Night 14 - The Realizations

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A/N: Where the fuck did I get these chapter names. I WROTE THIS A LONG TIME AGO-

                "Wait a damn second! We're in Iowa! How much have we traveled?!" I asked. It was a rhetorical question. That's when my phone, which I had stored in Sundrop's compartment, started buzzing. He opened it, and I grabbed it. It was at 3%, but that was enough. "All remaining persons. If you receive this message, report the Emergency Bunker that resides in Wisconsin. Thank you for your understanding." "I-" I said. "What is it? I don't have time for this." Moondrop leaned against one of the trees. "I-I think that- I think that I found-" "Spit it out, [Y/N]!" Moondrop barked. "I think I found them!" I quickly said. "You what?! That's great news! It's been a while, and I'm happy for you! Where are they?" Sundrop appeared out of nowhere and said. "In Wisconsin. Probably the one under Whitefish Bay High School." I replied. "OK, listen. Why did we even travel this far when we don't even know if they're alive? What if the bunker was destroyed? We're animatronics, y'know. We know more than you pests!" Moondrop said. "Moony! What are you saying?!" Sundrop said. Moondrop fell to the ground. "WH@7'$ H@PP3N!NG 70 M3?!" His voice sounded so distorted. Sure, he was rude, but what was he saying? It sounded way too familiar. My instinct told me to do something. I opened my bag, and sure enough, it was there. I grabbed the robot plush and just threw it at Moondrop. "Of course that didn't do anything!" I took a step back. Then the plush gave off a blinding light. I couldn't see anything, but after the lights went out, Moondrop was just on the floor. He didn't move an inch, nor say a word. "[Y/N], where the ("censoring because Sundrop cannot say heck!") did you get this doll?!" Sundrop picked up the plush. "It appeared in my room, and it told me to always carry it with me, so I did! Why?" "Never use this doll! Please!" "OK, OK! I get it! I won't use the doll, but why?!" I asked Sundrop. He stayed silent as he gently woke up Moondrop. "Moony..!" Sun said with a tone of urgency. "What?!" Moondrop jumped up. "We have to leave. To wherever [Y/N] said." Moon and Sun spoke about something else I couldn't hear. Then they got up and told me to follow them. Were they mad at me for using the doll? I don't know, but they didn't talk to me until we took a break.

                 We reached a pretty waterfall, and set up there. It was so quiet, almost too quiet. I felt uneasy, and even started hyperventilating. "[Y/N], just--Just don't ever touch, or even look at that doll. Please." Sundrop said. Moondrop was still recovering from whatever happened earlier. "Yeah, yeah, whatever." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "Look me in the eye and say that!" Sundrop grabbed my face so I could face him. "OK, OK! I won't touch the plush! I'm sorry!" I pushed Sun away. I just walked over to a pile of rocks and just crouched down. I sighed as I calmed down. My hyperventilating stopped eventually, and I just sat there. My mind was a highway of thoughts. My head was pounding and my heart was racing. All I could think was "What purpose do you have? Why were you born?" It was so painful to the point I began to cry. Moondrop walked over to me and sat down with me. "That doll's dangerous. It could kill you if you don't--" "I GET IT! Why can't you giant killer robots just tell me what this doll even does?!" "Moony! [Y/N]! We have to continue to Wisconsin! Let's go!" Sundrop's voice said as he finished packing up the supplies. "You'll see." Moon got up and went over to Sundrop. I followed him, wiping a tear from the existential crisis I had earlier. My legs pained so much, but I ignored it. Until I fell off a cliff. I felt a pair of hands on my back for a quick second and I pummeled to the ground below me. Did I scream? No, I didn't. I felt a weight off my shoulders as I fell. I just closed my eyes as I heard nothing but the wind and "[Y/N]!" However, I didn't hit the ground. There was a river, and I just fell into it. This river just led back to the waterfall. I couldn't breathe. There's two things before you should know about me: I have a fear of water, and I cannot swim. I was drowning.

When I woke up, I was nowhere near the waterfall I almost died in. I was in a plains biome. I was sleeping in Sundrop's arms. How many times will I have to be carried?! I'm not a little kid, anymore. "[Y/N]! You're awake!" Sunny looked down at me. "Moony! She's awake!" Moondrop came holding a canister of canned pineapple. "You're not allowed near water or cliffs ever again." Moon said as he handed me the can. "What even happened?" I grabbed the can and took a bite of a pineapple. "You drowned. Sundrop had to almost get electrocuted because he tried to save you. I mean like, how did you even fall off a cliff?" He(Moondrop) asked. "I-I--I don't even know." I bit into another pineapple. A silence fell on us. Sundrop was unusually quiet, until I asked my signature question again. "Where even are we?" "North-Eastern Iowa. We're almost at the bunker. Maybe another week and we'll be there." "And what happened to Sunny?" I asked. Moondrop just took a look at him and then responded "He's going through a reboot. He'll be back in 20 minutes or so. Don't worry. We can continue when he's back." Moondrop walked over and brought back a small roll of bandages. "You should take care of yourself better." He said as he tossed me the roll. "What are these for?" I asked him as I showed him the roll. He signaled me to look at my legs, which I did, and when I did, I saw there were many bloody cuts. "Oh, I see." I said as I began wrapping my leg with the bandages.

It took me about 10 minutes to completely wrap my cuts, but I ended up going through two whole rolls. It stung me so much, but I've been through worse. After a painful minute or two, I attempted to stand up and travel to the fire that was 10 feet away from me. I didn't make it two feet. "You okay? You seem like you need help." Moondrop crouched down next to my paining body. 'I'm fine! I can handle myself." I continued my crawling and finally reached the fire. I sat near it, while I questioned how I am where I am. How do I survive all these "accidents?" How did I go from a simple school girl in Arkansas to a survivor in the middle of a plain in Iowa? How did I, a human, become friends with two animatronics, even when I'm probably being hunted mercilessly by other animatronics? Why-- "[Y/N]? Are you okay?" Moondrop sat next to me again. "Yes!" I answered with no hesitation. I put on a smile, and asked where Sundrop was. "He's almost done rebooting." I nodded and looked towards the beautiful sunset that was occurring at that moment. "It's pretty, isn't it?" I asked Moon, who responded with a "It is." 

A/N: Bro, I think this shit is like...PG rated, istg-

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