1: Movie Night

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This is set starting from the day before the ICCA
Finals in PP1 - with my own twist of course.
Enjoy and let me know what you think!

Beca was sitting at her desk working on her newest song. She had a lot of new inspiration since arriving at Barden University just 8 months ago, one particular girl had been the centre of her new songs. That girl was on her way over to Beca's dorm right now for their weekly Friday night viewing of whatever she chose. That girl was Chloe Beale. Beca first met Chloe at the schools activities fair on her first day. Then she briefly met her in the showers, don't ask, where the blue-eyed redhead convinced Beca to audition for the Barden Bellas, an acapella group.
So Beca did as she was told and got in. The last 8 months had been incredible. She met loads of really nice people and made her new best friend.

*knock knock knock*
Beca jumped at the sound of the door because she had her headphones on but swiftly got up to let Chloe in
"Hey Becs!" Chloe leapt in and gave Beca a hug.
Beca wasn't too fond on affection, or nicknames for that matter, but she found herself not caring when it came to Chloe.
"Hey Chlo." Beca had grown accustomed to calling Chloe nicknames too. Her favourites to call Chloe consisted of 'Chlo', 'red', and hugsy'.
Her favourites that Chloe called her were 'Becs',
'tiny', and one time a babe' slipped out.
"Here you go tiny". Chloe never came empty handed to their Friday night hangouts and always brought food along with whatever movie she wanted. Today she brought Taco Bell which happened to be Beca's favourite. Beca hated movies but she didn't mind when she was with Chloe.
"Thanks" Beca smiled and took the food off Chloe. Then she went to the bed and set it up while Chloe took out the movie she had. She always did a silly little opening ceremony and 'presented' the movie that they would be watching.
"Ladies and germs... I give you... The Last Five Years!!!" Chloe faked an audience clapping and cheering and Beca couldn't help but smile at the girl. But Beca quickly realised what the movie was exactly.
"Oh Chloe nooo. Not another musical."
"Oh shush tiny, you'll watch anything for me." Chloe winked. Beca blushed. Chloe had liked Beca ever since she saw her on the younger girls first day at Barden. She wanted to say something but didn't want to be rejected. And now she wouldn't say anything because she didn't want to ruin their friendship. Besides, Beca was straight, she had Jesse. 'Ugh Jesse' Chloe thought. She hated him more than anything, mostly because he had Beca.
"Ugh fine, but I'm not happy about it red." Beca pretended to still be annoyed. The truth was, Beca always felt different around Chloe. She didn't know what it was because she was straight and liked Jesse, but it was different.
After the movie Beca pretended to be snoring.
Chloe shoved her.
"Hey! Not funny" Chloe said while laughing. Beca faked a yawn and stretch as if she had just woken up.
"Oops did I fall asleep. Must've been the boring as fuck movie."
"Becaaa, you know I don't like it when you curse." Chloe hated bad language. She knew it made her seem dorky but she was repulsed at it.
"Right, sorry Chlo" Beca said sincerely as she gave Chloe puppy eyes, the redheads signature move for getting what she wanted.
"Hey Chlo, I need advice on something. Someone actually." Beca really liked Jesse but she hadn't been the best person and she was trying to make it up to him. Nothing worked so far so, she worked an apology into their performance for tomorrow.
"Yeah what's up?"
"You know Jesse right?," Chloe nodded in response, her heart started beating faster.
"Well, I really like him Chlo. But I screwed up.
Tomorrow I'm apologising for real and I think I'm gonna kiss him." Chloe tensed up.
"Wow Beca. That's- that's great. I'm happy for you. He seems like a nice guy." Chloe faked a smile.
"Phew thanks Chlo. I was only doing it if you thought he was good." Beca was relieved while Chloe was having an internal breakdown.
"Yeah no it's great Beca. Listen I should get going. It's late and Aubrey will be mad." Aubrey was Chloe's best friend, who she dormed with, and also the headstrong leader of the Bellas.
Chloe could feel tears welling up in her eyes and knew she needed to remove herself from this situation. Beca was confused as it was so sudden.
"Uh okay. I'll see you tomorrow then." Beca thought she saw a tear fall down Chloe's cheek as she turned away.
"Yeah, see you tomorrow." Chloe left as quickly as she could and ran home to Aubrey.

Aubrey was sitting on the couch of her and Chloe's living area binge-watching Grey's Anatomy, it was her favourite show. She turned around when she heard the door open. Then she saw her best friend.
"Oh my god Chloe! What's wrong?" Aubrey was very worried, she had never seen her best friend crying like this before. Chloe was bawling.
"Aubs I-I," Chloe couldn't get the words out.
"Oh my god Chloe! What's wrong?" Aubrey was very worried, she had never seen her best friend crying like this before. Chloe was bawling.
"Aubs I-I," Chloe couldn't get the words out.
"It's okay Chloe I have you." Aubrey was holding Chloe trying to calm her so she could get the words out.
"I- I really like her Aubrey. And -an - and she likes him!" Aubrey didn't even have to ask who Chloe was talking about. Her ginger best friend hadn't stopped talking about the brunette alt girl since the activities fair at the start of the year.
Aubrey tried to warn Chloe about her but Chloe was too trusting and it always ended up with her hurt. Aubrey brought Chloe to the couch. Aubrey sat down and Chloe lay beside her resting her head on Aubrey's lap. Aubrey stroked Chloe's hair until she fell asleep. As soon as Chloe was out, Aubrey swapped herself for a pillow and then placed a blanket over Chloe. She looked at her best friend for a minute and thought, 'so help me god I will kill that Beca'. Aubrey was very protective over Chloe and she wasn't happy when she was hurt. Aubrey then made her way into her own room and went to sleep. They had to be up early for the ICCA Finals.

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