Chapter 2 - Olivia

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There is only one person that brings me so close to murder. That person is Supervisory Special Agent Aaron Hotchner.

I despise this man more than anyone I have ever met. He is a hardhead who refuses to do anything that I suggest to him. The first time I realized how much he dislikes me was at the very start when I asked him to write clearer on the reports he gives me. I have dyslexia and it is very hard for me to read his cursive handwriting. Not only he ignored me but he became even worse using shorthand notes in between the cursive text. This childish behaviour should have been my first red flag with him.

I tried to give him another chance and just accept his handwriting. I would spend an hour more on reading his reports but I guess it was better than having to fight with him again. However, last month, he handed me reports written so badly that I could barely make out what he was saying. I was already fed up with him due to another argument we had earlier that day and finally had enough. I threw the files back on his desk and made him rewrite everything. If he wants to act like a child, I'll treat him like one.

I started to believe that he has regretted rejecting the Section Chief, so he is taking it out on me. Am I at fault for his change of mind? No. He didn't want it, they brought me in. Unfortunately, this behavior of his has rubbed off on the rest of his team. I have never experienced this amount of disrespect before. And the worst part is that I can't touch any of them. Because despite their behaviour towards me, they do their jobs well. They are brilliant and they prove that to me with every case that they solve. At the same time, I know they don't like me, and that they mock me behind my back.

So, I stopped caring about what they think of me. I stopped acting nice and patient. I will get my way on everything whether they like it or not because I am their boss and their boss's boss. I will order, demand, argue, and worsen the consequences of their disrespectful actions whenever I want until they start behaving.

Hotchner might have started this war but I'll be damned if I am going to let him win. I hold the power here and I'll get my way, one way or the other.
Just like I did this morning...

A few hours ago, Anderson brought me the reports I asked from Hotchner. I knew that telling him to come himself and dropping a hot subject would make him even more determine to avoid me this morning. So, even though he thinks he won this round by disobeying my orders, I won because he did exactly what I wanted him to do in order to avoid him. Additionally, his handwriting has improved significantly since that last stunt he pulled.
Stephens 2 - Hotchner 0 today.


My life is quiet and calm only when he is not here. That lasted for only 3 days this time as the BAU returned from California a little after noon. I got the typical text from Rossi letting me know that they are back because Hotchner, apparently, finds it too invasive. I will get him around that soon though; he corrected his handwriting for now, I won't risk pressuring him too much. Men.

There is a knock on my door. I look up from the papers I was reading and I see Rossi standing by the doorfame. "Come in" I say with a smile, and put the papers down immediately. "Welcome back. How is my favorite unit doing?" I wonder

"Everything is good. How are you, kid?" he asks as he sits across from me

"Drowning in papers" I admit.

"Then I suggest you take a break and enjoy these" he says as he hands me a bag with two boxes inside.

"You did not..." I say excited as I bring the bags in front of me

"I sure did" he smiles.

I was 9 years old when his first book took off. Every year since then, he was taking me and my brother to Disneyworld on our birthday week. This tradition kept on until we went to college and after that we lost contact. We reconnected at my father's funeral a few years later and we haven't separated ever since. It is sort of healing having him around, especially now that dad isn't. Today, I am 37 and every time this man visits California, he gets me a ton of cinnamon rolls and mickey mouse beignets from Disneyworld just like he did when I was younger.

"Save some for Jackson" he suggests, referring to my brother

"Yeah, sure" I reply ironically as I take a beignet before I put the bag down. "Is your bestie cheerful or are my eyes going to burn after reading his reports again?" I wonder and I bite into my dessert

"Can't tell" he answers

"Can't or won't?" I question

"Won't" he confirms. "You know that he will be more consistant on watching his handwriting if you actually tell him that you have dyslexia--"

"And give him another reason to consider me inferior? Absolutely not" I insist.

I finish my treat and I clean the powdered sugar off me. I glance at the bag, thinking if I should get another one.

"Take another" David says, like he just read my mind

"I want to, but my cardiologist wouldn't appreciate that" I admit

"Last week's appointment didn't go well?"

"Not as much as we had hoped for. She made some adjustments to my pacemaker and she hopes it works better this time. She -as much as I- wants to avoid replacing it for an ICD given that it has been only 2 years since my last pacemaker replacement" I explain

"Maybe a vacation would help" he suggests

"And leave your bestie loose? Never. However, I am certain that the stress he brings me will be the reason I go into heart failure again"

"Don't say that, you will be fine".

And as he says that, I see Death walk by my office window. "Speak of the devil..." I sigh right before he knocks on the door.

"I better get going before fire catches me too. I will see you later" David says as he gets to the door.

He leaves as Hotchner walks in. "I just got to the director's email. The budget meeting date changed?" he asks

"Yes, I was able to push it up to next week. You should expect a raise in your budget numbers starting next month. I don't know exactly how much yet but it should be enough to--"

"I am not hiring another Agent" he cuts me off

"Calm down, and let me finish!" I raise my voice.

He breathes out and crosses his arms. I can't help but notice his arm muscles flex against the fabric of his well-pressed button down shirt. I gotta give it to him, he looks good in a suit, and when he takes the jacket off, it makes his presence more sufferable. I hate how attracted I am to him right now! And don't even get me started on the vest-- I wish I could see him in the field more often.

"I wasn't going to ask you for a new hire. That subject is closed. Keep up, please". He shuts up and waits for me to continue. "I noticed that the members of your team, including you, reside in DC which is a 45 minute drive away, but you don't have issued BuCars so you are transporting from and to work with your own cars. I cannot get you cars right now, but I am confident that I can get you gas money and I want to negotiate adding car insurance as well. Are you interested or shall I give it to Child Abductions once it is approved? You may speak now"

"We'll take it" he answers

"Alright. Now, I know how crazy your schedule is, but your presence in the meeting will be beneficial" I mention

"If I am not on a case, I will be there"

"Great. Now, if you'd excuse me, I have to take care of something" I say.

I stand from my seat, collecting some papers for Crisis Managment. He holds the door open for me as we leave my office. I look at my papers and sigh as I walk passed him.

"What did I do now?" he asks, picking up on my dislike

"Surprisingly, nothing. You are not the only person in here that drives me mad, Hotchner" I admit, closing the file in my hands

"Then have you considered that you could be the problem?" he suggests

"No" I reply confidently and walk away from him, my heels clicking on the marble floors with each step I take.

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