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"I thought you said the meetings would only take a weekend." I said as I pinched the bridge of my nose while casting my gaze downwards as I closed my eyes, I was on the phone with Nate who was currently in L.A. for a meeting about his upcoming movie "You never said anything about two weeks." I added with a soft sigh, I heard him sigh as well

"I know what I said, love." he said softly as I heard him clear his throat "I thought that as well, but it looks like we have a lot more stuff to take care of so I'm going to be here a while longer."

"I can't believe this." I whispered softly as I shook my head "What about all my events you agreed to go to? For my book, remember?" I snapped a little harsher than I meant to "You promised you'd be there."

"I know love, but at least you'll have Dinah and Danielle." he said, trying to lighten the mood

"What? Am I supposed to arrive at my own even solo?" I scoffed "Can't you postpone a couple meetings for when you go back next month?" I suggested and I heard him sigh deeply

"The sooner we get this stuff done, the better." he answered and I groaned softly "I'm sorry." he apologised and I breathed deeply

"It's fine." I whispered "See you in two weeks." I muttered before ending the call and slamming the phone down. I immediately regretted my decision, I sounded like a total whiny and needy bitch of a girlfriend.


"And then I totally snapped at him." I groaned loudly as I covered my face with my hands "I sounded like a total bitch." I whined "I know how important this movie is to him and I was just too mad at the fact that that he couldn't be here for a couple parties and events." I said as I grabbed a couple of chips and put them in my mouth, munching with a scowl on my face as Dinah and Dani looked at me intently, saying nothing "Say something!" I groaned as I covered my face with a pillow while I groaned loudly

"Just call him later and apologise." Dinah said as she took the bag of chips from my hands and put a couple in her mouth "I mean, it's understandable that you miss him and I guess that's why you reacted the way you did, but just apologise and it'll be fine; he'll be here before you know it." she said lightly with a shrug as Dani nodded softly

"Yeah, El. Try and not to think about it too much and those two weeks will just fly by!"

"We should do something tonight." Dinah suggested "To get your mind off things." she added as she pulled her thinking face, I giggled slightly since it was hilarious! She always pouted and it looked funny since she had duck lips. "A sleepover!" she exclaimed with an excited smile "Oh, come on! We haven't done that since High School and Dani's never been part of our awesome sleepovers!" she said as she clapped excitedly "We should have it at my house!"

"What about Andy?" I asked and she waved her hand dismissively at me

"Is your boy free tonight, Dani?" she asked and Dani shrugged as she pulled out her phone to text Jake seconds later he responded very confused, saying he was free nonetheless "Perfect! We can tell him to go over to Jake's so they can have a boy's night or whatever it is they do when they hang out." she turned to me and pouted "Pleeeease, El?" she pleaded and I sighed dramatically before nodding, she squealed excitedly before standing up and grabbing Dani's wrist as she pulled her up, nearly spilling all the food on my floor in the process "Be at my place at 8:00!"


"Get out! I won't tell you again" Dinah exclaimed as she opened her front door once I had knocked on it, I had picked up Dani on my way so we could arrive together and were very confused since there were very loud noises coming from Dinah's apartment. The noises sounded like voices, very deep and manly voices at that. "Hey guys!" she said excitedly "Great, you can help me get the pests out!" Groans of protest were Heard as we made our way into Dinah's hallway and into the living room.

"Oh, my." Dani giggled beside me at the sight. Andy, Jacob, Lucas and Greg were scattered around the living room, some on the couch or lounge chairs and others on the floor as they watched a football match with food scattered around them, "This is quite the problem." she giggled as she shook her head but made her way towards Jacob and sat on his lap as he wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her lips quickly. Those two were seriously adorable. "But I don't mind at all." she winked in Dinah's direction who only gaped at her while crossing her arms over her chest and huffing a breath "I actually think it could be quite fun."

"El! Help!" she protested as she gripped my arm and stomped her feet like a child "I had our sleepover planned like we used to do it in High School and they jsut barged in, literally, and started watching the game, claiming that Andy invited them!"

"And he did!" Greg exclaimed as he raised his hand and then set it back down to stuff popcorn into his mouth, returning his gaze to the T.V. "You should've thought about your little plan earlier!" he said with a smirk as Dinah glared at him

"It was kind of an emergency!" she exclaimed, turning her gaze to Andrew "You ruined this!" she said as she pointed her finger at him, I only smiled softly as I shook my head

"What was the big emergency?" he asked, smirking down at her as he made his way towards her, swinging his arm over her shoulder "You needed an excuse to act like teenagers again?" he joked and she slapped his chest with a glare

"No! For your information, El was upset because Nate won't be coming back for another two weeks and I just thought she needed cheering up!" Andrew turned to me and I shrugged

"He said he had a ton of stuff he needed to take care for the movie that needed to be done as soon as possible. And we kind of had a fight." I muttered the last part, but I'm pretty sure everyone heard me. I felt Lucas' eyes boring into mine, but I didn't dare meet his gaze. I felt Andrew wrap his arm around me as he pulled me into a hug,

"You'll get over it El, it's just a stupid fight." he murmured into my hair and I nodded softly as I pulled away and looked up at him with a smile

"Thanks." I whispered and he nodded softly as he ruffled my hair with a playful smile

"Come on D, lighten up! It'll be a nice twist on the regualt sleepover! It'll be fun!" Dani said as she pouted in Dinah's direction who only glared at her slightly "Guys, help. Work your magic!" she whispred harshly; they all turned their attention to Dinah and pulled their best pouty face. I swear the sight was picture-worthy. Four attractive guys pulling a pout, priceless.

"I think it could be fun." I said and raised my hands in defense as Dinah glared at me menacingly "Just saying." I muttered with a slight giggle as I distanced myself a little from Dinah and made my way towards the living room with everyone and sat on the floor and pouted as well. She stared at each one of us for a couple seconds before groaning loudly and making her way towards Andy, sitting on his lap as well.

"Fine." she muttered and all the boys cheered excitedly "I'm so going to regret this." she groaned and we all laughed "What do you want to do first?" she asked and all the boys shrugged, Dani looked at me with a smirk on her face as she made her way towards me and signalled Dinah to make her way towards us

"I have the most amazing idea."

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