Chapter One

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" Are you doing this on purpose?" His stern voice asked as I stopped Half way now.... I turned to face him as his eyes were still on the laptop.

" Doing what Mr Knight?" I asked as he smirked still eyes on the screen.

" Provoking me Miss White. You can be innocent like hell but also intentionally make a man go crazy. And you seem to like playing Games with me." Now his eyes found mine as I stood there not knowing what to say. He got up rolling his sleeves up putting the cuffs in his desk." First you walk aroumd like the most innocent person, you make me go crazy every damn Day because I cant have you, then I kick everyone out of this floor to have you to myself and then you walk around in those short dresses. Do you like playing Games with me?

" I um.... Im not playing any Games with you I..."

" Come here... He ordered and my legs were gone weak but I walked to him..he was the most handsome man Ive ever seen.... My boss.... And i thought im invisible to Him.. After all he has a wife..." Sit... " He said looking at me now.

" Where..." I asked stupidely as he smirked sitting me on his desk now. He gently touched my thighs and opened them walking in between them... He was so close... Too close to me... " Mr Knight this is wrong... I whispered feeling his hand on my thighs and lips teasing mine...

" You should have thought about it earlier and not come in here in this you know what happens when you tease me? "

" No.....but.. But i, didnt tease you... Dont... Hurt me.."

" I should punish you... But, you are Lucky I have a damn soft spot for you... I wouldnt dare to Hurt you. But, that dosent mean Ill leave it like this... Ill give you a warning and make sure you understand who you belong too." He said as I gasped feeling his hand rip my panties off." You are mine... No one elses but mine. "


I sat in my office watching Mrs Knight walk out of Mr Knights office.... She was a beauty... Always so sophisticated with perfect hair, make up even clothes. She was the perfect wife and from what I always saw their marraige is really good. Yet, even though she is beautiful shes cruel as hell. She likes coming here every now and then, being cruel to everyone. I dont like her but who does... In the office we call her the witch. If Mr Knight would know we would get into trouble.

Mr Knight.... Or I should say Dominic Knight... The perfect man anyone has saw. He.. He is the object of my affection. Three years older than me yet the most dominant and handsome man. Any woman goes weak for him. I remember Starting to work here. Walking in and seeing those dark eyes and intoxicating perfumes... The way he looks at you makes your knees really go weak. I knew working here wont be easy especailly being his personal assistant would be hard. I have to work with him Twenty Four Seven, attend every meeting and go abroad with him. Its hard when he looks like this.... A damn sex god.

I dont know why but each time I see him, my heart beats faster....those damn dreams of having a family with someone like him.. Going out on dates and comparing Men to him.... I am... Well me.... Sweet, innocent Paisley. My life isnt easy.... I had to get a good job to pay my Parents debts i still have to pay for another few years... I didnt get to finish college... Yet I got a chamce at the most prestigious company in town. Ive been here Six months.... Six months of seeing a sex god every Day... Inagining his lips on mine. How Lucky his wife is. Tessa of course my Best friend, wants me to seduce him... Or try too. I dont do such things he is married... If he didnt have a wife.... Maybe... But I am not his type. Far too innocent and simple for someone like him. He dosent look my way, he is cold and stern but I noticed that only towards me. No one else.. No Other woman but me. Maybe he does not like me.

And here I am... Looking for a new job.. I decided i cannot do this to myself. I cannot work for someone that does not like me or want me here. Not only is he cruel to me, but also only our offices are on this floor. Its just me and him. No one else. I dont know why and I didnt ask. I tried to quit many times but the thing is he wont let me and I have no idea why.

" Mr Knight I have something Id like to speak to you about and...."

" No you are not can go."

" Paisley try again tomorrow... Right now you areny going to quit."

Every time I wanted to ask, or wanted to quit he wont let me. I dont know why when he dosent seem to like me. But now, he has to let me go. I have a lawyer thanks to Tessa and Ethan. Ethan ended up being Tessas boyfriend but also Dominics beat friend. I dont want to be near him any more.

With everything I made my way into his office... It was.. Dark and so intoxicating like him..the things I imagined here, i couldnt breathe from all the intensity and ecstasy...and there he was... A damn dream of every person..

- Mr Knight....

- Still trying Miss White?

- I have a right to quit and I will. I said as his eyes looked at me now making me doubt it all... - I have a lawyer. You cant stop me now.

My Bosses Second Half Where stories live. Discover now