Night 3 (Part 1) - The Morning After

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                 "Did I have to sleep with a--cute--boy?" I murmured under my breath. "Listen, I'ma break the ice because I feel like talking to you. So what nonahumanal species are you?" Hanako said. "I'm not a nonahumanal, can't you see? I'm just a simple, average, boring human. So, what about you?" I replied. "I'm a Dead. And, sorry about, you know. I didn't know you were human." I entered the room, and saw a cute-looking bed. Was this room decorated by Ivy? Probably was. "I could sleep on the floor. You might be uncomfortable sleeping with a boy." Hanako said. "Nah, it's fine. Just don't touch me in the middle of the night. Sleep on the bed. I don't want your sleep to get ruined by me." I set up the bed, and put a pillow dividing the bed into two parts. After all that had happened, I was sweating. God, does Ivy's house not have air-conditioning? I took off my off-the-shoulder shirt. I noticed that Hanako was already sleeping. Cute. Sadly, all my hard work putting a pillow in the middle went to waste when his sleep took over him and he threw the pillow over to the floor. I crept into the bed, making sure not to wake him up. I tried to sleep on the corner of the bed, away from him. Oh god, Dad would kill me if he knew I slept with a boy. I couldn't sleep well that night, mainly because I kept falling off the bed, but also because my heart was beating so fast, I could hear it.

                 I woke up early, and decided to go for a walk. But, dang, it was freezing outside. I can't believe it: Ivy's house was cooking me alive, but outside was freezing me to death. Yeah, no thanks. I put on my off-the-shoulder shirt for no absolute reason. I'm not going out. "Boo!" someone from behind said. "AH! What the heck?!" I jumped forward. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you." It was Tsukasa. "Where have you been?" "Everywhere and nowhere. Isn't my brother clingy?" Wait, what? Does he know that my "FRIENDS" made me sleep in the same room as Hanako? He did say he was "everywhere and nowhere." "LITTLE BRO!" Hanako came running, his hands were wide open, as if he wanted a hug. Tsukasa stepped to the side, and I took the hit. Hanako crashed straight into me. "You never change, brother. Look what your clinginess did this time. Last time, Mom fell down the steps." "You don't need to lecture me." Hanako got up, apologized, and proceeded to hug his brother. My face turned red, and I could feel my heart racing. "Dang, y'all are so loud. Can't even sleep without getting woken up." Killian walked towards us, but turned to walk to the TV. She flopped down on the couch, grabbed the remote, and turned on the news. I chuckled as I thought, "Of course, she's an old person. She obviously would watch the news." "HOLY-! Guys, we're late!" Kira dashed out of the house, faster than the speed of light. Ivy clinged onto Kira as she ran out. "Slow down! You're fine if you're late for one day!" Dang, it was already 10. Ms. Johnson would be so angry, so I decided to skip today. Killian was glued to the couch, and Tsukasa went missing again. "I'm going to assume you're going to skip school?" Hanako said. "Y-yeah, my teacher would kill me if I'm late, so I'll just not go." My heart was still racing from the event. "Sorry about earlier. Sometimes, my clinginess gets the best of me. How about I take you out as an apology?" He held his hand out, as if he wanted to hold my hand. Oh. My. God. AHH! My heart was beating so fast, and my face was red as a cherry. Wait, was it cherry or tomato. Whatever! "S-sure, I guess." "Hey! If y'all are going out to get food, can you get me tomato juice?" Killian yelled from the other room. "Nah, get it yourself." I said as Hanako grabbed my hand and we left. "Do you have any specific places you want to go?" Hanako said as we walked. "No, not really." I replied. I was lying. I wanted ice cream, so, so badly right now. "I know! What about ice cream?" Hanako smiled, in that really cute way. I thought to myself: "BRO WHAT THE ACTUAL HECK? CAN HE READ MINDS?" "Yes, I can read minds. It's a pretty rare ability in my species, but I managed to develop it." Hanako said. Creepy, yet cute... I thought "HOLY! DID HE HEAR WHAT I SAID LAST NIGHT?!" "You said something last night? I can't read minds when I'm tired, for the record." "N-no! I said nothing! Let's just go!" My face was red, so I just looked away and started walking. "Hey! Wait up!" Hanako ran after me. But I crashed into something and fell.

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