Friendly Reminder

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This isn't a story update.

It's more of a please feel free not to read this free story if it's not for you update.

If you're hating where the story's going. Stop reading!

If you hate the heroine because she's weak and pathetic & the worst character you've ever read. Stop reading!

If you can't understand why as a sheltered 20 year old she's not strong enough to stand up to her parents or husband yet. Stop reading!

If you don't have the patience to watch the story unfold & see who she grows into. Stop reading!

If you want to tell me I've gotten everything wrong about a mafia style hero and that no amount of grovelling will make you forgive the hero. Stop reading!

If you feel the need to tell me how shit my writing is either in your comments or via direct message. Just Don't!

If you're not enjoying this FREE story then Stop reading!

Nobody's forcing you to read a story you obviously hate. As for messaging me just to tell me my writing is trash or shit I don't know why anyone would think that was okay?

I'm all for ranting about characters and their idiot behaviour, I do it too, it's what's great about this platform. But when you cross the line into nastiness or direct insults to me, then it makes me want to not bother finishing. You understand nobody's making you read my words right?

I'm a real person, taking time away from my family holiday because I wanted to keep this story updated regularly. This was meant to be enjoyable for me, right now it's definitely not.

This week's messages and comments are making me question why I am wasting my time.

In case you forgot - Kindness is Free!



HUGE THANK YOU for all your kind words. You sure know how to make me feel better!! 

My husband insisted I delete all the vicious comments and block the trolls and my notifications are already looking way better. No more nasty messages and I'm excited to write up my draft chapters tomorrow when I get home from holidays. 

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