Chapter 3 - Aaron

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As much as I wanted to attend the budget meeting last week and make sure we got the extra funding, I ended up working in Missouri that day. To my utter surprise, Stephens earned reimbursements for gas and car insurance for every member of the BAU. How did she even get them to agree on both of these I am not quite sure, but I am not going to ask her and give her reason to believe that I couldn't had gotten it.

"We were here 5 hours ago, they missed us already?" Prentiss complains as she arrives at the bureau

"Dead child, and one missing, Kansas City. Get this to Garcia, please, and tell her we are briefing in 15 minutes" I drop a file on her desk as I walk by to get to my office


A few minutes later, Garcia notifies me that they are ready to begin. I join them in the conference room and she starts presenting the case. Halfway through, with the corner of my eye I catch the bullpen's glass door's movement. Only few people would be in the building by this hour, and her Majesty is one of them. The clicking of her heals gets louder as she approaches.

"Heads up, 11 o'clock" Morgan warns everyone of her presence before she reaches the door.

"Put the files down and go home" she order as she enters the room.

Everyone is silent, and their eyes are bouncing between me and Olivia. "Why?" I dare to question

"Because I said so" she replies, her blue eyes fixated on me

"We are working" I remind her

"On a case you took from Child Abductions without my authorization!" she points out

"Child Abductions is working a case in Chicago" I remind her

"Was. They wrapped up there a couple hours ago, and they are already on their way to Kansas City after my orders" she informs me.

Fuck me...

"Everyone, please go home. Hotchner, office now!" she demands.

I take a deep breath and follow her to my office. I shut the door after letting us both in, but I doubt it's going to contain the yelling that is about to come.

"Is your phone working?" she asks


"You have my number in it?"


"So, you did look into another department's cases, called everybody else in, including a pilot for the jet, but intentionally skipped notifying me?" she raises her voice

"I had talked with their Unit Cheif and arranged that if there was anything new on the case, she'd hand it over because they were busy in Chicago"

"And who talked with me when you got the case handed over? Did Agent Barnes call you to tell you to take over the case? No, because if she had you'd know you that they are on their way there. Instead, you proceeded without informing me, or even Barnes. And I know that because Lexie would have called me if you did"

"Lexie. You and Barnes are friends now?" I ask ironically

"Yes, I can actually get along with people who are willing to listen and cooperate with me so I can do my job. Do you have any idea how much trouble I'd be in if two units showed up for a routine case without my knowledge?"

"Oh, so this is about you?" I argue

"Come on, Hotchner, stop grasping at straws. You are smarter than that, or else you wouldn't be here".

I am speechless. I was expecting an insult, and definitely not that.

"This is what I don't understand with you. You are brilliant, yet you act like a rebellious teenager when it comes to me. Is there a specific reason for that?" she asks

"Your obsession with wanting everything done your way" I confess

"You mean expecting you to follow the rules? Yes, I want you to follow them" she confirms

"Some times those rules and protocols are not realistic" I argue

"I agree. I too have been in the field and can excuse decisions that are taken when someone's life or partner is on the line. But I can not excuse you going over me and taking over another team's case"

"It was an internal trade"

"You can't do that!".

"This is how we work here"

"No, this is how you work to get on my nerves".

"I don't have a reason to do that" I lie

"I disagree. I don't know how things worked with Strauss here, I don't know if she let you run this place, but things changed so you better learn your place and stay there".

I actually chuckle. "Do I need to remind you the only reason you are here is because I rejected the Section Chief position?"

"Ah, and that's the keyword; rejected. So, you don't get to go around and act like you can do whatever you please in here. I am your boss, and given another reason like today's, I will not hesitate to take away privillages, like the extra funding, or even relieve you of your duties. Am I clear, Agent Hotchner?"

"Yes" I force myself to answer.

"Good. Please, hand over your badge to me, go home and stay there for the next two days" she announces

"You're suspending me?"

"Yes. And you better shut your mouth before it earns you more days out" she warns me.

She takes my badge and leaves the office. "Rossi will be stepping in as active Unit Chief for the following two days. Expect a new case load by tomorrow" she says on her way out

"Yes, ma'am" he replies.

As soon as she is off the floor, everyone looks at me. "You heard her" I say and go back in my office to get my things.

I probably deserved that.

I didn't notify her of the change because I knew she'd disagree. I was going to call her when we would already be on our way to Kansas City so she wouldn't argue with me on it. However, that backfired badly because I wasn't aware that Child Abductions had agreed on going to Kansas City directly after Chicago. I should have called Barnes, at least, to confirm; that was my mistake.

God, I hate how much she affects me. I hate how my adrenaline levels skyrock when I see her walk around like she owns the place in her loud heels that add at least 4 inches to her 5'3 figure.

...and how good everything sounds when coming out of her mouth in that infuriating British accent.

...and how put together and determined she appears especially when we are fighting and yelling at each other.

...and how bright her blue eyes are when she stares at me and how they glisten when we are arguing.

...and how sweet she looks when once in a while she lets her brown hair loose instead of putting them up in a tight ponytail, like she usually does.

I hate that she makes me feel and constantly think of her.

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