Chapter 5 - Aaron

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I know that Olivia is here to punish me. I will not give her the satisfaction of though. But she has basically forgotten about me since she heard that license plate an hour ago. I should be glad she's not trying to get on my nerves anymore, but I kind of miss her noise now.

"Chief Stephens" Prentiss calls her. "The car Reid saw on the security footage earlier is here. There is only one of the men, he says you called him, but he isn't giving me his name" she explains

"Bring him--" I speak

"No. I got it" Olivia interrupts me

"He is a person of interest" I remind her

"He is not. Excuse me".

She heads outside and I decide to follow her. "Dean!" she exclaims as she jumps in his arms

"Hey, baby" he replies as he picks her up and rubs her back.

He is tall. I'm taller. He is wearing a suit. My suit is more experience. He has a nice car, though. I have never seen him before, so how close can these two be?

I stand across from them and cross my arms, "In the 4 months I've known you, I have never seen you this happy" I interrupt them

They freeze and Olivia stands on her feet. "And you decided to destroy it..." she responds to me. "I would appreciate some privacy" she says

"You are working" I remind her

"We'll only be a minute" the guy says.

"And I'm talking to a person of interest" she uses my words against me

"Then bring him inside for questioning, I have time to do it" I suggest

"No, you do not. You need to rewrite the preliminary profile report, because I reviewed it and I disagree with your analysis" she claims

"It's not complete yet, it's just for us to brainstorm" I remind her

"But you only focused on one angle; that the way the victims were exsanguinated indicates that the unsub has medical knowledge. We need more options"

"Which I will give you once we make the proper deductions. Now, you are asking me to guess"

"You were the one who told me that in order for the profile to be useful, it has to generate multiple scenarios about what the unsub is doing. So go back inside and rewrite it" she insists

"Fine. I will bring it to you as soon as possible" I respond almost like a threat and go back inside.

I take my phone out and call Garcia. "House of wisdom" she answers

"I need you to search up a person, but not mention it to the others and especially Stephens" I say

"Ok, sure. I'm listening"

"Look up a plate, KAZ2Y5, black Impala. Owner's first name's Dean, about 6'2--"

"Green eyes, dark blonde hair?" she adds


"I got him but he is dead, sir"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Dean Winchester reportedly died with his brother after an explosion-- They di have a pretty heavy criminal record..." she mentions

"Send me everything" I order.

I hang up and return to the conference room. I take the preliminary profile report from her files and I go over it as I wait for the information from Garcia. I redo the report but in reality I rewrite the same things with different words. I get it done in less than 10 minutes and then I look into him.

Only 2 minutes later, I am outside again. I see both of them sitting against the hood of his car. "...not a vampire" Olivia is saying something to him as I approach.

"The report is ready and I have a gift for you in the end" I say as I give Olivia the file.

She skips the report and checks the paper under it. It is everything that her friend has been charged with.

"Give me a reason to let Mr. Winchester walk" I demand

"I have several" he replies

"No, you don't have to" she stops him. "He is under witness protection. I'm guessing Garcia told you about his death already" she answers. I can't tell if she is lying or not.

"Then why is the car still under his name?" I question

"Because Baby is going nowhere" he answers as he touches the hood. "And this is probably my cue to get going and let you do your job" he says to Olivia. "It was great seeing you again"

"It was good seeing you too" she hugs him one more time. The hug lasts a second longer and I clear my throat. They say their goodbyes, he gets in his car and drives away.

"It is a nice car" I admit

"You have no idea..." she trails off as she looks at the car that is disappearing into the distance.

I breath out, ignoring the discomfort in my chest. "Review the report and I'd be happy to rewrite it for you if you find it necessary" I say, trying to change the subject and get her focus back on me

"I'll check it later" she tells me.

I step in front of her so her eyes finally focus on me . "Are you feeling alright?" I ask

"Are you?" she asks as she lands back to reality

"Why aren't you trying to strike a fight with me right now?" I wonder

"Do you want me to?"

"Stop answering my questions with questions"

"Very well. I am feeling good and definitely not like fighting right now. And I say it knowing that I have to review the report you just gave me which looks like it's been written by a first grader who just learned how to write. You want to rewrite it, go ahead, you'd be doing me a favor" she explains.

"And to who do you owe this mood to?" I wonder

"Memories... You said it yourself that he has a nice car... I had a lot of sex in that car, Hotchner" she bites her lip

I see red. My hands turn into fists in my pockets. Where did this possessiveness and jealousy even come from all of a sudden? And it is for Olivia Stephens? No way.

"Why are you telling me that?"

"Because I like leaving you speechless" she smirks as she goes inside, leaving me behind. This woman is going to be the end of me, I'm sure.

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