Night 6 - The Daycare Attendant?

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                The flashlight was dim, but effective. "Naughty children...Naughty children...It's past your bedtime. You must be punished!" Sundrop wasn't there. Instead was this animatronic that looked like the moon. It had a night hat on as well as blue pants with stars on them. Many features were the same: the red bands on its wrists, the pointy shoes, the same body frame. There were only two things that gave me chills. One was its creepy smile. The other was its glowing red eyes that stood out in the dark. "Nighty night~..." it said. My instinct told me to turn on the lights, so I smashed the yellow button. It didn't work. I slammed it again and again, but no luck. Everyone else was in shock, they weren't moving. "Knock knock..." A voice from next to us said. All of us turned our heads to the side in such a slow way. "It's past your bedtime..." it said. All of us ran, faster than the speed of light. "We need to turn on the lights, then that thing will stop chasing us." Tsukasa pointed out. "Nah, really, Sherlock? How do we do that?" Killian yelled sarcastically. We just ran, while that thing chased us while saying "Hidey hide. Hide away." Did it want us to hide? "Generators! There was one in the room!" Ivy blurted. "Oh yeah! But we don't know how many we need to find." Hanako said. By this time, we made a full lap around the daycare. "There's five! I saw it when reading the papers. It was for a substitute receptionist." I said. I looked behind, to see that thing wasn't there. "Uh, guys? Where's the moon guy?" My eyes widened as I said this. Everyone stopped running. Kira caught on late and tripped on something. A wire. Kira got up as Killian walked in the direction of the wire. "I found one!" She yelled. She yanked its switch and turned it on. 4 more to go. We knew the location of the second generator, but we didn't know where the other three were. Kira's ear twitched. "Guys, we have to run. That thing is near us!" I heard it too. It repeated the same thing over and over. "Bad children must be found... Bad children must be punished..." "Where's the room?! Anyone remember?" Ivy yelled as she started crying. I heard another rev in the background. "I found another one. The one in the daycare attendant room." Tsukasa appeared. "So where are the other three?" Ivy screamed out. "I don't know," Tsukasa replied.

                 "Tsukasa, you can fly, right? Fly around the room to see if you can find any!" I commanded. He nodded and flew away. "Ivy, turn invisible and go to the playground. That thing can't get you in there. Find any generators. Killian, you go with her." Ivy nodded and went away. Killian followed. "Hanako, you can fly? Find me anything to make a distraction with. Anything, Bring them to the reception desk." "Yes, ma'am." He saluted and flew away. "Kira, you're the fastest of us all. Follow that thing, but don't get caught. Find if it has a pattern." "I gotchu, [N/N]." She ran off. I ran towards the reception desk. I scanned through the papers until I found those written to the substitute receptionist. "Ever in case of emergency, evacuate all children to the Sundrop Room. The lights out would cause a lockdown, so the children cannot touch any outlets, nor the Sundrop charging stati-" I didn't need to know this. I skimmed down a bit until I saw an about section. It read "During lights out, Sundrop was programmed to turn into Moondrop. Moondrop is supposed to put the children to sleep. However, he attempts to hunt down children that don't sleep, due to a virus.. There are backup generators scattered around the daycare, five in total. There is one in the Sundrop Room. However, the other four are unknown because Sun-Moondrop moves them around every time they are used." I heard another rev in the background. Hanako came back with a huge box of building blocks. "Can you still fly?" I asked him as he arrived next to me. "Yeah, but not for long." He said. "Take this flashlight and the box. Find the daycare attendant and dump these blocks." I gave him one of the flashlights, and he went off. A few seconds later, I heard "Rrrrrggh...clean up! Clean up!" It worked. I heard another rev in the background. Four down, one to go.

                 Suddenly, everything went silent, except for the faint sound of the generators. I heard a faint laugh in the background, but thought nothing of it. It was probably Killian, cause she has that old person laugh. But this laugh was getting louder. Until it stopped. I noticed something from the corner of my eye, and slowly turned my head to the left. Silence. I couldn't even hear the generators anymore. All I could hear was my heavy breathing. I pointed my flashlight to my left. "Nighty night~..." Moondrop leaped forwards and pushed me down. I dropped my flashlight a few feet away. All I could do was wiggle and scream for help; those were my only options. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't. Kira emerged from the darkness and jumped onto Moondrop. "Get off my b*tch, you sick animatronic!" She yelled. Moondrop scratched me like a cat and cut my right cheek. Kira tried to pull him away as he kept trying to attack me. Finally, the sweet sound of a generator hissed in the background. The three scouts who went to find the generators ran back, and so did Hanako, with another box of building blocks. Hanako dumped the blocks with the help of his brother. "No! Clean up! Clean up!" Moondrop quit on me and ran over to clean up the mess. I got up and grabbed the papers. "...every time they are used. After turning on the five generators, pull down the huge red switch in the Sundrop Room. This will turn the lights back on." I threw the papers and ran straight for the Sundrop Room. Killian followed me. I ran into the room and pulled down the switch. The lights flickered and then turned on. I heard a robotic scream. Moondrop turned back into Sundrop when I got back to the desk. After he put the blocks away, he turned to us. From his back emerged a bunch of arms. An arm grabbed each of our shoulders, and Sundrop walked towards the exit. "Rule-breakers, RULE-BREAKERS! You are banned from the Daycare!" He yelled. He put us outside and slammed the door. I checked the time. 7:45 already? We spent three hours trying to figure out how to not die to my favorite animatronic. Well, now my favorite animatronics. That demon was still better than Ms. Johnson. Killian scoffed and walked away. So did Hanako, Ivy, and Tsukasa. But I didn't. I leaned closer to the door. I wanted--no, I needed to know more.

A/N: Currently dying on the inside :> I'M SO SORRY IF THE CHAPTERS SEEM SO LONG AND NOT REALLY WITH THE ACTUAL LORE. THIS WAS WRITTEN FOR MY TEACHER- I had to make it kid-friendly, and easy to understand-

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