Chapter 34 - Aaron

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The courier search came up empty. We found him dropping off the packages at the bureau this morning, but there was another man who drove by in a motorcycle, dropped a package in the pile and drove off. The motorcycle was stolen and there weren't enough cameras after a while to follow the route it took. We are back to zero.

A knock on my office door pulls me out of my thoughts. Dave says walks in.

"Are you leaving?" I ask

"Not yet. I waited for everyone else to leave because I wanted to talk to you without being profiled from the office's window" he answers as he sits on the other side of the desk. "Looking at Dwayne Chax's file again?" he assumes.

"How did he approach the bureau so much without anyone noticing?" I wonder, desperate

"A better question is how did he stay hidden for 15 whole years? A guy like him isn't known to stay not busy for all these years" he points out. "How is Liv doing?"

"She's scared. She doesn't get out of the house unless she needs to come into work. I drive closely after her when she's going to work or back home. She is looking over her shoulder all the time. She locks her office door when she is alone up there. She is having nightmares again. We've talked about witness protection but she doesn't want to leave and show him that she fears him"

"Yeah, that sounds like Liv"

"I hate that he can play with her like this. She is going insane and he is enjoying it". I struggle to not punch something as I admit this.

"Where is she now?" he asks

"At her office. I'm waiting for her to text me, so I can go up there, escort her to parking garage and finally go home" I sigh.

He nods and falls silent for a moment. "Can I confess something?" he speaks up

"Will it matter if I say no?"

"No" he answers.

I nod.

"When Olivia told me about you, I was pissed. I was pissed at her for hiding it. I was pissed at you for pretending and lying to my face. I was pissed at myself for not seeing it earlier. If it were anyone else, I would have shot them. But for some reason, and despite my rage, I wanted to fix your relationship when there was a falling out"

"Because you are so selfless and big hearted" I say ironically

"Mm... That too. But mostly, I think I knew you were right for her. I mean look at you now; you haven't stopped caring for her, you are ready to take on every fight so she won't have to"

"Of course" I reply, almost out of instinct.

He smiles. "And that is why you pass the David Rossi tests without even been submitted to them"

"What an honor..." I chuckle. "So, we have your blessing?" I ask.

His eyes go wide, causing me to laugh.

"Ok, I'm just messing with you. I'm not proposing" I admit

He lets out a breath.

"...yet" I add.

"Give me some time to process, will you?" he requests

"I'll have it in mind, but I make no promises".

My phone starts ringing and Olivia's name takes over my screen. "Going home?" I ask as I answer

"Not yet, that's why I'm calling. Something came in and I think I'll be late. Go home"

"No, I'm not going without you"

"I'll call you when I'm done".

I hear someone whisper something to her in the background, but I can't make out who it is or what they are saying.

"Who are you with, Olivia?" I question

"No one" she lies


"Aaron, I'll meet you later at our place. I gotta go now" she hangs up.

"What is it?" Dave asks

"I have no idea" I answer as I stand.

I make my way to her office but I find it locked. She comes out of the lockers down the hallway with a vest on accompanied by another Agent.

"You are going in the field?" I ask clearly worried

"Just bringing in a person of interest that leaves near by. Crisis management is out of town for this case, so we are closer. We are only going for a couple of questions. The vest is just for some extra safety" she explains

"I'm coming with you" I say

"Absolutely not. I've emailed you another emergency case. A boy was found two hours ago in the middle of nowhere outside of Philadelphia. They report that there are clear signs he was kept in captivity for a long time. He has cuts, bruises from chains, etc. They can't ID him, he is in severe shock, he isn't talking to anyone. And an hour ago another teenage boy went missing in the same area. Call the team in. Child abduction rapid deployment will meet you on the ground" she insists.

I stand still. I really don't want to leave her alone out there.

She sighs. "Johnson, give us a moment" she orders. The other Agent walks away. "I'll be fine" she smiles softly to reassure me

"Let me know when you're safe" I requests

"I will" she replies.

I lean in and kiss her lips quickly. "I love you" I say

"I love you too. I'll text you when I'm back. Good luck in Philadelphia" she kisses me one more time and jogs away.

I take a deep breath and I go back to the 6th floor as I call the rest of the team to meet up on the jet. By the time we gathered there, Olivia texted me that she's back safely. I try to relax as I get ready to call her but Garcia calls and we start the briefing.


The case closed 24 hours after we landed. It was quite hard especially for some members of the team so I gave everyone the following day off. I'll deal with Olivia later if she has a problem about it.

I called her when I landed but my call went straight to voicemail. That is not good. I inform Dave and he tries to call her, but gets her voicemail too. He tries her office as I try her disposable. Nothing. That's not good.

He goes to look for her at the bureau while I go to check at the house. As I arrive, I see federal cars outside. Agents are walking in and out of our house. I don't see Olivia. My heart rate quickens.

I see Andy. She spots me too as I get out of the car and approaches me. "What's going on?" I question

"Do you have a gun on you?" she asks, ignoring my question

"Yes. Where is Olivia?"

"Gun" she extends her hand.

I give her my gun, and she takes it away. "Aaron Hotchner, you are under arrest for the murder of Agent Olivia Stephens" she says as she puts cuffs on me.

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