?!" Sundrop yelled. He ran after me, taking Gregory with him. I didn't stop until I reached a sign that read "Exiting Wisconsin. Welcome to Illinois." I couldn't breathe at all, and I literally fell to the ground. Sundrop and Gregory caught up to me a few seconds later. "[Y/N}! What are you doing?" Sundrop picked me up, attempting to wake me. Eventually, I did wake up, a whole two days later. The boy was the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes. "Sun guy! The nice woman is awake!" Gregory yelled. I shot up. "Where are we?" I asked. We weren't in the same place as before. "We're in Illinois, nice lady. About ten miles off the border? Also, there's some creepy building over there." Gregory pointed to a broken down building not very far from where we were. With no hesitation, I got up and ran again. My eyes were watery because of the wind, and my head was pounding. The boy just followed me. He was surprisingly fast for his age, and managed to catch up to me. Sundrop sprinted and caught up with us. Within three minutes, we reached the building. It was a medical center. Why did I need to be here?

A/N: What type of FUCKING NICKNAME IS 'SuNnY bUnNy' and "gLoOmY mOoNy" I WAS SO CRINGE HELP-

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