Chapter Twenty Nine

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                       - DOMINIC -

Being able to take Paisely finally out as mine was the Best thing that could happen to me. For the past months from the momemt I met her I longed for this moment... To not be married to that witch but be with Paisley. After dinner, we went back to the apartment... Now our apartment. It felt good knowing we dont have to hide any longer.

- You know, I was thinking... For now we can live here.

- Dont you want a big house? I asked as we lay in Bed.

- No, why would I need a huge house? Im not.... I mean Im me... This is enough for me right now..... And maybe when we have Kids.... We can get a house... But I know you are used to huge of you want some thing big then...

- I dont.... I dont need anything huge. If this is enough for you its enough for me too. And when we have Kids well get something big...

Kids..... I never thought that Paisley would be mine... That one Day wed be laying in Bed together and talk about having a house or Kids... But we are.. She is mine, and one day well have Kids and be more than happy together like now. Paisely is just different.... She dosent want any thing big or huge to live in.... This is more than enough for her. And it is for me. Ill give her everything she wants and needs. Whenever she wants it.

- You know, sometimes it feels weird that Im dating my super hot boss Ive had a crush on for very long months.

- Super hot? I smirked as she nodded her head. Paisley was... Paisley. At times she could be so sweet and cute at the same time and sometimes she teased you so much with her innocence and beauty.

- Im not going to lie. You were always and still are super hot. You make my knees go weak. There isnt one thing that I dont like about you.

- Not one thing?

- No, not one thing...I like how good you are and how bad you can be.. I like how hot you are.... How you look at me.... I like your dark eyes and how they soften when you look at me. I like it all. And you? Whats one thing you like about me?

- One thing? I love everything about you... Your good heart, how innocent and sexy you are... I like your big brown eyes with all this sweetness, your smile.... I love all of you. I wouldnt be able to imagine being with anyone else that isnt you.

- I cant either... But it felt so wrong that I wanted to leave the company. And you wouldnt let me.

- Im glad I didnt.. I smirked kisisng those sweet lips of hers. I could spent the rest of my life kissing her. From the moment I saw Paisely I knew shed be mine.


- I think youll like this one Mr Knight. Shes Young and ambitious and very and I mean very sweet.

- I hope so, im tired if looking for some decent pa. If this one dosent work out dont look for any more Sally. I replied making my way to my office. - I apologise for keeping you Waiting, i had an important meeting. I replied walking into my office where I looked up to see the most sweet and innocent brown eyes Ive ever damn seen. And her smile... Sweet smile. She was the first woman who didnt try to get my attention by their clothing or anything like so.

- I understand Mr Knight.. Im Paisley..paisley White. She replied softly smiling. Even her name sounds so damn right...

- You have the job Miss White. Please come to the office tomorrow at Nine. I dont accept lateness.

- Of course Ill be here on time. Thankyou Mr Knight. She walked out with the biggest smile on her face as I couldnt get her out of my head.. Shell be mine... Only mine.

She always made everyone happier, never complained even when I was a jerk or yelled... Even when i made her work after hours.... I never thought that we would be a thing... All because of Clara.... But now shes gone from our lives... Or I hope she is.

                         - PAISLEY -

It took me a couple of weeks before I moved in with Dominic. He was busy and had to leave to Milan where I stayed and worked from here this time. At times when he leaves for long I dont go as he need ls me more here. While he was gone, i started to move in. Ethan and Tessa helped me a lot. I didnt tell anyone in the company yet that we are a thing I dont know what Dominic said or wants to say to them. So for now everything stayed the way it was. I dont need everyone to know.

I never thought in a milion years that Id be moving in with Dominic... Nor that we will be together. At times, i thought itll never happen and that Ill always be just his pa and this girl he sees behind his wifes back. Id lose hope of being with Dominic for real. But now it happened. And I couldnt be happier. I finished moving in, it would be my first night here and Dominic was coming back home too.

- Wear something sexy when he comes home! Tessa smirked as we sat in my office.

- Something sexy? Hes going to be back late...

- And imagine his face when he walks in to see his sexy girlfriend waiting for him. He always came home from trips to a drunk ex wfie... He had nothing to come home to and now he has.

- Who has? Liam asked walking inside.

- Um... Ethan.. We are Talking about ethan and Tessa... Do you need some thing?

- Well I wanted to ask you something. But if I interuppted then..

- No come in Liam in leaving any ways. And you, take my advice girl. Think about it. Tessa yelled as she walked out.

- What did you want to ask me? I asked standing up. Liam looked at me weirdly, suddenly leaning in and kissing my lips. Before I could comprehend whar was happening his lips touched mine and I instantly pushed him away.

- I like you Paisley, like hell I do. I wanted to tell you it before... But.. You dont seem like you feel the same way.

- Im sorry... Im so sorry Liam but I dont like you this way... I like you as a friend and only as a friend. Nothing more.

- Oh, thats... Thats fine.

- Liam...

- NO, i get it. Really Paisley dont worry about it. We can be friends as we always were.

- Are you sure?

- Super sure... Lets forget this.

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