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The wedding ceremony was now over and everyone was at the reception. The whole group was sitting together along with Dinah and Andrew. They hadn't managed to keep their hands off each other since they arrived, they were currently having their first dance as an official married couple. I hadn't had the chance to talk to Eleanor and I needed to, don't ask why.

"You okay, man?" Jake asked as he patted my back but then wrapped his arms around Dani's waist who looked at me with a sad smile

"That's going to be you two one day." She said, causing me to duck my head as I rubbed the back of my neck, sighing deeply as I shook my head

"I don't think so." I muttered and she wrapped her arms around my neck as Jake looked at me with a sad smile "We'll never be like that again, even if we ever get a second chance." I added as I sighed into her shoulder, her grip on me tightened as she squeezed me

"You guys are so meant to be together." She said once she had pulled away "There are no two people more perfect for each other, Luke. You literally complete each other." I blinked as I rubbed my nose and sighed again

"I'm going to get a drink." I muttered and she looked at me sadly before nodding and going back to Jake as she whispered something into his ear as he looked at me sadly as well.

Did I really look that miserable? I felt like shit. I jut didn't think I looked that bad.

"Excuse me," that melodic, sweet voice said as people tapped their champagne glasses with their silverware "thank you." She whispered before smiling sweetly at the crowd, causing my heart to clench "First of all, I'd like to congratulate the bride and groom. I can't think of two people more perfect for each other." She added and I laughed at the irony since Dani had said the exact same thing about us "D, first of all I want to say you're the most beautiful bride I've ever seen." She said as her eyes met Dinah who smiled at her as she grabbed a handkerchief and gripped it tightly in her had; I guess she knew she would need it "I don't even need to threaten Andrew to take care of you, because honestly I know he always will, something I won't be able to do as much as I would like anymore." She added as she smiled in Andrew's direction as he nodded his head at her as he smiled "I met Dinah on my first day of high school and I remember the first thing she told me was 'You seem like you're not a stuck up bitch, stick with me and you'll be fine, what do you say?'" She added, causing the crows to chuckle "And ever since that day Dinah has been my best friend." She added and Dinah smiled at her as she wiped her eye with the handkerchief "We've been through so many things in the 9 years I've known you; those are memories I will treasure forever and I love that I got to spend them with you. You've also helped me through my darkest days and just... made everything better." She said shakily as she sniffled slightly "I love you for that D, so thank you." She said and her voice cracked "Thank you for being the sister I never had. I could never imagine my life without you because honestly, I wouldn't want to live in a world where there is no Dinah Williams." She added and slowly raised her glass "So I would like to toast to my sister and her husband, who I know will have a very long and healthy life together."


"Come on, dance with me." Dani said as she extended her hand out to me as she stood up, I sighed as I shook my head

"Not in the mood Dani." I said as I twirled my drink around looking at it absentmindedly

"I need to talk to you." She said as she gripped my hand, pulling me up and leading me to the dance floor "What the hell are you doing?" She hissed "This is a wedding and you look miserable."

"I don't know, Dani." I said as I rubbed the back of my neck "I'm just... waiting for her to make up her damn mind or whatever." I muttered and she rolled her eyes slightly "What?"

"You're pathetic, Luke." She said and I chuckled slightly

"Thanks, heard that one a lately." I said as I dug my hands into my pockets "What am I supposed to do Dani? I'm not going to beg her to be with me; either she loves me or she loves Nate."

"She loves you, Luke." She said as she crossed her arms over her chest "It's clear as day."

"Then why isn't she here telling me this? So many people have told me the same thing but she hasn't." I said with a shrug "I love her, but... this is just to hard." I said as I clenched my jaw "Te thought of losing her again just... scares the hell out of me."

"So tell her that!" She said as she slapped my arm

"I have, Dani!" I exclaimed "All I do is tell her how I feel about her and she just... fucking makes it harder for me." I said and she looked at me slightly "I just don't want to be one of those guys who's world revolves around one girl but... I already am." I said with a light shrug "She's it for me." Dani bit her lip as she stopped dancing and looked over my shoulder, I glanced over and... there she was. My Angel.

"I'll give you two a minute." She whispered before walking off, leaving me looking at her as I stood in the middle of the dance floor as she looked at me while tucking a strand of hair behind her ear

"Care to dance?"

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