Chapter 42 - Aaron

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The last 6 months have been a roller coaster of emotions. There have been incredible highs and devastating lows. Yet, somehow, Olivia can always find a bright side to everything. I should be the one supporting her through this, but she supports me back in the same way even if she's not aware of it. She is so damn strong and never seizes to amaze me.

She has just won an unbelievable settlement with the FBI and is currently enjoying her first days of retirement. We scheduled a two-week long vacation in Costa Rica as celebration of that and our one year anniversary that we missed due to Olivia's surgeries and recovery. I'm actually looking forward to it. We deserve some time to cool off and not think about health problems, murders, unsubs, etc.

The days leading up to the trip have been some of our best days so far. Olivia is absolutely relieved of every stress she was experiencing due to the negations and she looks genuinely happy. Going home to her is always my favorite part of the day. I don't know how it's possible but I fall more in love with her each time I see her.

I am certain about one thing, though, I can't live without her. She means everything to me. And I'm going to marry her. I'm going to propose to her tonight, on our first night in Costa Rica. I've been debating on it since we booked the vacation, and decided that doing it at the beginning will allow us to celebrate it properly and will not have me stressing out throughout the entire two weeks ahead of us.

I've arranged with our hotel and changed our reservation to a bigger room. I booked Olivia spa treatments so I can have her out of the room for a couple of hours while knowing that she is safe alone.

"Are you sure this is our room?" Olivia asks as I swipe the card

"That's what the key says" I show her as I open the door for her

"I thought we booked a simple room, but I'm not going to complain" she replies.

Her eyes light up as she looks around the room. That's exactly what I was expecting to see when I was upgrading our reservation. I bring our things inside and get them to the master bedroom.

"Did you see this view?" she gasps as she opens the window and steps on the balcony.

I follow her there and I am as amazed as she is at the sight in front of us. I walk up against her and wrap my arms around her. She leans into me and I kiss her shoulder. "The surprises aren't over yet" I whisper

"Surprises?" she questions

I check my watch, "You have 30 minutes to get your perfect ass ready and go to the spa on the second floor" I reveal

"No, spa day is tomorrow"

"I moved it up. I thought it'd be better if you relaxed as soon as we got here so we can start fresh tomorrow"

"Ok, I'll take it. What about you?" she asks

"I'll stay here and unpack our things so you won't have to bother"

"Or you can join me in the jacuzzi..." she suggests and kisses my neck

"I will, just not today. Today is about you. And we have the rest of the trip for us" I reassure her

"Ok. Don't do any work related stuff while I'm gone" she warns me

"I have already turned my work number off. Dave knows to only call my personal number in real emergencies. Is that ok with you, Chief?"

"Yes" she reaches up to kiss me.

As soon as the door shuts, my plan is in motion. I leave the hotel and rush to the closest shops to get the necessary things from my list. Luckily, I had ordered everything online so I just picked them up and returned. I set up the inside first; candles and rose petals that will lead her way from the door to the balcony. Then I go to the balcony, I fill every corner with flowers and I make a heart with candles on the floor. Inside the heart I throw more red petals, and with white petals I write 'Marry me'.

When I'm satisfied with it, I pull the ring out of my pocket and set it at the lower edge of the heart under the wording. The truth is that I got overwhelmed looking at all the rings, stones, and cuts when I first started on this. I don't remember it being so stressful the last time. But I guess nothing has been normal since the day I meet Olivia. I managed to narrow down the choices quickly and I ended up getting a 14k white gold 3-carat emerald cut clear diamond ring with hidden halo. I find it classic and simple so she can pair it with any wedding ring she'd like later on. It's big, it's sparkling, I think she will like it. We can exchange it if she doesn't, I don't mind.

I look at the time and I start panicking. I grab everything that doesn't belong there, like bags or petals that have flown out of place, and I run to throw it away.

I hear the door open and my heart rate quickens. "Aaron?" Olivia calls.

I stay back and let her take it in. I watch her walk to the balcony and I smile to myself. The sun has started to set creating the perfect scenery. She stops in front of the heart and that's my cue. I approach her from behind, making sure she is aware of my presence before I touch her.

"Aaron..." she turns to me with tears in her eyes

I take her hand, "You know that sharing emotions is not my strong suit, so I'll do my best here" I admit.

She smiles and wipes her tears away.

"When I met you, I thought you were the most annoying person on the planet. The truth is that I was annoyed at the effects you had on me. I hated that you were in my head all the time. And I hated how attracted I was to you because I knew I wouldn't have you. I treated you horribly. But our fights made me feel alive, and knowing that was the only way I'd have your attention, I continued to do it. Because even then I wanted you.

"You almost scared me to death when you were having a heart attack and I was rushing you to the hospital. That was the day I realized how childish I've been acting. And with easing up on you, we got closer. I noticed just how much I missed you when you were gone, how much I needed to hear your voice each day. Your presence makes everything better. You are so positive, fearless and strong. You never stop to amaze me. Every day you show me how good life can be even with our problems. 

"I don't want to spend another day -good or bad- without your light. I want to always be by your side and take care of you. I want to come home to you. I want to spend every night and every waking moment with you. I want this vacation to be just the beginning of the rest of our lives together. Because I love you so much, Olivia. I fall more and more in love with you with each passing day. And I am sure that I will continue to fall in love you for the rest of my life.

"So, I am going to get down on my knee and ask you..." I kneel as I say and I take the box with the ring. "Will you marry me, Liv?" I ask

"Yes" she answers immediately and bends down to kiss me.

Without pulling away from her lips, I stand and wrap my arm around her waist to bring her closer to me.

"I love you too. So fucking much. And I don't ever want to spend another day without you" she says

"Good, because there is no getting rid of me now".

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