Chapter Forty Nine

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                        - DOMINIC -

For Years, Ive asked myself if this love that you see in movies exist? If you can really find this one person that makes you happy and brings out the Best of you and most of you Fall madly in love with from the very first sight? I didnt believe in it..... I never did from the moment I was forced to Marry someone who made me nothing but miserable and most of all taught me how to hate life.... Nothing more than that....

And one Day..... One damn Day, two big innocent brown eyes looked at me in a way no one ever has... And it really felt like some movie.... For those eyes, I went crazy... For that angel smile, i broke all my rules and divorced.... For that goodness and kind heart i was ready to fight the whole World.... I was ready to go on my knees for. Paisley became the pure definition of love in every way. She taught me how to love, how to be good and how to be happy again.

Despite all our problems... All that we had to fight against... We won..and not only has she become my biggest and truest love yet also my wife.... Mine and only my wife.

             - PAISLEY -

My life had no sense.... I wasnt happy. I tried to make ends meet... I tried to be optimistic and I beleived in my fathers words... That one Day, I will find my Prince charming who will sweep me of my feet and love me like a princess. I didnt lose hope...

My Prince charming came in the most unexpected time... When I least expected it.... His cold eyes... Cold stare... He made my knees go weak without even realising. While his look penetrated everyone, to me it was the most wonderful look i seen. He savef me in ways i didnt think that any one can be saved. He brought sense and love and most of all happiness back into my life.....Despite all the problems...and hardships we never gave up on eachother... The love between us grew.. And keeps on growimg..he became my biggest supporter, family and my biggest and truest love.... And most of all my husband.... There is so much more a head of us... This is merely just the beginning...

- I love you Paisley Knight.....

- I love you too Dominic Knight. I said with a smile on my face as his lips kissed mine..... As I said this is just the beginnimg with many more beautiful things and moments a head of us, filled with pure love... And happiness. And i cannot Wait for it..... We cannot wait for more to come.....

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