Chapter Twenty

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                       - PAISLEY -

London was beautiful during the chrsitmas season... Christmas was coming up and as much as Id like to spend it with Dominic, i knew it is impossible. He will be with his family, and Claras. He will spend it with her, and I will spend it alone. Perhaps the next one, Ill spend with him. The decorations... Beautiful lights.. It all was breath taking. The sun shone so beautifully today making London look even more perfect. We were on our way to the dinner with Vincent. The least I wanted but as a pa, I had to go.

- Are you okay? Dominic asked stopping the car at the restuarant.

- Im fine....i said getting out of the car. We both walked into the restuarant seeing Vincent waiting for us. I didnt like not one bit.

- Paisley I have to take this... Dominic whispered into my ear as his Phone rang. - Stay here, dont go near him alone..

- I cant its not nice... Hell know that AI dont want to be near him. Take the call, Ill be okay. I reassured making my way to Vincent.. He smiled as always at me.

- Miss White.. Lovely as always. He said hugging me tightly. I swear his hand was going more and more lower.

- Thankyou, its nice to see you too. I said pullling away from Him, when he pulled me back.

- You my dear, are lovely.... You should be a damn Queen here in London. He whispered making me feel uneasy. I sat down as he did the same thing beside me. Maybe it wasnt a good idea.. But if i say something Dominic will give up the project for me. The project he was so happy about and took so many months.

- I dont think you should be saying such things to me. I said as he smirked looking over at Dominic who was walking our way sitting down across for me. His eyes burned through me as I gave him a warm smile. But Dominic didnt take it.

- Everything okay? Dominic asked looking directly at me.

- We are quite fine... We had a nice talk... Anyways lets get back to business.

They both spoke of business looking through the paperwork. I gave them all those papers and stayed quiet listening to their comversatiom... At one point, I felt a hand on my thigh but it wasnt, who I thought... I gasped feeling Dominics eyes on me... I knew whos hand it was.

- We should finish off. Well meet again tomorrow afternoon for lunch. Dominic replied getting up and waiting for me to do the same thing. I got up quickly standing beside Dominic....

- Is Miss white going to accompamy us? Vincent asked.

- No, we will be quite fine without Miss White.

- Great so then, you wont mind if I ask Miss white on perhaps, a date today.. In a couple of hours? I gasped hearing his words... I dont want to go any where with him not after he touched me. Before they could both say anything, I pretended to feel unwell and dizzy. Dominic caught me, giving me a look.

- I.. I dont think im quite fit for a date with you. Perhaps another time. I said feeling Dominics hand on me.

- Another time, we have to go now. Dominic said taking my hand into his. Vincent said something but neither of us cared.

- Havent I told you to stay the hell away frim him? Cant you listen for once?

                     - DOMINIC -

I hissed angrily at Paisley knowing it wasnt her fault... But I knew that the jerk touched her.. Im not that stupid to not realise that. - If you think id let you go with him you are wrong

- I, didnt do anything... I didnt know hes this desperate to....

- To what? What Paisley? I yelled as she flinched. It wasnt her fualt and I got mad at her although i should not have.

- Nothing, dosent matter. Itll be my fualt anyways... All of yous are the same, always blaming women for everything but you can do anything yous want. Im done fighting with you. Whatevet happened, i handled it.

This wasnt what I meant... Not in any damn way. Paisley didnt say a damn word to me all the way home. I knew this time I screwed up.

- Will you talk to me? I asked as she walked passed me. Not with me... Nit those damn silent treatments. I pulled her back sitting on the counter top. Her innocent eyes looked my way.

- I dont have anything to talk about with you.

- My love, you know I didnt mean to get mad at you. I was mad at him, im not dumb to not notice his Games... Im sorry Paisley... I dont want to fight. I said truth fully pulling her clsoer.

- I dont want to fight either. I didnt think hes this... Desperate and If i made a scene i knew youd give this project up.

- I would... And I will...

- No no you cant... Youve done enough for me before. Dont quit nothing happened.

- Did he touch you? Paisley?

- He did... But just my thigh.. Nothing more... She said innocently and as much as I hated the bastard i knew her well by now to know she will get mad at me.

- If he touches you one more time, i wont let it go... Never and I mean ever again.

- Okay... But i wont let it happen again. I wont come near him again alone.

- I wont let you... Dates... He can take Clara out on a date always wanted her. Not you.

- You are jealous. Paisley smirked looking up to me as I kissed her.

- I am jealous of you.... Only you.

My lips crashed onto hers pulling her closer. She was sweet... Sweet like candy and all mine. Only mine...i wish i fought for her earlier... I wish it all was different....  But I dont regret being with Paisley now.. Ill do anything i can do get a divorce as soon as I could.

                   - PAISLEY -

He put me down, turning me to face the view of the Streets as he slid my skirt down.... I gasped looking down and knowing all can see me.. Even though we were high up in the sky... His apartment was on the highest floor. He unbuttoned my blouse realising i wore my New lingerie set.... His eyes scamned down me in a way No one ever looked at me.

- You.... You are beautiful.... So damn perfect. He whispered into my ear as he kissed me.....

- I like those... Type of things... I bit my lip as he scanned me again and smiled. His thumb brushed against my lips.

- You... Are beautiful in everything. Whether you wear such things or not... You still are a work of art.. You make such things look better.

- But.. Do you like it?

- More than you know... But I like you more.... He smirked kissing me intensely. His hand played with the hem of my panties...

- Rip them off...... I have ten Other pairs... Please... Dominic i need you. I whisepred as he smirked ripping them off.

- You are perfection... Mine only mine..

- Yours... Only Yours.

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