Night 3 (Part 2) - The Morning After

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                 "Hey! What is your f*cking problem? Watch where you're going!" I yelled. "I am sorry. I did not see you there, ma'am. I apologize," someone said in a robotic voice. I looked up and saw one of those night guards. "Hello, [Y/N}. You are late to school. I am disappointed, [Y/N]. I thought you would do better. How dare you skip school?" "What the heck! Get away from me!" I got up and grabbed Hanako's hand, and I ran. "What was that!" Hanako said while running. "Just run! Questions later!" We ran into a nearby mall. "Oh my god. I think we lost it. But what was it doing out of school? Don't they charge during the day?" "What was that? Why were we running?" Hanako said, trying to catch his breath. "A night guard. They patrol the school when it's closed. But I don't know what it was doing outside of school." "Uh, [Y/N]? You can--" Hanako said. "I can what?" I was confused, and frustrated. Hanako looked down at my hand, and I realized I was still holding his. "I'm so sorry!" I snatched my hand away as my face turned pink (or red, whatever you want). "It's fine. Let's just get something or the other. Like whatever the young, white-head boy wanted." I bursted out laughing. "Boy? Killian's a girl, Hanako! And she's old!" "Wait, what? That person's a girl?" Hanako questioned. "Yes!" I laughed, so much that my sides hurt. "Wait, and how old is she?" "1,784 years." "Holy! That's older than me!" "How old are you, Hanako?" "About 17, in human years. I'm about 67." "Another old person! And Tsukasa too! So now we have three old people!" We laughed. I sighed as I said "We should get the stuff and go back. I don't want that thing finding me, or you." We walked over to the ice cream parlor in the mall. Hanako got chocolate and vanilla ice cream, and I got strawberry and orange sherbet ice cream. We licked our cones as we walked over the store dedicated to Vampires. We got a pack of tomato juice, cause I know that Killian loves these and drinks two or three at a time.

                 We snuck back to Ivy's house, only to see Killian having a full-on conversation with Ivy's mother. "Hey oldie! We got your tomato juice." I said as I carried the heavy box filled to the brim with 120 juice packets. Hey, look. I'm a human, and carrying a box with 120 packets of f*cking juice is heavy as heck for me. I was struggling so badly. Hanako was just there, holding my melted ice cream as he licked his. "Can you bring me a few?" Killian yelled from the other room. "Nah, get it yourself." I yelled back. I proceeded to grab one, and threw it to her. I threw a few more, and then I carefully grabbed my melted ice cream cone from Hanako's sticky hands. "Finally!" He shook his hand, for no absolute reason, and then went to wash it. Weird order, but okay, I guess. I looked for a clock as I finished my ice cream. "How does Ivy's house not have a clock?" I questioned. Finally, I found one clock, after searching for 20 minutes. I finished my ice cream by then, and I threw the cone away. "Dang! The time's already 12:45?" I blurted out. "Oh well." I sat around until Kira and Ivy came back, and Tsukasa just spawned along with them. "School was boring as heck. Good you didn't come." Ivy said. "IVY! LANGUAGE!" Ivy's mother yelled from the other room. "Oh my god." Ivy murmured. My phone started buzzing. I looked over to it. "The quarantine thing was lifted." "Oops. Oh well." Kira shrugged her shoulders. "Welp, I'ma head home. Thanks, Ivy, for letting us stay over." I said. "Me too, bye Ivy." Kira proceeded to exit the house. Tsukasa then said "Bye!" and then just disappeared. I walked over to the door, and left the household. 

                 "Hey, [Y/N], was it? Which way are you walking?" Hanako asked. "Oh, that way." I pointed to my right. "Let's walk together. My house is that way as well!" "Y'know, why can't you just disappear, like how Tsukasa does, or just fly home?" I asked him as we started walking. "I-." I looked at him with curiosity. "I can't fly. Well I can, but only extremely short distances." "Oh. Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't know." I felt sorry for him. "It's fine. Let's just walk home." I took off my off-the-shoulder shirt and held it. "Want me to hold that?" Hanako asked. "Uh, sure, if you'd like." I handed my shirt over to him. We walked for a bit longer, and we parted ways. Surprisingly, his house wasn't that far from mine. He was in the neighborhood over. Noted!

A/N: Ayy, I managed to get 3rd chapter in! Finally. The next chapter is really short- Until next time, bitches!

The Eclipse [Sundrop/Moondrop x Female!Reader] (COMPLETED!)Where stories live. Discover now