Chapter Thirty Three

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                        - DOMINIC -

I understood Paisley and why she thinks the way she did... Neither of this nor our relation ship was ever easy... From the very begining it was hard with Clara and so on..... But i wont let her think shes am affair to me or a damn second choice. Whether i had a wife or not she is my first choice... Today was bad timing. I knew that they would gossip and I asked her to trust me giving them all a reason to make Paisley feel bad. But that dosent meam Ill keep choosing Clara... Ill always choose Paisley. We both said things we didnt mean, I was a bit harsh with her, but I needed her to know that no matter how hard of a person i can be... And how cold and heart less at times I am, i love her. I know I dont seem like it but I do love her. I wouldnt do all of this if I wasnt serious about it.

I came out of the shower seeing the Bed was empty. And it was late. I made my way down to see Paisley sleeping on the sofa. No damn way baby... We are not doing this. I thought to myself making my way down. She was even more beautiful asleep and less stubborn. I gently picked her up not to wake her up making my way upstairs. I lay her down on the Bed, going to my side. She cuddled into me before I could lie down as I wrapped my arm around her waist kissing her forehead gently.

- Im sorry.... I didnt mean to say all those things... I keep screwing things up and acting like some clingy attention seeker. She whispered looking at me now with her big brown eyes i loved so much.

- You are not a clingy attention seeker nor do you act like one. I want you to tell me when something is wrong like today. And I want to fix this. I know I act like some cold hearted jerk at times, and i might not show how much you mean to me or how much I love you but I do Paisley. And im trying.... For you. You are the damn reason I started smiling. I wouldnt give this up for anything. I dont want to lose you and I wont do anything to risk losing you.

- I love you too.... And you wont lose me... Im yours.. Always have been until you get bored of me.

- Then you are doomed with me for the rest of your life.

- Im fine with that... I should have understood that Clara needs help.. She is your ex wife after all.

- I did it so they wouldnt gossip but I should have at least texted you. I wont keep choosing her but you. But I swear to god baby we are not going to be that kind of couple.

- What kind?

- The kind that fights and one sleeps on the couch. We either figure it out or sleep angry at eachother but together baby.

- Okay... But Pinky promise? She asked Half asleep.

- Pinky promise.

No matter what we cant stay mad at eachother and figure our problems out. But thats what I love about Paisley.

                       - PAISLEY -

- Cheers to us! Tessa yelled as we went out to a club to night since it was her Birthday the next Day but she was leaving with Ethan. We decided to finally go out and celebrate.

- Cheers to you! I yelled drinking my drink... I dont like drinking much and i never get drunk neither does Tessa. While others partied to get drunk after two drinks we pretended to drink.

- I cant believe this... Last Birthday i was weeping in your Tiny apartment that I will never get married and how miserable I am and here I am getting married to the love of my life.

- A lot changed since then.... I was working almost three jobs waiting for a miracle to happen.

- And then a miracle happened and you were walking around and Talking of how handsome your boss is. I told you to use your charm and seduce him.

- I did the oppsotie i wanted to leave.

- Could have done it earlier. But seriously as Kids we always hoped to find a Prince charming to be happy with and look at us now!

- We found them....

- Like hell we did and we should drink for them next! We had another drink gossiping like we used to when we had those sleepovers. We danced and had so much fun together. Like never before.....

- I called Ethan and told him we are coming back but he send Dominics People to pick us up. Tessa said as she called ethan who was at ours having a drink or so with Dominic. Every now and then they go out too and so do we. They never tell us what to do or if we can go out.... Thats what some men cant understand. But not ours. We didnt drink much we have fun without all of this.... Doms driver picked us up and with in a couple of minutes we were at the apartment.

- This place is amazing...not like your cramped up Tiny apartment. You can suffocate in there.

- It wasnt that bad.... I laughed.

- What wasnt bad? Ethan asked as we stepped into the apartment.

- Those guys.... Oh god they were so damn handsome.... And sexy... One wanted to dance for me. Tessa teased Ethan who was getting annoyed but this was their thing....

- I swear to god woman you want be going out any where again... Did you hear that? Some sexy guys wanted to dance for them. Ethan scoffed as I felt two arms wrap around my waist from the back as I smiled. We havent foight again for a good few weeks since our last fight.

- Sexy guys? Dominic whispered into my ear bringing shivers down my spine.

- Very.... I smirked.

- I swear to god they cant be left alone. Even you sweet heart. Ethan said to me as always smirking. That was his nickname for me.

- Even me Ethan...

- But they were really hot.. Should have taken that guys number. Tessa smirked as he Threw her over her shoulder to the elevator. - Oh come on Paise lets go back to them.

- No thanks, Ill stay here with my sexy and handsome boyfriend. I said as they disappeared leaving us alone.

- So, Miss White, I dont think that was a good idea to let you go alone.

- Mr Knight you have ruined me for Other Men... I only have eyes for you. Nobody else.... You are the only man I can Focus on.... I smirked feeling his lips on mine.

- Im glad then.... Feelings are mutual my love.

His hands roamed down my thighs as I gasped letting his hand rip my panties right off......

- I can imagine all those eyes on you... And how beautiful you were.... He whisepred kissing my jaw as his thumb traced over my lips as I gave him more entrance now.... - You make me go crazy..more and more each Day. If I could Id make you wife... And then no Guy would even dare to Look your way....he said into my lips as I kissed him even rougher now.

- Whats stopping you from making me your wife? I whisepred as his kisses became more gentle as always kissing me slowly and softly as his hand found my intimate place where my panties should be...

- I didnt know if you would want to.

- Domimic... Of... Of course I want to be your wife... I whispered and before he made me scream from pure estasy he kissed me gently as I moaned in his mouth...

- Then be my wife.... He whispered kissing my jaw so gently and slowly he made my head spin.. - Marry me. This was everything i ever wanted..

- I thought after.... One... You wouldnt want another and i wouldnt push you. I whispered as he kissed my cheek softly leaving wet kisses...

- Of course I do... Everything is happening rather quickly between us not that Im complaning and i didnt want to push you...

- You arent pushing me... Im sure of you Dominic. Its either you or no one else. You are it for me.

- You are it for me are like a fairy tale and hope Ive been waiting for all my life. He said resting his forehead on mine as he put me down on the ground... - Will you Marry me Paisley White?

- Of course I will... With great pleasure...

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