Chapter 7 - Aaron

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I didn't know I would react as possessive as I did when I saw Olivia Stephens with another guy. And God, I felt jealous. Later, she didn't even read the preliminary report she asked from me and I couldn't stop thinking that she had her mind on him. Then she started lecturing me about the tactical arrest plan and even though I was glad to have her attention again, it was at a bad time so we argued again.

But the heat lasted for a few minutes, because we were getting ready to go in the field again. She put her hair up, she took her blazer off, and once she put her vest, her boobs surfaced on the neckline of her thin blue t-shirt. She was sitting besides me in the car and even though I kept my eyes on the road, my mind was elsewhere. To be honest, when she was changing shoes and I started our next argument, it was to steal a few glances at her -not just her boobs.

And despite my disagreement of it, she proved that she actually can run on her 'heeled ankle boots' as she said. I am starting to like her more as I spend more time with her and learn new things about her. It is a little scary. I have no idea what I am getting myself into and the strange part is that I can't stop it. Do I even want to?

I am a rational person. I should want to stop it. She is my supervisor and a pain in the ass. Olivia Stephens would easily kill me and make it look like an accident if given the right chsnce. Yet, I'm not totally discouraged by it. This job must be turning me insane.

In the end, the case Chief Stephens accompanied us on was a successful one. It has been two weeks since then and we haven't had any major falling out, just a few typical fights about procedure. I consider that progress. 

Today's plan is just finishing up paperwork after closing our case in Tennessee. But not even 5 minutes after sitting down on my chair, I get a call from the director asking to see me. I stand again and make my way to the elevator. There is another button lit up when I tap on the 10th floor button. The elevator stops and the doors open.

"You're back" Olivia says surprised as soon as she sees me

"Didn't Dave text you already?" I assume

"I didn't check my phone. I have been running all day..." she admits and sighs as she steps in the elevator. She reaches on the board, but drops her hand once she sees the 10th floor button lit up already. "Where are you going?" she asks suspiciously as the doors close

"The director called me" I answer

"Me too--  What did you do?" she assumes

"I don't know, we just got back from Asheville" 

"Asheville? You were in Knoxville!" 

"We tracked down the unsub there. And it was all following procedure" 

"I hope so. Because I have already warned you that I am not taking the fall for you" she reminds me, stepping out of the elevator

"I remember" I breathe out as we walk down the hallway together.

She has her hair down today and she looks really good. When the brown stands fall by her face, it makes her eyes look brighter than usual.

I knock on the door of the director's office, and let us in after his response. "Agent Stephens, Agent Hotchner, I'm glad you could make it here so fast. I was on a call a few minutes ago with the head of the FBI field office in Knoxvillle. You were assisting on a case there..." he looks at me

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