Chapter 12: Goodbye and Good Luck

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Angelique POV

The wedding day was finally over. What a roller coaster it had been. Nothing like I had wished for, or even planned, but still there were moments I loved. The special moments with my mother and Isabella. The way Mattia looked waiting for me at the end of the aisle. The sweet moments we shared later in the evening. Dancing La Tarantella with our families. Watching Antony flirt with Rachael and her pretend not to notice. Mia's excitement over everything, she was a beautiful soul. And most of all watching the pride on my father's face every time someone complimented him. I knew it was old fashioned, but I had been raised to please my father and I got great joy from watching him so happy today. Everything had been worth it. Even the hard parts.

"Are you ready to leave Sweetpea?" I couldn't help but smile at the pet name Mattia had given me today. When I'd asked him earlier where it came from, he admitted he did not know, that it popped into his head and the smile it brought to my face meant it was staying.

"I am. Where have you booked us to stay tonight? I hope it's not far because I'm ready to get out of this dress and heels."

The filthy smile he gave me let me know he'd taken my words differently than I intended. I felt myself blush. Sometimes I hated my fair skin.

"I've arranged the honeymoon suite at the MGM Sky Lofts for the next three nights. I have some business I must deal with tomorrow that might not resolve in one day. Unfortunately it may delay our departure for Italy so I thought keeping the room for additional nights was safest. My mother tells me you love their spa facilities so I wanted to take you somewhere you'd be happy during the day while I was busy. I know it's not ideal, but sadly this issue cannot wait. I hope you understand."

Looking at him while he spoke, I couldn't lie and say I wasn't disappointed that we were not flying out tomorrow as planned, but I was grateful he'd thought to book extra nights in such a beautiful hotel. Lounging in the honeymoon suite would not be a hardship. The thought of some spa treatments after the stress of planning the wedding day was not unwelcome. I had been counting the days until our three week break in Italy but if that took another day or two I would survive.

"That sounds beautiful Mattia. I do love their body scrubs and hot stone massages. You might return to find I've melted into a puddle of relaxation."

His smile was indulgent as he took my hand and lead us towards the farewell line. I was hoping his kindness would remain once I explained about his need to use condoms until his STD tests came back. I wasn't sure how he'd react honestly, but I would not change my mind, so we would have to wait and see.

We approached our parents, ready for our formal farewell for the night.

"Farewell to you both. I hope tonight is the first of many nights of a happy marriage between the two of you. Your foundation begins today, and you already know the importance of this union. I expect good news from you both soon."

His father had a serious look on his face as he gave us his goodbye and I had to admit he still intimidated me. A lot.

"Leave them be Alessio. They know your expectations. Tonight is for passion and patience. Remember Mattia it is your duty to see to your bride. Do not disappoint me son."

She gave me a tight hug before whispering in her son's ear. I'd love to know what was said. He kissed her cheeks then turned us towards my parents.

"You've done us both proud today Angelique. I wish the two of you a long and happy marriage. Be sure to bring me back a case of Amaro. I can never get a good bottle here."

Mattia shook my father's hand after I hugged him tight. I would miss my parents these next three weeks. I'd never gone so long without seeing them so it felt monumental.

I turned to my mother and she had such a sad look on her face. Seeing me looking at her she quickly smiled. I guessed she was going to miss me as much as I would miss her.

"I will miss you Mama but I will call with news of my adventures in Italy."

She pulled my face down and kissed both my cheeks.

"I hope you enjoy your honeymoon Angel. You deserve a life full of everything good in this world."

After hugging my mother's small body tightly to my chest, I released her for Mattia to kiss both her cheeks. We were finally done with the formal parts of the wedding, now the Farewell line where guests would clap and whistle to lead us out of the reception. It was often a very rowdy affair.

Mattia took my left hand in his and held our fisted hands aloft before shouting Arrivederci, to which everyone replied with Buona Fortuna. This was the start of the farewell where our Goodbye was responded to with Good Luck by our guests. This was meant for the wedding night, meaning they hoped we were successful in creating a baby. That was definitely not happening.

Mattia broke with tradition by scooping me into his arms. There was loud applause and whistling, I could see his brothers shouting out their happiness. His act of frivolity was so out of character for him that there would definitely be talk after we had taken our leave.

"What are you doing? Everyone will talk." Even though I said the words, I was secretly thrilled with this act of affection and looped my arms around his neck.

"Let them talk my Angel. The men know why I rush and the women too. You are irresistible in this gown and I find I cannot bear the extra moments it would take your little legs to walk you out of this large room. So hang on tight."

With that he gave me a bounce in his arms and I couldn't help but laugh, he had been fun while we were getting to know each other these last three months, but never this carefree. I loved it!

As the cars to the door finally closed he turned to me with a huge smile and I took a large breath before saying "Mattia we need to talk."

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