Chapter Twenty Five

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                         - PAISLEY -

" Two can play the game Paise.. If you feel Hurt show him he cant do this to you... Although I am sure he didnt mean it, you can be a badass and prove him wrong." tessas words rang in my head, as I declined the driver Dominic send for me and I took Liams invitiarion. I wore a red dress with a cut on the thigh that was high up, higher than usual but not too high to Look out of place. I done my makeup a bit darker than usual with red lips. And I left my hair down and curled. I wanted to be bad once... Or maybe show him and that witch that I have feelings too and he cant kiss me and her at the same time, because if he keeps doing this all because she wants it and never told me, then hell lose me. Ive been patient.... Very patient and I still am. I believe in his love for me. But i am tired of watcbing them together.

I walked inside with Liam as some eyes flew to us. Of course Vincent was here too. But, I felt burning eyes through me seeing it was Dominic. That witch looked nice too and I couldnt help but compare myself to her.

- You are beautiful..... Liam whisepred as I grabbed his hand walking inside. We walked passed Dominic and the witch. - A drink?

- One drink. I said smiling as Liam went to get us a drink while Vincent came up to me.

- Miss White, what a pleasure to see you. I msut say you look like a Queen tonight. He said rather loudly and I saw Dominic clenching his fists. But not once has he Come up to me.

- Thankyou, Sir.

- I heard that you are taken, that man must be a Lucky man. I have to say, i am quite jealous of him. You are beyond beautiful.

- Thankyou Sir, but I dont think you should say such things to me.

- I think quite differently, that in fact I do. And should....he said coming up to me. Just as I felt a hand on my waist, but it wasnt Dominic, Liam.

- You okay? Liam asked as we Excused ourselves from Vincent. My eyes flew to Clara and Dominic smiling. As she looked so good.... Better than ever. I couldnt compare to her. - Paise?

- Im fine... I um...Sally is waiting for us, Ill go to the bathroom and come back okay?

- Great, Ill be with Sally then.. He said as I walked through the hall biting my lip. I found myself in that elegant bathroom... Everything about this place was elegant.

- What the hell did I think? You are so stupid Paisley.. Youll never compare to any woman here let alone that witch. I said to myself out loud as the door clicked locked.

- Its them that cant compare them selves to you, let alone that witch. I heard a stern and cold voice say, as I looked at the mirror to see Dominic stand behind me. - Are you trying to kill me Miss White?

- Im... Im not doing anything... I need to go Liams waiting for me.

- First, you wont let me explain, then you walk in looking like a damn Queen...with Liam by your side, knowing that I cannot do anything about it. He said walking so dangerously close to me feeling his perfumes.... - Did you forget that you are mine? He asked leaving kisses on my neck....

- Dominic.... Dont.... I need to go liam..

- Fuck liam...i dont give a damn about him right now. If he touches you again I wont hold back. He turned me to face him wrapping his arms around my waist...

- Dominic please... This wont work to night... Im mad at you. And i have a right to be. Go back to your wife....

- Call her my wife one more time and I will not hold back. And most of all call her Knight one more time...

- But she is that... She is your wife and... His lips crashed onto mine roughly, as he gripped onto my jaw.

- She isnt my wife... He said sternly. But something in him softened as he placed a loving kiss on my lips. - Im sorry... You are right, you have every damn right to be mad at me. I screwed up not telling you... But i really forgot. Only now seeing her in the office, i rememebered. Do you think Id do this to you? Hm? And most of all,  I dont let her touch me. Never and I mean ever. This was the first time in a Year... Months since she kissed me. I didnt expect it. But i didnt kiss back... I know you might think differently but I swear on everything Paisley i dont let her near me. You are the only important and only woman in my life. She purposely done it all thinking her Games will work once again. They dont. Not any more. You have a right to be mad at me Paisley but this is killing me... You looking so good, with him...

- I wore this for you.... Only you. I admitted as I rested my forehead on his.... - I wanted to tease you... Or rather I was mad at you and I wanted to.... Make you mad now too. But it dosent matter, I dont look like Half those women here...

- Because you are far more beautiful than all of me you are a work of art... You are beautiful and sexy and you are making me go mad...

I crashed my lips onto his intensely as he kissed back taking my thigh up in his hands... My bare thigh....

- We need to stop.... We need to go back there.... I said as he hesitantly just like me, stopped kissing me. - Im sorry too..... I acted like some clingy...

- No, no you have a right to. Yoive been patient with me more than I thought you would. I expected you to give up and get mad with me. But you still didnt...

- And I wont... Because Im not a type of person to push others... I know that you want to divorce her and love me so why should I push you?

- I love you, you know that?

- I love you too....i wish I knew its your get you a gift.

- You are my gift... My biggest prefer to spend this Birthday with you. Not here... I hate it because of Clara.

- Next Year Ill make sure you have the Best birthday ever.

- It already is because I have you. Spend the night with me to night.

- What about....

- Dont mind her... Shes going home soon anyways. And most of all shes already drunked up. I want you tonight that will be the Best birthday present I can get.. Especailly when you are this beautiful.

- Okay... I smiled as he kissed my lips leaving first. I dont know why but each time he comes near me, all I want is to for give him over and over again. I know he dosent want to Hurt me... Dominic loves me.. I feel it and I know it. Some may say I am a fool beleiving him but seeing the way he looks at me and wants to make things right... How can I not believe. Ido amd i dont regret it.

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