Night 7 - The Determination to Find Answers

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                 I opened the doors to the Daycare, and dragged Kira with me. I told Kira to go along the wall to the Sundrop Room while I distracted Sundrop. I thought to myself: "If he only registers me, and doesn't register Kira, then he won't go after her. Kira just needs to not be seen." "Helloooo! New friend! You're sure up late! Are we having a slumber party? Where are all your friends?" The tall animatronic grabbed me with his own two hands and brought me to the messed up rug. "We can finger paint, tell stories, drink Fizzy Faz until our heads ex-PLODE and stay up all night!" I just went along with it and gave the guy a thumbs-up. I peaked over to the Sundrop Room and saw Kira entering. I heard a door opening, and I saw the other four enter. Tsukasa, Hanako and Killian sneaked to the Sundrop Room while Ivy just waited there at the door. "New friend! Come here! Come here!" Sundrop danced over to Ivy and picked her up. He brought the strangling girl over to the messed up rug with me. "Hey, hey, are ya having fun yet? Are ya? Are ya?" He said as he looked like he was emoting. "There is only one rule: keep the lights on. ON. On..." No sh*t, Sherlock. We're not dealing with the demon version of you again. That was hell. I had the sudden urge to get ice cream, in the middle of a mission. Oh, how I love my cravings. Suddenly, the room alarm went off. The daycare was covered in a red hue. "Security alert! Security alert! Wooo! Wooo!" Sundrop grabbed us and inched towards the Sundrop Room. Wait! The other four were there! If we went in, Sundrop would see them. Sundrop put us down and began to unlock the door. I had to do something. I saw a lost-and-found a few yards away, I grabbed Ivy and ran over to it. With her help, we dumped all the bottles and other stuff out. Sundrop turned around and saw the mess. "Oh, no, no, no! What a mess! Rrrrrggh...clean up! Clean up!" Sundrop danced over to where we were. I ran over to the Sundrop Room and unlocked the door. I signaled Ivy, and we all ran out of the Daycare while the animatronic cleaned up the mess. I slammed the door shut. "Well? Tell me! Did you find something? Cause if all that work was for nothing, I'ma be so mad." I said as I gasped for air. 

                 "Endoskeletons. There were hundreds. But I don't know why!" Killian yelled out. "There was a secret room that led down a few stairs, then a huge room filled with rows of endoskeletons." Hanako followed. "Some were half-completed animatronics. One looked a lot like our teachers," Kira added. "And even one looked like a red-head pick-me clown!" Tsukasa said, even though we didn't need to know that. "But there was one that caught our attention: a few completed ones with names on them. Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie, Foxy, and Chica were the names, I think." Kira applied. "Oh, and the weird cupcake. Don't forget the cupcake. Carl, the cupcake," Killian laughed a bit. "Yeah, yeah. There was a cupcake, too." Kira went on. "But why are there so many endoskeletons? Are they trying to...make more animatronics?" "They better not! I'm not dealing with those again!" Ivy yelled from the opposite side. "Wow, it got dark fast." Hanako stated. "I'm out. I'm tired, so bye guys. I guess I'll see you tomorrow." Killian peaced, and left. Kira and Ivy did the same. I felt like something was up with them, but oh well. Hanako and Tsukasa also "flew" back home, and I walked.

                 I turned on my phone, which got cracked a bit, and wished my friends a good night as I entered my house. I pulled off my shoes and jumped into my bed. I was extremely tired, but had difficulty sleeping because of the earlier events. I grabbed for my phone, knocking down a few pencils from the table. I put on some sleep music. There was this one playlist I loved. It was based off Moondrop before he...y'know...became a sleep-killer animatronic. He was apparently made for putting children to sleep. They call the playlist "Moondrop's Music Box" and they say he used to play it when putting the little ones to minutes. I slept like a child that night, but a strange thing happened to me.bed. It was a beautiful playlist, with such calming music, I fell asleep in ten.

A/N: Bro while writing this, I was legit listening to Moondrop's Music Box- I FELL ASLEEP  THE MIDDLE OF WRITING, and dropped my computer on the floop :>

My mama came into my room whyle I was sleeping and saw this- :|

The Eclipse [Sundrop/Moondrop x Female!Reader] (COMPLETED!)Where stories live. Discover now