Chapter Thirty Four

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                         - DOMINIC -

- This is beautiful shell love it! Tess yelled as I asked her for help with a ring for Paisley. In some way a couple days ago I proposed to her. And I was serious about it. So I bought a ring something delicate for Paisley.

- So, bro you dont want to be in some way Free for a while huh? From one to another. Ethan smirked as we sat in my office.

- Really Free? I swear to god Ill dump your ass and find a man like Dominic. Tessa smirked.

- You are Lucky your sweet heart is easier and less stubborn.... Other wise youd be stuck with a pure devil.

- Whos a devil? My girl asked as she walked into my office with reports. The one thing about her is thar she is really hard working and when she has something to do she does it without having to ask of her and shes a really organised and the Best pa i had so far and Ive had many.

- Your friend sweet heart. Pure devil im getting married too. Well leave yous two to it. I need to take the devil to eat something. Ethan and tessa left leaving us alone.

- What going on?

- I have something for you. Come here... I said sitting her on my chair as I grabbed the small box. - Im not good at this romantic.... Things but I was serious about marrying you and only if you still are... Then I want you to be my wife.

- Of course I still do... I was serious too. She smiled widely as I put the ring on her finger. - Its beautiful thankyou Dominic.

- Anything for you love.

                          - PAISLEY -

The ring was beautiful and breath taking... Just breath taking... It was very simple but the way, I like it. I didnt say anything about our comversatiom, both of us were all over the place and I didnt know if he dosent regret it. And i wont push him after all he just got out of a marraige. On top of that we are doing everything quickly but neither of us mind it.

- My mom invited us to dinner to night. Dominic said as we walked to the elevator. I needed to attend a meeting with him.

- Your mom? I asked being a bit nervous about all of this...

- Yes, you met her before, and my dad wants to meet you too. Are you scared?

- Yes... I mean..i dont know what they think about all of this... You know us..

- Nothing bad or to worry about. They know why I divorced Clara and they have nothing against you. My mom knew something is between us any time she came here... Theres nothing to worry about.

- To night?

- Tonight... But if you arent ready then i wont push you. I really wont.

- No, Its fine... I mean I want to meet your Parents... But im different to yous. I didnt have a good life, i wasnt Rich....

- To them it dosent matter... As long as you are a good person which you are.

I was worried... After all I am different... I was in two Foster families, i had many things on my head. I dont know what shell think of it.... Or what his dad will think of it.

After the meeting we went back to the company. I worked for a while and afterwards Dominics driver took me home where I was getting ready for the dinner. Dominic had an online meeting so hed pick me up afterwards. I decided to wear some thing simple. If they dont like me for me then I cant do anything about it. I wont pretend to be someone I am not. Althoigh I wish I could.

I decided to wear the tight black simple dress with a black belt Ive worn before, i didnt think that wearing this dress would get Dominics attention in any way but it did. I tied my hair into a low ponytail with some light makeup. I decided to call Tessa before going there. I needed to talk to someone.

" Dont worry so much are beautiful theyll love you."

" After Clara I hope that I will be enough for them... She is rich and is pretty very... Sometimes I think shes prettier than me. She had everything she wanted...still does.."

" But she had an ugly soul and didnt know how to love Dominic the way you love him. She manipulated all of them. "

" Maybe you are right. I should go Tess, Ill call you later. "

- You are the most beautiful woman Ive ever been With. I heard a voice behind me sat as I smiled knowing who it was. - and you look really good in this dress.... He said kissing my cheek.

- Its nice.... I smirked as we walked out of the apartment as my hand intertwined with his.

- Its the dress you teased me with and I couldnt help myself around you any more... Neither can I now.

- Youll have to...this time I wont give in to you. Maybe after... When we come home but not now.

- After we come home, Ill rip it off you... He smirked.

- Just try... Its my favourite dress.

- Ill get you Five more of those dresses. Even prettier than this one.

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