Chapter Thirty Two

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                         - PAISLEY -

I spent the evening painting a new painting I saw in my dreams... Ive had many dreams of this painting my mom has painted before.... No one else. She always loved this painting and wanted to give it up to the galery and i decided to recreate it. I dont know where Dominic was, but I couldnt help but think that he is with her.... That all this time, Dominic is with Clara and not me. He went to her... Will this always be this way? Will he always leave with her or not? Whenever she feels like it. Would he keep choosing her? I am a bit mad because he didnt even call me.

- Paise.... I looked up to see Dominic in the door.

- Did you have much work today? I asked cleaning the brushes after painting.

- Paisley I know, i acted like a jerk..

- You know what? You did... And it kind of Hurt and made me look like a fool. Just today, Ive been dreading to leave my office, what they all will say about us... Being with my own boss. And then she comes inside and without a word, you leave with her for the whole Day. I have a right to be mad at you. I said drying my brushes as I walked passed him.

- Paisley, i didnt mean for that to happen. I didnt want to Hurt you, for gods sake you know that I wouldnt do it to Hurt you. I didnt want her to make a scene. So I took her home.

- How many times will you keep taking her home? Will you always keep choosing her?

- I dont choose her! Dominic yelled as I Lost it.

- You do! And sometimes I feel like youll always choose her. No matter how many times she gets drunk or comes to you, you will always choose her. And Ill have to pretend that I am okay with this in front of everyome. Maybe it was better if no one knew about us... When I was your dirty little Secret!

- This is beneath you Paisley! I never trested you like my dirty little Secret. This was the first and last time I helped her.. I wasnt planning on again and I told her Parents clearly that I wont do it again.

- Until she calls again or comes.

- Are you really this jealous of her or do you not trust me?

- Neither Dominic! Neither! I was never anyones first choice... I always played the role of a good girl who sacrificed everything for everyone. I had two Foster families one becoming abusive... My Parents left me with debts and i sacrificed my life to pay them... And then I Fall in love with a married man, who says he loves me but still chooses her.... It just Hurts.. Because i can finally tel my friends everyome how happy I am, how amazing my life finally is to then being the gossip of the company that her so called boyfriend left with his ex wife. You have a great life, you had a beautiful wife.... You never had to give up on your self.. And most of all you were always everyones first choice. I was just your Secret.....and whenever i want to think differently something just hits me back into reality and I feel like some affair nothing else.

At times I feel like it... Like I am his dirty little Secret, nothing else. And then I feel like Ive said it all wrong and Hurt Dominic like now....

- If I make you feel this way then I didnt do a good job as your boyfriend. I heard him say as he Threw me over his shoulder making his way to the bedroom.

- Put me down and leave me! I want to leave Domninc! I yelled as he locked the door throwing his coat and rolling his sleeves up. He was mad... And looked at me so intensely my heart raced like never before.

- Maybe you weremt your Parents first choice... Maybe you had a hard life and sacrificed a lot... And i under stand that, but never and I mean never say that you arent my first choice or an affair to me. Do you think that if you were my second choice or a dirty Secret of mine I could have fun with, would I empty a damn floor to have you to myself? Do you think that id want you to stay at the company and fight for you all this damn time if you werent important to me? Do you think that Id divorce her. I mean if you are my second choice why the hell would I divorce Clara and try? I could have stayed with her, and lived here with you on the weekends. I could just pay you to keep quiet and be my Secret. Why the hell would I tell the whole company that we are together? Ill tell you why. Dominic stepped so close to me, wrapping his arm around my waist and one around my neck forcing me to Look at Him.

- Because you were my first choice from when I first saw you. You were my first choice from when I looked into your eyes.... You were my first choice every single damn day of my life. I done everything I could have to stop you from leaving, I fought for that damn divorce for you.... Only you. I went against her Parents, and her, i took out dirt on her to get her out of my life. I risked it all, even my damn reputation knowing what they can write about me, for you. I dont regret it, id do it over and over again if I could. Because you are and always will be my first choice. So never say you are an affair to me. Understand?

Everything in him burned looking at me with so much pain and emtions. I was his first choice.... I felt it now....god hes done so much for me and I keep acting so...... I felt tears in my eyes wanting to Look away but he wouldnt let me, forcing me to Look up straight at him.

- Do you understand Paisley? He repeated as I nodded my head Yes. He kissed my lips gently walking away from me.

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