Chapter 6 - Olivia

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I was able to get Hotchner off Dean's back with a little lie. He is not in any witness protection program, but he is necessary out there in other reasons. It wasn't hard convincing Aaron though, because he was more focused on figuring out what was the relationship between me and Dean.

Honestly, it was fun to watch him barely hold back his punches when Dean hugged me goodbye. I would have never imagined that he cared about me, let alone like that. I felt really good and confident knowing that I am making him jealous, even though that was not my intent initially. I was feeling so good that I tossed the preliminary report away and never looked at it -it is optional anyway.

Unfortunately, I was reminded of reality shortly after because we had another body turn uo. Two on the same day, but this one seemed to be out there for at least two weeks according to the medical examiner at the crime scene. This had to be the first victim. I accompanied Agent Prentiss there once we were notified.

"I'm sorry" Agent Prentiss breaks the silence during the ride back

"For what?" I ask, keeping my eyes on the road as I drive

"For the way we've been treating you all this time. I really tried to get them to settle a little but there is only a few things I can do. I know how it's like to be the new one there" she explains

"Thank you, I appreciate it"

"No reason to thank me, we got you in that place. And I'm also sorry about bully-Hotch" she mentions

"Don't be. He is a grown man and can take accountability. Until then, we are will continue to get by by arguing"

"You get by while arguing?"

"Yes. I would have already fired him if we didn't. But he is good at his job, you all are. Me being on this case is just to put some pressure on Hotchner upon his return" I explain. "And right now I hope this isn't just an rouge to get me to say all those things"

"No, don't worry" she smiles.

That moment I realize that I have been smiling too much today. And I haven't annoyed Hotchner in a few hours now. I gotta find something for him to do.

"Anything new?" he asks as we arrive

"This was the first victim, and it's the first man the has killed" Prentiss answers

"And he had cigarette burns on his back that look like they were placed in a pattern" I say as I pull out the photo. "It is Braille. It reads 2345" I give the answer before they start theorizing

"You know Braille?" Hotchner asks

"Yes" I answer.

"What is 2345? A code?" Morgan suggests

"Date? Time?" JJ starts saying

"Time" David and I say at the same time.

"23 is greater than 12"

"But not greater than 24. Oh, wait, I forgot. You call that military time here" I try to suppress down my laughter

"Ok, so 11:45pm" Hotchner writes up on the board

"And date actually..." I take the marker as he puts it down. My fingers brush over his for the first time since our original handshake. "23/4/5" I write up

"Let's start by the date. April 23rd, 2005. Where there any events in the area that day?" he wonders.

The usual phone call to Garcia follows, but I pull Hotchner to the corner of the conference room as the others work on giving her more parameters for her search.

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