Chapter Twenty Seven

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                      - DOMINIC -

- What a nice idea to have dinner together. Claras mom replied as I invited them all including my Parents to dinner. I needed to be honest with them omce and for all. I didnt invite Clara but she was drunk anyways.

- I am divorcing Clara in a week. I said knowing I ruined their moods. But mine has been ruined for the past few years.

- Dominic...i thought that you can help her and...

- Help her? For gods sake think about it look at her too! You are her Parents and you cant get her to stop. I tried, Ive wasted a few good years with her i was ready to pay for good therapists, i wanted to try and make this marraige in some way real. But I couldnt.... She dosent want to. Shes been clear with me. She wants to be with me just for the money because she knows when she divorces me, you wont give her access to money like I have. She hates me, I hate her. I cant live this way. I tried for many years, i tried to make this work. But you cant ask me to sacrifice my whole life for her. I have a right to have a normal family too. This isnt easy for me but I cant let this happen.

- I want you to be happy son. My mom replied as always.

- I do too... And you have every right to be happy. I want you to be happy son. My dad replied agreeing with me and mom. I knew this wasnt easy for her parents.....

- We understand Dominic... We in some way have forced you to be with Clara and Marry her. We thought shed change but.... She wont... She likes drinking and wont stop. We tried it all but i giess we have to try harder. You are a good man, who has given our daughter everything she wanted and needed. Not once has she not gotten something. You do deserve to be happy. Claras dad said along with her mom. The soomer i divorce her the soomer Ill start over.

- Thankyou for understanding me. But in order to actually divorce her, I have to be a cruel jerk. And use her drinking. And I need you to say the same thing on the day. I know she is your daughter but you know she will manipulate and we wont get a divorce.

- We understand... Well try everything we can to help you now.

- Ill leave her the house, Ill also leave her a few thousands for the first Year or so, so she isnt left without money. I have am apartment I started to move into, so she can have the house. Its up to you if you will sell it or live there wit her.

- Thankyou Dominic.

I done what I have to do, in one week Ill be divorced from that witch and well be able to start over. Live together, without hiding... Ill make sure that it is done properly that no one will talk bad of Paisley.

- So you are offically going to be divorced and then remarried. Ethan smirked as we went out to a bar.

- Remarried really? I dont even know if Paisley will want to Marry.

- Oh please... Why wouldnt your sweet heart not want to be your wife. She isnt this patient to be your girl friend all your life. Buy a ring and remarry her.

- And you? Didnt you propose?

- Oh I proposed... I damn proposed and giess what Tessa wants to get married on a beach during summer.

- Beach? I smirked knowing how ethan hates waiting. He loves tessa and when it comes to her he wants it all now.. Right now. And tessa is stubborn as hell and wants to Wait. At times I couldnt believe someone so stubborn like Tessa and impatient like ethan are a thing.

- Yes a damn beach! Apparently its romantic and cute.... She wants photos in the sea... Dont laugh.. Wait until Paisley starts planning your wedding.

- I dont think Paisley is this problematic.

- Of course not, Paisley is a sweet heart and mine is a devil... A stubborn devil that I have a soft spot for. But now, enough about women cheers to us.

                        - PAISLEY -

- Paisley do you have the reports? We need them asap, right now! Sally yelled walking into the conference office. We were busy with the project now almost being finished. Dominic had to be in London in a few days to finish of the project once and for all. Vincent was the Best client im town. A client everyone wants to do business with. Although I hate Vincent and so on, I knew he is a good businessman.

- Yes I have the reports here, does Mr Knight need them?

- Yes he asked me to bring them up but I dont have enough time. I have a meeting to go to with Liam. Please Paise can you bring them up to him?

- Yes sure, Ill be there in a few minutes. As his pa I had to organise Meetings, go abraod with him, attend all Meetings. I made my way to his office while rechecking all the reports once more. - Your reports... Sally couldnt bring them so... I looked up to see Dominic looking at me intensely. My cheeks burned form his gaze. - Did i... Do something wrong? Is there some thing on my face?

- How the hell do you look this good all the time? Are you trying to kill me Miss White? He smirked as I looked at him. I was wearing a tight white dress which was a bit shorter than usual. And I had white heels. My hair was in a high ponytial and I done some more make-up. I didnt see him all Day as we were all busy.

- No Mr Knight... Why would i? I smirked biting my lip as I placed the papers on his desk. He pulled me onto his lap kisisng.

- Just Wait until we are alone Miss white.

- I cant Wait... I might have a susprise underneath it.... But, I said getting up and fixing my dress. - You will have to Wait until later... Perhaps longer.

- Paisely.......

- I need to get back to work Mr Knight. I smirked walking out of his office.

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