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"Whoa, what is that?" Jake groaned as Danielle struggled to control her giggles along with the other girls "That shit is colorful."

"It's eyeshadow, babe." Danielle said as she dipped her brush in the powder and swirled it around "Close your eye." she said and Jake groaned

"Why? Are you going to poke me with that blue shit?" he muttered and she chuckled

"I just might if you don't shut up." she threatened before sweeping the powder across his eyelid "See? Not so bad, is it?"

"This feels so weird." he groaned with his eyes still closed as Danielle continued to put more vibrant colors on his eyes which looked ridiculous "Does this shit even come off?" he groaned "I don't want to look like a rainbow threw up in my eyes."

"Yes, it does come off." Dani laughed "With makeup remover."

"You do this everyday?" he asked as he opened his eye and looked at her with a frown "What a waste of money, really." he shrugged "You don't need this stuff, you're already gorgeous." he said and she awe'd, kissing his lips quickly "You done?" he asked and she shook her head before taking a pencil-like object out of her bag and taking the cap off "What is that?" he said, startled "This shit's pointy! It could stab my eye!"

"Stop being such a baby and let me finish!" she said, grabbing both sides of his face "It's just eyeliner!" she said as she shook it "Close your eyes." she said again, he groaned softly

"And what's that for?" he asked and I shook my head with a laugh. The girl's brilliant plan was to put makeup on us, how original, right? Jake had been the most reluctant, while Greg was all for it, said that he might as well since he would never do it again. I looked like a freaking clown, Eleanor had gone crazy with the pink on my face. My eyes were pink, my cheeks were pink and my lips were pink as well.

"It's to open up your eye." she said as she tried to make what seemed like a wing on his eye "Stop moving!" she scolded

"My eyes already open enough as it is." he groaned "This shit's confusing as fuck. All these damn tricks and tips are giving me a headache! I already have a strong jawline, so why do I need to define it? My eyebrows are fine, and my eye sure as hell doesn't need more opening up!" Dani groaned loudly as she scowled at him

"Babe, you have a lovely mouth, but you sure as hell talk too much!" she said, causing us all to laugh "Stop worrying about it, it's just for fun!"

"Fine, just hurry up so I can take this off, it itches."


"Hey." I said as I entered the kitchen and saw that Eleanor was out on the porch, so I decided to go and talk to her since everyone else was inside. She smiled softly at me in return. God, that smile was beautiful.

"I see you managed to get the makeup off." she said with a light laugh, I chuckled as I shook my head, scratching the back of my neck

"Jake had a full on tantrum in the bathroom because the eyeliner was waterproof." I laughed and she giggled in response but then went back to being silent; I could tell she was deep in thought "You okay?" I asked and she turned to me, then her gaze went to her hands

"I've been better, I guess." she muttered as she shrugged "I just... acted like such a bitch to Nate today, it was really uncalled for and the guilt is eating me up." she said as she rubbed the back of her neck and then chuckled "I know it's weird talking to you about my relationship but..."

"It is, a little." I said with a shrug "But... I'll always be here for you." I said and she smiled gratefully at me "And for what it's worth... he really seems like a great guy; I'm positive he'll forgive you for snapping at him." I said and she chuckled slightly

"Thanks." she whispered and I nodded towards her with a soft smile

"Anytime." I said softly before standing up and extending my hand out to her so she could stand up "We should get back inside, I think they're battling over pizza and chinese." I said as I opened the door for her so she could step inside but she didn't. I turned to her and saw she was looking at me "Something wrong?" I asked and she shook her head

"Do you think that...." she muttered, playing with the end of the sleeve from her sweater, she didn't meet my gaze "do you think that we'll be able to start over? Forget what happened and be friends?" she whispered and I looked at her in shock as I blinked

"I... uh..." I stuttered as I rubbed the back of my neck "I don't think.... I don't think I'll ever be able to forget what happened..." I whispered and she bit her lip "But I'm willing to be friends if you are." I said with a shrug as I dug my hands into my jean pockets "But I'd need you forgiveness first." I whispered, barely audible as I stared at the floor "For everything I put you through."

"I already forgave you." she whispered with a small smile as she met my gaze "Do you really think I'd be asking if I hadn't?" she chuckled and I sighed deeply

"Really?" I breathed "That easily?"

"I don't want to live my life holding a grudge." she shrugged "We were kids and made stupid decisions, we're still learning. But all we can do is move on and learn from those mistakes." she said with a small sigh "But I also need you to forgive yourself, Luke." she said softly and I blinked rapidly "What happened wasn't your fault, you were just... trying to protect Avery from your father." she said "I didn't get that, but I do now. Everything you did was to protect her.... and me, at times."

"Thank you." I whispered and she looked at me with a confused look "For understanding."

"So... friends?" she laughed as she extended her hand out to me with a small smile, I took her hand and shook it with a small laugh


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