Note on this story

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This story occurs in both past and present, showcasing the entirety of Angelique and Mattia's relationship from the day of their wedding forward. Below is a basic timeline of their story.

Part 1 - The first 16 chapters will show Angelique and Mattia's wedding day

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Part 1 - The first 16 chapters will show Angelique and Mattia's wedding day. It is held 14 years prior to the reader meeting Angelique (known as Bess) in my first book No More Tomorrows. It gets a lot of page space because it is a day that changes the course of her life and I wanted everyone to meet her before she she became someone else. Chapters will be in dual POV.

Part 2 - Will still be in the past for the sake of this book's timeline and will include the period of  their honeymoon, through their first eight years of marriage, the day she runs with her daughter. Then Angelique living as Bess for almost six years, right up to the day of the accident when she panics and calls Mattia. Majority of chapters in this Part will be from Angelique POV. 

Part 3 - Starts when Mattia arrives at the hospital and forces her to return to home with him and their lives back in Nevada. There will be small flashbacks to past events that shaped their relationship. These will be marked in bold italics to show they are a memory. Chapters will be told in dual POV as with Part 1.

The chapter POV will be marked at the start of each new chapter. 

Hopefully that clears up some questions I've had sent to me.

Thanks again for all your support of my stories. Please don't forget to vote and follow.

Have a great day!

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