2| detention

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I get up to start cleaning and look back at Mattheo. "What are waiting for?" I ask. He huffs getting up.

We started first cleaning shelf, organizing ingredients and dusting the books. This was already the nightmare and tutoring him will be even worse.

Soon enough almost the whole shelf was done only one more book. And as I was about to take it, Mattheo was about to do that do.

And our hands touch. I immediately pull mine away. "Oh, fuck, now I have to sterilize my hand" I say.

"Oh, shut up" he says pushing me slightly. "Don't act like we're friends cause we are not" I warn.

"Whatever you say" he huffs as we got back to working.


Outside of classroom there stood the whole group watching through the window. "Ten gallons that they get together before New year" Theodore says.

"Bet, I say before Christmas break" Lorenzo says. "I say never, Y/n hates him, I don't think she's gonna let go of that soon" Daphne says shrugging her shoulders.

"Oh, then how did you let go of hating me?" Theodore smirks wrapping arms around Daphne's waist. "I didn't" she glares at him sarcastically.

"Ten gallons that they are gonna get together before Christmas" says Dumbledore now also spying through the window.

Group turns heads to him. "Yes, sir, I never thought I'm gonna have a bet with Dumbledore" says Theodore holding his hand smiling like crazy.

"Count me in, I give it 2 weeks. They are going to get together in two weeks" Snape says and Theodore's jaw DROPPED.

"PROFESOR SNAPE, NAH I CAN'T HANDLE THIS, LET ME CALM DOWN" he says sitting down on the stairs.

Snape just laughs. "Omg, kids, have you heard about fight between McGonagall and Umbitch" Snape says.

"No, way, you're lying" Dpahne says her jaw now dropped. "No, queen, hundred percent truth" Dumbledore says as Theodore is confused he's mouth wide open in shock.

"Darling, close your mouth flies might get in" Daphne says fixing his jaw. "Or your tongue" Theodore smirks as she punches his arm.

"You are speaking in front of profesors" she says glaring. "Oh, don't worry, this conversation never happened, now listen the drama" Snape says.

"Basically Umbitch has audacity to say McGonagall's hat doesn't match McGonagall's outfit and McGonagall was PISSED" Dumbledore starts.

"She gets up and says 'listen to me bitch, at least I don't look like pig just threw up all over me' and my jaw dropped" Snape continues.

"Umbitch is so offended and says 'well at least I am more respected' like uhm no" Snape huffs.

"Then McGonagall the queen ate cause she said 'uhm, who are you lying too, students literally call you Umbitch'" Dumbledore says.

"And then we had to go cause Umbridge was so mad she just left" Snape says. "SHE ATE" Enzo says.

"Facts" Snape says as Theodore was one step away from fainting. "Omg, is that Y/n and Mattheo kissing?" Blaise says pointing at detention room.

"WHAT" everyone screams turning to the window. And by everyone I mean Snape and Dumbledore included.


My back was pressed against the shelf while my chest was pressed against Mattheo's. Our faces inches apart.

I didn't like this situation in fact I hated it. Snape, come to rescue please. Why is he never here when needed?

Both of our breathing was not steady. His hands on my hips at the hem of my shirt but then they moved at the each side on the wall next to me.

In adrenaline rush I just dodge under his arm getting us out of this awkward position, god that sounds wrong, situation that's better.

I scratch the back of my neck and he fake coughs. "Uhm, you clean that side and I'll take this" I say.

"Okay, whatever" he huffs. "You don't have to be such a bitch" I say at his behavior. "Oh, I'm the bitch? Oh, right you were just mumbling to yourself" he fires back.

I lift my middle finger before we both continue to do our work. Can this be any worse?

And now Snape decided to show up. Couldn't be few minutes before. Anyway he looks really annoyed or disappointed I couldn't really tell.

"Okay, enough for today. Go to your dorms and tommorow you are having a tutoring session in this classroom at 6 pm, now off you go" he says and we both take our stuff and leave.

We walk out and both look around and as we both went to dodge each other we bumped into each other.

"Ugh, just move out of my way" I scoff. "Yeah, yeah, just go so I don't have to watch you anymore" he huffs and we both walk past each other.

I arrived at my dorm collapsing on my bed.

~next morning~

Walking down the hallway just hoping to not bump into Riddle. I arrived at the Great hall to see we have pancakes.

I immediately sit down putting as much as I can on my plate. "You're gonna eat all of that?" Mattheo raises an eyebrow.

"Yes, you're gonna act that much of a bitch?" I snap back and he just scoffs. I roll my eyes and dug into my food.

"Hello hello, how was detention?" Enzo smirks sitting down. "I was with Riddle so what do you expect?" I ask giving the most obvious mocking fake smile.

"I'm right here" Riddle raises a hand confused. "Oh, sorry I forgot, I just don't really see non-important people" I smile sarcastically.

"Ate" Daphne says with snap of fingers for extra effect. "Yeah, she definitely ate. Pancakes" Mattheo says.

"He thought that was a good comeback" Pansy said dying from laughter. "That's right, Riddle just go fuck yourself" I say.

Before Riddle could even speak up Tom interrupted. "Oh, drop the act, we all know you secretly love each other"

"Who? Me love him? You know when that would happen? Not even over my dead body" I say and continue "I despise him, no, no, no, I hate him"

"And the feeling is mutual" Mattheo adds.


No it's not. I know damm well I'm head over heals in love with her.


A/N: So I know what you're going to say. And I know it's too little Mattheo and Y/n content. But this is me just making up with other characters cause later at the book they won't be mentioned like AT ALL. Sorry.

Also I know you think it's going a bit too fast but just like in the last book just trust the process cause I have a plan, okay?

Anyway thank you for reading and please don't forget to vote and comment. Ly♡♡

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