Chapter Fourteen

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                    - DOMINIC -

I knew that Paisley had a harsh child hood... She never wanted to tell me. Now i know why.... But shes not a burden to me nor would I change my mind about her.. Or not love her. I love Paisley for herself. She is the most innocent and good person Ive met. She wont let me buy her a flower because its too expensive. When it comes to money shes independent. But i dont want her to see those gangsters again.. Just knowing that she does this each month... Blood boils in my veins knowing something can finally happen to her. And then I wont for give myself. If I can help and i want to why shouldnt I? I wouldnt let anything happening to Paisley. She is mine... My love... And id give her more than this. This is merely anything. I want to take care of her, and love her.. Give her everything she didnt have. All the love she deserves.

- I had two Foster families.. The first one was really nice, but I was too quiet for them.... And the second one, the same thing happened.. I was too good To be real. I was a scared child who was forced with strangers.

- How can anyone not want you? I smirked kissing her lips. Weve talked for a good few hours this time about Paisley... I was happy that she started to open up to me. I wanted to know more about her... But Paisley was always Secretive. Even when I met her she barely spoke just done her job without having to be asked of it from her. Shes been always quiet and shy. Its hard to get anything out of her.

- Just as much as I miss my Parents, I hate them for leaving me with all those problems. I couldnt paint or finish college because i needed to get more experience in something more real.....

- Well now, you wont have to give up anything. If you want to paint or teach it, do it. You dont need to give anything up now.

- Thankyou, Dominic... This isnt some thing that Im proud of or want you to waste money on.. But thankyou any ways.

- This is nothing Paisley and I dont want you to feel bad. If I can help the person I love why wouldnt I? But from now on tell me anything you want and that I need to know okay my love?

- Okay... Can I ask you something?

- Go ahead.

- Did you... You know.. By any chamce talk to um..Clara about a divorce? Paisley asked nervously looking at me.

- I havent yet.. Shes been getting drunk si much lately that I dropped her off at her Parents for now. Shell be back tomorrow knowing her, but shes getting out of hand lately.

- Its fine, i dont mean to push you. I was just wondering.

- Youre not pushing anything. You have a right to ask.

- So did you file that divorce yet? Ethan asked as we had a drink at mine. - Because you will right?

- I will.. I filed and im waiting for the papers. But shes drunk every Day now. Out of control.

- Jesus, isnt this honestly boring for her by now. Getting drunk, wasting money.

- On top of that I need to take her to that damn event with me. I need to tell Paisley about it. Were leaving to London again for a few days too. Ill try and recompensate there.

- Its nice seeing you actually having someone normal. I thought youll be stuck with the witch all your life.

- I did too..... Its only the beginning getting rid of her. But I will divorce her.

                         - PAISLEY -

- Ive so much work lately i dont know where to put my hands in! On top of that, we have this event to go to. You are going right? Liam asked as I nodded my head Yes....

- Im not a hundred percent sure yet if Ill go but...

- Paisley! I heard Dominic call me through the intercom. I looked at the watch realising I was attentding a lunch with him and Vincent. - Sorry Liam but I need to go. I need to be some where right now.

- Okay well then see you soon. I took my phone and coat making my way outside where i was told that Dominic is waiting for me. He was leaning against the car on his Phone... Every Day he seemed to be hotter.. And just Remembering how good he makes me feel... How he looks at me or touches me...

- Not only well be late but now you are daydreaming too. So whats distracting you my love? He said putting his Phone away.

- You... You distract me. I blurted out as he leaned down to my ear.

- Well I think we need to do something about it later on.. Because you seem to distract me to. If this lunch wasnt important Id take you home right now.. Perhaps my office. Whatevet is closer.

- Dominic.. I wont be able to....

- Concentrare? Thats how I feel around you everyday...

- Youre doing this on purpose.... Teasing me... I whispered feeling his lips on my ear. I hopped no one saw us....

- You shouldnt have been late... He smirked Opening the door for me. - But I can recompensate on the way.

- Your drivers...

- They dont see or hear... If youre going to be quiet then no one will know.

I got inside feeling my heart beat like crazy now... He makes me feel all kinds of things. His hand caressed my thigh as I closed my eyes hoping his driver wont notice. But he seems too wrapped up in speaking with Dominic. And he seems to have fun Teasing me.

- Mine....only mine.... He whisepred into my ear kissing my cheek. I was His...only his... Just like he was mine.

The ride wasnt long and ssoon we found ourselves at the restuarant yet walking in my smile faded. Seeing Vincent and Clara....

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