Chapter 38: Tattoos and Truths

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Mattia POV

(1.5 Years Married)

T/W mention of eating disorder and acts of violence

I hadn't been able to spend much time with Angel since our last session and I could feel her pulling away from me. I'd missed dinner every night and been gone before she woke in the mornings. The only time we spent together was when I drove her to and from her sessions and she wasn't very talkative. I'd barely made my own session with everything going on, but I had been determined to keep my word. The one night I had managed to get home just after nine Mia told me that Angel hadn't joined them for dinner and was in our room reading. Both her and Antony looked worried.

When I'd attempted to lure her downstairs with the promise of scrabble and ice cream with my siblings she'd politely declined and said she had studying to do. Yet when I re-entered our bedroom after my shower, she was sitting staring out the window. Her textbook sat closed on the table beside her chair. My stomach felt uneasy at the thought that she had missed dinner and looked so lost, so I pushed my luck and sat at the foot of the bed.

"Angel I'm sorry I've missed dinner so much this week. We have made a breakthrough regarding the shooters and I needed to be..."

She interrupted me, turning from the window to speak with a voice devoid of any emotion. Exactly how it sounded when she first got home from the hospital.

"It's fine. I know you're busy. I spoke to Jaxon today and he has arranged everything I need for San Diego. If I have a choice of which guards travel with us, can I please request Rico. I'm comfortable with him. And I'd prefer Bruno not travel with us. He's exactly the type of hot those girls will fight over and I don't need to be breaking up any hook ups while I'm there."

I took a deep breath to make sure I didn't react to her request for Rico. I'd kept him alive despite his fuck up the day of the shooting because the footage made it clear he was forced to leave by my mother, and he'd also taken care of keeping Lester at the house when he'd tried to flee. He could have driven away himself after our call. Knowing he'd likely be killed for his failure of duty, he'd stayed there to ensure Lester was taken by my men proving his loyalty. Discussing it with Nico he rightly pointed out that our mama didn't stay in her marriage without a backbone of steel and if he'd attempted to refuse her that day, she would have not been happy. Angel had also begged me to spare him, saying she'd never forgive me if I killed him.

These days she always had at least two guards if she left the estate, with or without me. When we went to therapy together my men would trail us in a second car. On the occasions she went out without me, he was her main guard because I knew after what happened he was obsessive over her safety, and while I didn't like him, I did trust him to never leave her alone again.

I kept him away from her when I was around because she seemed to have a soft spot for him and I hated it. She felt guilty that day almost cost him his life.

"Of course. Whatever makes you comfortable. Mia is incredibly excited for your trip."

She gave me a small smile and stood from her seat.

"I'm a little tired so I'm going to shower and head to bed. I'll see you tomorrow afternoon for therapy?"

The way she spoke made her last sentence seem like a question.

"Of course. I'll be here at four to pick you up."

I watched her walk into our ensuite bathroom and once I heard the shower running immediately called Baxter.

"Mattia what do you need?" I liked that he didn't make small talk, just straight into asking what I needed, knowing I wouldn't be on the phone if it wasn't urgent.

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