Chapter Thirty One

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                      - PAISLEY -

I drowned myself in work all Day so that I didnt have to see anyone. I know that Dominic noticed that too but I didnt want the gossip. Dominic left to a meeting with Ethan and I made my way to drink some coffee when I bumped into Sally and Liam. We were close here since I started to work here. Theyve been my good friends. We went out every now and then. They knew Tessa too... Feeling their eyes on me... Sally came up to me hugging me.

- You avoided us all Day you idiot! I am happy for you! Sally yelled hugging me even tighter.

- Im sorry... I assumed yous thought that I... Ruined their marraige and think bad of me...

- Why would i? Mr Knight seems like he really loves you and we all noticed how furious he was with Clara. I wish i had someone who looked at me the way he looks at you. With so much love... I knew from the moment I met you that you and Mr Knight would be an amaozmg couple if it wasnt for the witch. But tell us, how bad their relationship was?

I told them as much as I could and only what I could. Nothing more.

- Well I am happy for you... Dont mind others.. Many women will be jealous as they wanted to be with Mr Knight. So, dont mind what they say. Form what I know everyone is happy and no one said a bad thing. Ill leave yous two to talk. Sally said as I stayed with Liam who didnt say one word.

- Please, Liam talk to me. You are my first and closest friend here. I dont want to lose our friendship.

- You could have told me.. Now hell fire me because I kissed you.

- No, no Liam he wont. Yes he knows but I wouldnt let him fire you. You can think all you want about me, but I wanted to leave this company because of my crush for him and because i knew he has a wife.

- I want you to be happy this was a shock to me but I wouldnt let any thing happen to you. If you are happy then Im happy.

- Thankyou Liam.. I said hugging him tightly.

- God all this time, i swear hell fire me. Liam said laughing.

- He wont... I promise you. And if he does Ill go with you....

- Well see about that. Friends?

- Friends. I smiled hugging him again. - Dominics coming... I lied as he jumped away from him... - You really are this scared of him?

- You know what Paise? You are Lucky I have a soft spot for you. And I like you... He smirked as we finished drinking coffee.

We all had so much work to do as there was a new project Dominic took up but not with Vincent this time. No one asked why but everyone were shocked to see that it wasnt Vincent this time.

- Dominic! I heard a yell as I looked up from my office to see Clara walk into the office with a bottle. Dominic was in his office as he looked up to see Clara too.

- What are you doing here? I heard Dominic yell pulling her into the office.

I didnt hear their comversatiom but after a good few minutes, he grabbed her making his way out of the office to the elevator. He didnt say anything to me. Nor did I understand what went on.

                         - DOMINIC -

- Im sorry for her Dominic shes been going crazy lately. Her mom said as I brought her home.

- I understand everything.. But she has no right to walk into my office making scenes drunk.

- Well try and hold her back.... All she does is party and drink with her friends... Shes getting out of hand. I really want to help her and stop her from drinking but I cant....

- I tried too...look, i found a therapist try this..but this is the last time I am helping. I have my own life and it isnt fair on Paisley to be coming here and helping Clara.

- Of course.... Ill talk to the therapist and her. I dont want you to use all your time on her... You have your own life.

- Thankyou. I dont want her to make a fool out of your self not now when everyone knows we divorced.

- You are a good person.. I wish my daughter really understood her mistake.

I went back to the office, to finish some things of but everyone were gone home. It was late anyways. I know I shouldnt have left Paisley for Clara. But I didnt want her to make a fool out of herself. So I decided to take her home. Paisley wasnt here so it meant she went home too.

- You still here? Ethan asked walking into my office.

- Yeah, Ive got some things to finish. Clara came here.

- She did what?

- She came here drunk... And made a scene that I left her and she wants money needs more and so on... Her typical shit.. So i took her home and talked to her Parents.

- And still nothing huh? What about Paisley did she see that?

- Who didnt... I acted like a jerk, i didnt even say a word to Clara. I Just walked out with her.

- Well you should have talked to Paise. She is your girlfriend now and deserves to know whats going on.

- I know that.... I need to talk to Paise.

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