Chapter 22 - Olivia

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Six people shot and killed at a gas station with no apparent notive in Miles City, Montana. That is where we are flighting to currently. And when I say we I mean me and the BAU's team. We have about one more hour until we arrive and there is complete quiet in the jet at the moment. I keep myself busy by looking over some emails from other teams and occasionally texting with Aaron, who is sitting by the other side. We don't even dare to look towards each other in fear that we'll slip. One wrong facial expression and we are doomed. It is dangerous but it's also somewhat exciting.

I know something is wrong when he doesn't reply to my last text. "There has been another attack" he announces.

Everyone turns to him. "They hit a gas station in Billings this time. Eight people dead, one injured" he informs us. "Chief Stephens and I will head there once we land. The rest of you will proceed to your designated locations".

"Smooth" I text him, and he responds with "Thank you".

I didn't even fight with him when he grabbed the keys to the SUV. I could tell he expected me to argue with him about it. I like to pretend I'm totally independent but I'm still anxious about driving to places on roads I've never seen before.

"Since you were so nice to me last night and warned me of your presence here today, I'm going to reveal to you that I didn't pair you with me for the obvious reason. I did it in order to let the others work without you in their feet" he confesses

"You little..." I bite my lip

"Careful what you say, might come back to bite you in the ass later" he mentions

"Oh, you're going to suffocate in my pussy later"

"You consider that a punishment?" he chuckles, "Bring it on, Stephens" he dares me.

I shake my head with a smile and look down at the file in my lap. Aaron rests his hand on my thigh as he drives, almost cupping the inner side of it.

"How long until we get there?" he asks

I check the GPS, "About 20 minutes" I answer

"Great" he whispers under his breath.

His hand goes higher on my legs and goes for my belt, "What are you doing?" I ask

"Multitasking" he answers as he undoes my belt and pants.

I almost gasp as his fingers sneak inside my pants. He rubs the skin around my clit.

"You're such a horny teenager, and not to mention unprofessional--"

"You can always use the safe word if you want me to stop" he reminds me.

I don't really want him to stop. Just 5 seconds in and he already has me wet for him. We are driving in a pretty rural area so there are not many cars around us. No one will see us, so I might as well let him.

Once Aaron is sure that I won't deny him, he buries two fingers between my folds and feels me. A shakey breath escapes my lips. My nipples feel rock hard against my bra. My clit is desperate for attention and my hips move forward to get it.

He smiles. His fingers move upwards, spreading my wetness and brushing over my clit like a feather. I bite my lip, but it is not enough to contain my moan. His fingers return to my clit and he starts rubbing it.

First, he went slowly. Then he went fast. Then slowly and fast again. Every time I was getting close, he dropped his pace, driving me more and more frustrated each time.

"Come on..." I groan, hitting my hand on the door

"Be patient" he instructs me.

I drop my head back and close my eyes as his fingers draw a circle in painfully slow speed. My legs have parted so far apart from the anticipation of my orgasm that my seat doesn't fit me.

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