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Angelique POV

Every girl dreams of her wedding day and I was no different. Mine might have come about a little differently to most, but I was still excited. My dress was beautiful, our wedding planner had ensured the venue looked magical and most important of all, my husband to be was incredibly handsome and always very kind when we spent time together. 

As was our tradition I was a virgin bride. I had a feeling he wasn't a virgin, but after many hours thinking on it, I've decided that at least one of us should know what we're doing. He's also six years my senior and Mama tells me sex is different for men. I haven't told anyone but I'm actually excited for my wedding night, I'm hoping Mattia makes it enjoyable for both of us. I have no regrets in remaining a virgin until now, hearing the stories from girls in both high school and college, most say their first time gave them no satisfaction. I'm hoping my wedding night with Mattia goes differently. 

We've shared kisses in the last three months since our engagement party, some of them have almost gotten out of hand, but he's always reigned himself back in and ensured that we keep to tradition. Much to my disappointment. I didn't even know my body could feel some of the ways he makes me feel, but I'm definitely looking forward to married life and finding out all the ways he can make my body react. 

I hear the knock on the door before it's opened by my father. He wanted a quiet word with me before I started taking photos with the bridal party. With no sisters or female cousins I didn't have any family to participate in the wedding so I'd chosen my best friend from college, Rachael, and Mattia's younger sister Mia. We'd become very friendly during the planning of the wedding and I thought it would be nice to include her. Traditionally there would be a lot more people in a wedding party but we had discussed it and Mattia was fine with keeping things intimate. 

My father's face when he saw me in my gown was everything I wanted. He was a very hard man who always had high expectations for me, but he was also kind to my mother and I. Kinder than some of the other fathers I'd been around. I'd obviously been raised to respect my parents but I actually also liked them. I admired their marriage. And today I wanted him to think I looked beautiful. I wanted him to be proud to walk me down the aisle to my future husband. Symbolically giving me away to Mattia for his safe keeping. After twenty years he would no longer be the number one male in my life.

"Look at you! My Angel! I don't think you've ever looked more beautiful. You look just like your Mama on her special day. She is going to cry when she sees you in this gown." 

His approval meant everything to me. I'd deliberately asked my mother to wait until I was fully dressed before she saw me in my gown today. I'd been keeping a secret from her. We had gone wedding dress shopping and I had bought a beautiful Galia Lahav gown, but wasn't actually wearing it until the reception. I had chosen to wear my mother's dress to walk down the aisle. It had been her mothers and I loved the idea of continuing the tradition. She had been a little sad when I'd pretended I preferred a modern gown, but as was her quiet way she'd smiled during my dress fittings and would never complain. It was my father who helped me access the dress for some small alterations, lucky for me we were a similar size. 

"Thank you Papa. I wanted you to be happy and I hope she likes the surprise. I appreciate your help to pull it off. I love the idea of walking to my husband in the dress Mama wore on the day she became yours."

His smile was small before he leaned in to pat my hand, but as he gave out smiles so rarely I felt like every single one was a win. He wasn't an overly emotional man and was away working a lot  when I was growing up, but he was also kind when he was home and treated both my mother and I fairly. Mattia reminded me of him, which was why I felt comfortable marrying a man I'd only been engaged to for three months. I hoped for a marriage like my parents. Obviously we'd been betrothed a lot longer than three months, with the Wedding Pact being signed the day Mattia turned sixteen. I'd only been ten, but even then thought he was cute. Thought I was a lucky girl that one day he'd be mine. 

Papa took my hands in his and helped me sit on the chaise lounge in the corner of my dressing room. 

"You have always made me happy Angel. You are a good daughter. You have followed my rules and never once embarrassed the family. I know I was the one who accepted this betrothal for you, as is the way in our culture, but I do think he will be a good husband for you. I think you will be happy. I have high hopes of many grandchildren from this union. Your responsibility is to be a good wife and do your best to make his home a happy and welcoming place. After the days we spend in our world, coming home to a wife like your Mama, or you, is all any man wants. I know these days that seems old fashioned but it has worked for hundreds of years, both here and back in the old country."

I nodded my head. I'd heard this speech in many variations over the years. The woman's role in a family was to ensure her husband was welcomed with a warm meal, affection and a place he could relax. In return he would provide for her every financial need and keep her safe. Many of these unions even grew to include love. That's what I hoped for. Some of my college friends found my betrothal at such a young age very strange but I'd never known anything different. I'd always known this day would come.

"I know Papa. I will do you proud. I will do my very best to make Mattia happy and ensure our home is a peaceful one. He has agreed that I can complete the last two years of my college degree as long as it doesn't interfere with the running of our home so I'm already grateful he is who you chose for me."

"That is good. I've been around him many times over the years and he seems to be a smart and reasonable man. There was some contention when I explained that you would not marry until after your twentieth birthday, instead of the usual eighteen, but your mother and I wanted you to be of an age I felt was appropriate to cope with marriage and he agreed."

I was grateful I'd had those two years living on campus like a "normal teenager" before I returned to my home to prepare for my wedding and marriage. Commuting wasn't difficult now that I was back home as I had a driver and could study during my daily trips. College had opened my eyes to many things and I was hopeful that I could possibly incorporate some of them into our married life. We would have to wait and see.

He gave my hands a squeeze and stood from his seat. 

"Come now Angel. Your mother will worry if we make her wait any longer." Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a small jewellery box. I already know what's inside. 

"I wanted you to have this before we step out of this room. You already know what it symbolises, but I want you to agree that you'll never remove it Angel. It contains a tracker which means I can always find you if you need me. Promise me."

Opening the small Blondi Gioielli jewellery box I felt my eyes fill with tears when I saw the beautiful Pomellato Iconica double banded rose gold and diamond ring that I would always wear on my right hand. This ring and wearing it on my right hand signified that my father was stepping back to allow Mattia to be the main male figure in my life. Breaking tradition, the ring he chose had two bands, to signify both him and my mother. It was stunning.

I'd been presented with a diamond Promise Band from the same jeweller, that was placed on my ring finger by Mattia on the day the Marriage Pact was signed and there it had remained. It was joined three months ago by my engagement ring. A stunning four carat Pomellato rose gold square cut diamond ring. Today my wedding band would complete the trilogy. 

"It's so beautiful Papa. Thank you. I will never take it off. I love everything about it and will think of you and Mama every time I look at it."

He helped me place the ring on my finger, my promise ring and engagement ring joining it for my walk down the aisle. Ensuring my left ring finger was bare ready for my husband to place my wedding band there. Never to be removed again. 

"I'm glad you love it. Now come, your Mama is waiting."

Taking one last look around the room that had been my childhood bedroom I knew that my life was about to change in so many ways. I couldn't wait. 

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