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"Why are you always late?!" Dinah exclaimed with a laugh as I entered my apartment, setting my keys down along with my bag, I frowned since I noticed Nate was nowhere to be found

"How did you get in?" I asked as I sat on the couch next to them with, huffing a breath since I had walked very quickly over here since I knew she'd hate me if I arrived any later than I already had; I just lost track of time! Even if I only talked to Lucas for a little bit, it was nice... there was still so much I wanted to ask him, to tell him; but that would have to wait for another time "I don't remember giving you a key."

"I've know you for ten years El, I know where you keep your spare key." Dinah said with a laugh, I only shook my head with a laugh as Dani smiled softly, she was flipping through bridal magazines. Oh, no.

"Please tell me we're not doing what I think we're doing." I groaned as I covered my face with my hands, Dinah looked at me with an eyebrow raised

"You alright there? Ever since you came in you've looked all frazzled and out of breath." she laughed as she continued flipping through magazines, glancing at me every once in a while "What did you do?" she said with an excited smile

"Nothing." I answered as I grabbed a magazine and flipped through them quickly, I heard them close their magazines as they looked at me with smirks and raised eyebrows. Dammit! I was caught. "I didn't do anything!"

"Spill, El." Dani said with a smly smile as she and Dinah inched closer, I groaned as I covered my face with my hands again "Come on, then!" she urged with a smile

"I saw Lucas." I muttered, they gasped softly and then wide smiled appeared on their faces "What?"

"What did he say?" Dinah said with a smirk "Where did you see him?"

"We just talked, about him mostly." I said with a shrug "And I was at the coffee house when I saw him." I added and they nodded softly, their smiles never leaving their faces "I just... it was... ugh, I don't know." I groaned

"Nice?" Dinah suggested and I merely nodded "Thought so." she mused with a smirk and I glared at her slightly "Don't look at me like that." she said as she raised her finger at me "I'm not the one that was sneaking around with my ex." she giggled and I smacked her shoulder slightly

"I wasn't sneaking around!" I exclaimed "We just talked as we waited for our coffee!" I said with a lught groaned "I knew I shouldn't have told you guys!"

"Wait, is that why you were late?" she asked and I nodded, Dani chuckled "Eleanor, you slut!" she laughed and I gasped at her as Danielle laughed loudly

"Shut up, D!" I said as I groaned loudly "Come on, grab your magazines and let's look; let's forget about this!"

"Whatever you say."


"Hey!" I said with a wide smile as I heard the door open as Nate stepped inside, I stood up quickly and went over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck as I pecked his lips softly "I missed you today." I pouted and he laughed as he entwined our hands together

"What did you do all day?" He asked and I shrugged

"Went out for coffee and then cane back to help Dinah with wedding preparations." I said, Dinah smirked softly as she merely shook her head and stood up, followed by Dani, who greeted Nate and then excused themselves, saying that it was late and that they should get home

"You filthy little liar." Dinah whispered in my ear with a smirk as I opened the door, ushering them out the door "Karma will soon get you, love." She winked playfully "This will be exciting." She whispered and then was hauled away by Dani who tugged her arm as he waved at me while shaking her head at Dinah

"What was that all about?" Nate asked as I sat on his lap, his arms quickly wrapped around my waist as he kissed my neck softly, I smiled

"Dinah being a typical weirdo." I whispered with a chuckle, I then turned back to him and kissed him softly "You hungry?" I asked as I glanced at my phone, checking the time "It's only seven." I said with a shrug "We should go out tonight, just the two of us."

"We haven't had a date night in a long time." He agreed and then sighed deeply "Where do you want to go?"

"I'm thinking Japanese." I said as I patted my finger on my chin "Been craving it for a while." I said and he looked alarmed

"Should I be worried by the word cravings?" He muttered "Is that your way of insinuating something?" I laughed loudly as I shook my head, kissing his cheek

"You're too cute." I cooed as I pinched his cheeks with a smile "I'm not pregnant, babe." I laughed and he sighed heavily

"Thank God!" He exclaimed and I frowned "I nearly had a panic attack."

"What? Don't you want children?" I asked and he nodded

"I do, just not now." He answered "I don't think I'm ready." He shrugged and I nodded

"Fair enough." I shrugged as I stood up "I'll go get ready." I said, but he grabbed my hand, tugging me towards him

"You look beautiful, gorgeous." He whispered as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, I blushed slightly as I bit my lip "Perfect, as always." He added and I smiled softly

"Shut up." I whispered as I ducked my head onto the crook of his neck with a smile "I'll be out in a little bit."

"I'll be here." He said with a playful smirk "Waiting on the beautiful lady, as always."

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