Chapter 24: Weaponised Words

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Mattia POV

(6 Months Married) 

T/W Discussion of death of a parent

What the fuck? Where was I? Why was I on the floor? My mind felt like it was full of sludge and my back was killing me. Rolling onto my stomach I slowly pushed myself to standing. The room was spinning. Jesus how drunk did I get last night? 

Taking a seat at my desk I felt eighty years old with the way my body was aching, my hands were actually shaking. What the fuck had we done last night that I was this hungover? Advil. I needed Advil and water. Gallons of water. Rummaging through my drawer I got lucky. Pulling a bottle of water from the mini fridge under my desk I guzzled the whole thing without taking a breath. Advil could wait, my thirst could not. Bad idea. Almost immediately I realised it was about to come straight back up. My guts were heaving and my ensuite was too far, I grabbed my garbage can as my body exploded.

What felt like hours later, my heaving stopped and I slowly walked the mess into my ensuite bathroom to deal with later. No need to upset my already queasy gut with the look or smell of that. The pounding my head had tripled with every heave and it felt like my brain was trying to push its way out of my skull with brute force. 

Turning on the faucet I took a few mouthfuls of water and spat them out, getting rid of the foul taste of vomit in my mouth. Looking at myself in the mirror I was a mess. My hair was disheveled and my top three buttons were undone. Were those fucking hickeys on my neck? Jesus I was a wreck. Clearly my brothers and I had tied one on last night. Wonder where they ended up?

Taking my seat again I took small sips this time. Not wanting to anger the hangover gods and end up puking my guts up again. Two advil and half a bottle of water later I was feeling a little more stable. Looking around my office I realised it must be late, the sun beaming through my large windows was high in the sky. Where was Jaxon and why would he have left me on the floor? 

Spotting my mobile phone on the desk I press the power button and the screen is blank. Of course. These new phones needed to be charged every day or they'd go flat, the state I was in last night charging my phone would have been my last worry. Connecting it to my charger I wait for it to have enough juice to power up. I needed to get one of those portable power pack things Dante was always rambling about. He said with tech these days you needed one in your car, your brief case, your desk. 

What did Dante say the more you spend, the quicker it dies... I felt myself chuckle before my brain lurched.



Mama was dead. 

Angelique was unconscious after surgery. 

Both shot.

Left the house without a guard. 

My beautiful mama was dead. Gone.

Angelique was to blame.

My stomach heaved again at my thoughts and I barely made it to the bathroom before bringing up the small amount of water and Advil I'd just consumed. The tablets burned on the way back up and I felt my eyes fill with tears thinking about my mother and memories flooded my brain. Mama was gone. Gun shot to the chest. Doctors at the hospital said she would have died instantly. Didn't suffer. Angelique took a shot to the stomach and was in surgery for almost five hours. Massive internal injuries, major blood loss and she also had a broken nose and right eye socket but they didn't think she had any brain trauma.

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