Chapter Ten

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Three weeks have passed since the trip to London... The Best trip of my life... We spent two days together making love... Spending time together like never before.. Neither of us talked about his wife or so.... And since then we didnt. I dont like to mention her and neither does Dominic. I met a new side of him... A gentle and loving one. Everyone were busy with the up coming event which was to night. It was a big thing.... I never liked such events but I decided to go this time. And here I am... Shopping with my dear friend.

- How about this one and this damn lingerie? Tessa screeched showing it. I was his... I guess girlfriend but he has a wife too.... That he goes home to.

- No... No lingerie... I dont need it. I said seeing Tessa roll her eyes at me.

- You do! God knows what will happen to night... You need to Look better than Clara.

- What? I asked seeing her expression changed...

- I thought you know that Clara... Is going to be there too. I dont think he is happy about it but has to take her.

- Oh... I um...I didnt know. Ill take all of this and that dress then.

- Dont be know that if he wasnt in love with you he wouldnt want to be with you...

- Love? I think thats abig word.... I Just... I Just thought that hed tell me. He says he wants to see me there those Three weeks are... A fairy take but when reality hits... It really damn does hit. I wish he told me his wife will be there....

- And what? Wouldnt you come? You have to, dont let anyone put you down. You are perfect and deserve whats best after all youve been through.

- I know, im glad I have you. You are always there for me.

- And I always will be there for you. Tessa said hugging me tightly. - Be the damn Queen you should be. Show them all how powertful you can be.

                 - DOMINIC -

- Why the hell are you going when you are fucking drunk? I yelled having enough of her.

- For my husband... You cant keep me here or that poor keeper of yourz. Ill prove to everyone i am your wife.

- Not for long and do what you want but do not fucking expect me to take you home.

- I wont.... She smirked on our way there. My phone broke on me and I couldnt call Paisley all Day. On top of that, my People called and said she didnt come with them. I knew Paisley knew this witch is coming but not because I wanted her to come. She came because she forced me to take her. I dont give a damn about her. She can do what she wants. My People will take her home afterwards. I have Other plans. Plans that involve some one i care about.

- Get out. I hissed pulling her out if the car. - Do something stupid and you are going home.

- I wont.... Ill make sure to be a perfect wife for you.

- Go to hell.

- With you always.... She smirked as I made my way inside with the witch. But my eyes trailed to one person.... My person... She was beautiful,out of this World beautiful and delicate as hell. Saying no was like a crime to someone so innocent like her. Her big brown eyes looked at me quickly as she grabbed Liam walking away. Im not playing those Games baby....

                      - PAISLEY -

- Hey, Paise... You alright? Liam asked as I pulled him away. I wasnt okay.. Those past Three weeks I was in some way his... But was I his girlfriend? Who the hell am I for him? Seeing him with her... She is beautiful... They look good together unlike me and him. He should have told me shell come...

- Yes.. Yes im fine. I said faking a smile. It isnt the first time I see them at such event together but now it Hurts. Me and Dominic werent together as in, we havent really done anything than a kiss in the office since London. Both of us were busy those weeks. I missed him.... I really did.

- You dont look fine... Hey dont wory and loosen up... We are having fun to night. Okay?

- Okay.. Thanks Liam. I said as he hugged me tightly. He was a good friend but Other than that... I could not imagine anything with him else. - Im going to the bathroom will you Wait for me?

- Of course... Always.....

I made my way to the bathroom as I passed by them two...... Something in me Hurt. But who was I to say some thing and why did I wear that damn lingerie.. Of course hed go back with his wife. I grabbed the handle to be pulled in. The door locked and before I could scream it was Dominic angry, covering my mouth.

- What the hell... What are you doing? I half whisepred as his lips crashed onto mine.

- Arent you mine? He asked as I nodded my head Yes... - Then why the hell is he touching you?

- You cant do this Dominic... Not when you are here with your wife...

- Dont call her my wife... Never again. Anything but that. I wanted to tell you...

- did you? Look, i wont be this type of person who gets angry and yells or makes scenes..but for gods sake you have to understand me too! Im just a damn person... Seeing you and her makes me feel like a fool. Knowing yoi go home to her already makes me upset but seeing yous two.... It Hurt me... It has a right to Hurt me. Whether you think im dramatic or not. Im not some emotionless robot who wont feel anything. I knew what i got into but seeing her with you, it just.... It Hurts. Go back to her and them. Theyre waiting for you.

I said sighing but he didnt go... He clicked the door locked looking up at me as his lips found mine....

- You know this isnt what I, wanted... Nor for you to feel this way Paisley. Look at me... He said softly wrapping his hand around my throat softly as the other found the hem of my dress. - you are far more important to me than anyone else. Do you think I wouldnt prefer to come here with you? To make sure everyone knows that I want you? Do you think it dosent drive me mad having to take her with me? Pretend that she means something to me when you are every thing I can think about? I dont want to Hurt you or make you feel like some fool. I can be a jerk but when it comes to you, id never Hurt you intentionally.

I shiver from pure excitement from his touch... He makes me feel things i shouldnt... This isnt just a game any more... I dont know how far he wants to go or if he really wants me the way I want him but i am falling in love. Every single Day even more than before...

- Dominic... I moaned as his lips shut me up kissing passionately. He picked me up sitting on the sink and kissed me with so much care, my head spun. As we pulled away I couldnt help myself, wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging tightly.

- I wanted to tell you but my damn phone broke. So instead I sent my People to pick you up.

- I know but I declined.... I said pulling away from him. He kissed me again helping me down.

- I didnt want her to come... She wasnt supposed to come but she pushed me to take her or shed make a scene. She knows that my People are watcbing her and will take her home soon.

- And you?

- Im planning on spending this night with one person...the only person I care about.

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