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"Are you almost here?" Dinah's voice said as soon as I picked up the phone, I rolled my eyes slightly but smiled nonetheless

"Yes, D. I'm almost there." I said while chuckling, I heard shuffling before a new voice spoke

"Get here soon, she looks amazing and the dress is beautiful!" Danielle exclaiemd with a light giggle, causing me to laugh slightly as I payed the cab driver and stepped out in front of 'New York Bridal', the most famous shop for wedding dresses in New York.

"Hi, are you here with someone?" the hostess asked as son as I stepped into the shop, I nodded slightly, breating in the warm air from the shop since it was very cold outside

"Yes, I'm here with Dinah Williams." I said, she looked at her notepad and nodded, motioning for me to follow her.

Dinah had met her fiancé, Andrew about three years ago and got engaged a couple months ago, she couldn't wait to go dress shopping so she booked apointments all over New York as soon as posible; she seemed really excited. her and Andrew were probably the most perfect couple I had ever seen; Dinah had never really been one to have serious relationships, but as soon as Andrew came along, it's like it was meant to be. She instantly fell in love with him and I couldn't be more happier for them, they really were amazing.

"El, over here!" Danielle's cheery voice exclaimed as she waved me over, I smiled and waved back as I started making my way towards them, when I saw Dinah, I nearly fell over

"Oh my God..." I whisped as I covered my mouth with my hand "Dinah..." I breathed "You look...."

"Amazing, right?!" she said with a bright smile, the lady brought over the veil and Dinah was at a loss for words, her eyes started to get glossy and soon enough she was crying; all three of us were "I promised I wouldn't cry..." she croaked as she fanned her face, laughing lightly "Sorry, I've just been really emotional lately..." she told the workers, who only smiled softly, shaking their heads dismissively at her

"It's fine, we get that all the time." the lady who was attending her said with a smile "So, is this the dress?" she asked, Dinah looked at the dress one last time, before glancing at me

"What do you think?" she asked "It's kind of maid of honor duty." she muttered and I gasped "I was meaning to tell you sooner, but.." I squealed as I made my way towards her and hugged her tightly

"Yes, yes! Oh my God, D!" I squealed "This is it, this is the dress!" I said, Danielle nodded excitedly as she giggled

"You look amazing Dinah." she said with a smile

"Yes, this is the dress."


"How's New York been treating you so far, El?" Danielle asked as we sipped on our coffees like we did every day, it was our little routine "Is it as amazing as you imagined?" she grinned

"I'm just starting to get used to living in such a big city." I said with a sigh "Nate's loving it, though. Living together, his movie is doing great, my book is doing great." I said with a sigh "It seems like everything is starting to get really good."I breathed and Dinah smiled softly, resting her hand above mine

"I'm glad, El." she smiled and I nodded "You needed happiness in your life." she said with a small smile and then turned to Danielle, who was very quiet "You both did." she added, causing Danielle to crack a small smile

"Hey, pretty ladies." Andrew's voice rang, snapping me out of my thoughts as he snuck into the booth where we were a sitting, planting one quick kiss on Dinah's lips. I felt a pair of arms cup my face, causing me to turn and smile at my boyfriend as he kissed my cheek

"Hey gorgeous." He said, sending me a sly wink as he took my cup in his hands, sipping it quickly as I slapped his hands as I gaped at him "Ey, ey!" He exclaimed "Stop it!" He scolded, setting the cup down as he raised his hands in defense

"Thanks." I said, kissing his cheek again "How was the meeting?" I asked and he rubbed the back of his neck

"Stressful." He sighed while shaking his head, as he waved a waiter over so he could order something "But we're already planning some locations so we can film," he said, running his hands through his hair softly "we'll film a couple weeks here and then maybe move out to L.A later." He said with a shrug and I nodded excitedly

"Sounds exciting." I said with a grin, he nodded slightly

"So, what did you three lovely ladies do this morning?" Andrew asked as he turned to Dinah with raised eyebrows and an excited smile "Anything you care to share?"

"Not really." I answered before Dinah could, God knows she was dying to tell him that she had found the 'perfect dress'

"Ah, is that so?" He said, shooting her his award winning smile we all knew she couldn't resist. "My love?" He said, his grin widening, she groaned loudly but squealed shortly after

"God, why do you have to be so cute?" She groaned and he smirked proudly before swinging his arm above her head, resting his hand on her shoulder as he pulled her close "I found the dress." She muttered and he looked at her with a smile

"Really?" He asked in surprise and she nodded softly, biting her lip "Can I see it?" He asked

"No!" The three of us choroused, earning a snigger from Nate and a heavy sigh in defeat from Andrew

"Can't blame a guy for trying, eh?"


Picture of Holland Roden as Dinah on the side.

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