Chapter Twenty Six

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                    - DOMINIC -

Seeing Paisley walk in, looking so sexy and attractive along with Liam something in me broke. She was mine.. Completely and utterly mine. Not liams, not Vincents not anyone elses. And hearing how she compares herself to Clara made me mad.. I shouldnt get mad at her.. It wasnt her fault... None of this was, if I could Id walk out of here with Paisley and spend my birthday just with her no one damn else. But I need to be at this damn event for another hour or so. I made my way out first, seeing Clara at the bar with Ethan. I have enough of her... Like hell I do. I saw Paisely walk out to Liam and Sally..... His hand on her waist... I swear to god Ill break his damn hands and fire him if he dosent stop. Paiselys sweet smile and innocent eyes looked at me and I calmed down a bit. I knew I cant make scenes here not now....a few more weeks and youll be all mine baby... And well let everyone know about us. I thought to myself looking over at Paisley. She was sweet and good. Even now admitting she wanted to make me mad coming with Liam and in this dress... Even make-up. Paisley dosent wear such revealing dresses or heavy make-up but looked beautiful... Breath taking. Always, whether she wore pyjamas or overalls, or a dress. Whether she had make-up or none.. Whether she had her hair done or messy... She was perfect and couldnt compare to anyone and I mean anyone.

- You alright? Ethan asked as I came up to him grabbing the drink from him. I needed it right now.

- Yeah, I have a talk with James I need to go. Can you keep an eye on her? I asked looking at Clara.

- Yeah sure. Ill look after her.

                         - PAISLEY -

Liam had to go home early so I was left with Ethan and Stella. We also had fun Talking and spending time together. Dominic had some meeting with James Stone that went on for an hour or so.

- Paisley its lovely to see you here. Clara said as she came up to me. I was waiting for Stella when she came up to me.

- Likewise...

- I have to say you look great.... You seem to Look beautiful.

- Thankyou, you are very beautiful too. I replied as she sipped on her drink.

- You know, i remember being Young like you... These kind of events were very fun to me. Especailly with my husband Dominic. I would do so much to fix what is between us... And last night we nearly fixed it all.

- You did? I Half whispered as she smiled widely at me.

- Yes....i can tell you because well, we are women, but me and Dominic nearly made love last night... If it wasnt for his Phone ringing then.. Thats why I assumed this party at his office would be a good idea.

Something in me broke.... And I felt like some fool again. But.. He would not do this to me. He wouldnt lie and say he never touched her to me. He wouldnt try to fix their relationship last night.

- Anyways want a drink?

- No... No um... I have to go.. I said leaving her behind.... I believe Dominic i really do... But at times I have doubts. I sat at the bar drinking the rest of my drink as I felt tears in my eyes. I never cry.. Barely only when I really feel like it. But right now I feel so overwhelmed that all I want to do is go home. My heart beated like crazy as I felt those damn tears stream down my face. Luckily everyone were nearly gone. I made my way out feeling so many emtions. Would he do this to me? Would he lie? Weve been through so much all those months and each time he said he loves me. And that hed always pick me... But her words... Tears streamed down my face now as the cold breeze hit my face.

- Paisley? I heard that stern voice i loved so much.... He walked up to me as concern was in his eyes. I saw it. He cupped my face drying all my tears that just kept streaming down my face.. - My love, whats wrong? Tell me.

- Did you.... Did you and Clara nearly.. Sleep with eachother? I asked feeling so much of my heart break.

- What? Where the hell did you get that from? Did she say that?

- Dosent matter... I want to go home. I whispered but Dominic being Dominic wouldnt give up. When it came to us he never did.

- Look at me Paisley, I was always loyal towards you and I always will be. When I say I didnt touch her I meant it. Nothing happened. What did she exactly tell you?

- That you and her nearly made love last night if it wasnt for your phone ringing. Thats why she done what she done in the office this morning.

- She is lying... Paisley I swear she is. There is nothing between us, and never will be. Its you and always you. Come with me my love, lets talk some where else. He said with so much care in his eyes. At times he was so gentle and loving towards me... I knew he wasnt lying to me. I knew it... I would feel that something isnt right if he slept with another... I nodded my head Yes as he kissed my cheeks and my tears of my face as we walked to the car. His driver knew about us and wanted us to be together too. He was a good man.... He drove us to the apartment. I didnt want to fight any more or ruin this night even more.

We walked into his apartment as I felt all those overwhelming feelings again.

- I believe you... I said after some silence between us. - you wouldnt do this to me...

- I never would Paisley... I know what she told you and all of this today could make you doubt me. But, I would never and i mean ever be able to do this to you, to sleep with her and then come to you. I know we are not in an easy situation but I would never ever cheat on you.

- I know... I believe you. Im sorry.. For ruining the night... I Just... I feel so overwhelmed sometimes.

- Hey, you didnt ruin anything. Nothing Paisley. And you have a right to feel overwhelmed. This is over whelming, im not making it easier for you. And on top of that Clara.....i swear on everything Paisley I didnt touch her, I couldnt touch or look at any Other woman since you walked into my office.

At times he was dominant and i liked it.... He could be cold and stern too. But he also could be the most loving man, you ever met. Gentle, caring and loving. At times I cannot believe that my boss.... Became interested in me. Paisley White with no Parents... No family. Who had debts on her head.

- You really do love me... I blurted out as he smirked pulling me onto his lap.

- Didnt you believe me until now that I love you? I know, im not the nicest, I can be cold at times... But I really love you. I never loved anyone the way I love you.

- Theres far more beautiful and more talented women out there than me and...

- Dont go there Paisley.. To me, you are the most talented and beautiful woman Ive ever met. And nothing can change that. I love you.

- I love you too very much. But, I dont want to be near Clara or anywhere that she is. She says such things making me feel bad....

- From now On Ill make sure she wont come near you. I cant promise you this but Ill try.

- I guess... I ruined the night.... Next Year Ill get you a present i dont seem like a good one.

- You are the Best present I could have gotten and you didnt ruin anything.

He smirked pulling me up bridal style as I couldnt help but laugh. He makes me feel better in seconds...and I know he always will.

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