Chapter 20 - Olivia

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Today is one of those days that I have been running up and down, left and right in the bureau in order to get things done as they are supposed to. I've had multiple arguments with people both above and below me in the chain of command. I've been on edge all day, and I'm through the roof. If someone even looks at me the wrong way right now, I swear I'm going to put a bullet between their eyes.

It's late. I'm fed up. I'm tired. The only thing comforting me is that this is the last file I have to finish before I can go home.

Take a deep breath... Think of how soft your bed is... You will be there in no time... Just one more--

Someone opens my door without knocking. I take a breath, getting ready to enter another screaming match. But I am taken back as soon as I see Hotchner.

"A closed door means you knock before you enter" I remind him.

He looks more serious than usual. No jacket, no tie, just in his white button down shirt and black pants. "Are you busy?" he asks

"I'm on my last file. And if you bring me any more, I will--"

The sound of the door locking behind him cuts me off. "Stand up" he says, sounding like an order

"Excuse me?" I freeze

"Get off your chair and get on your knees. Now" he orders as she shuts the blinds of my office window.

All the little hairs on my body stand. I want to question and yell at him but no voice comes out of my mouth. I am stunned by his attitude and arrogance right now. Who does he think he is? I've never kneeled to anyone by request. This would be degrading. Humiliating.

Yet, I've never been more turned before.

"Don't make me repeat myself" he warns me as he rolls his sleeves up.

Fuck it. It's quiet in the bureau anyway. Let's do this.

I swallow the lumb in my throat and I put my pen down. I push my chair back and I sink to knees. My hands rest on my thighs. My heart starts racing as Aaron makes his way around the desk to me. I look up and I swallow again. He looks down at me and his eyes glisten at the moonlight that is coming through the window.

He stands in front of me in all his glory. His fingers brush over my jawline gently. "See how easy it is to follow a simple order?" he smirks. His hand moves lower, down my neck and then inside my shirt. He grabs my boob and almost groans.

The anticipation seems endless. I feel my pussy pulse as his fingers run over my nipple. I don't break eye-contact. He catches the change in my breathing. "Today has been a long and upsetting day, and I was hoping for an opportunity to get it out of my system. Do you understand what I'm saying?" he asks

"Yes" I breathe out.

He is not the only one upset today. But feeling as vulnerable and submissive as I am feeling right now is kind of relieving. I don't want to argue, just tell me or show me what to do.

"So, are you going to be a good girl for me?" he asks

"Yes" I answer immediately.

The smirk returns to his face. Warmth spreads through my body and my heart is ready to burst out of my chest due to the excitement and anticipation.

His one hand remains in my bra with the other he undoes his pants, keeping his eyes on me. I lick my lips almost nervously. My saliva starts pooling in my mouth. I am dying to touch him, but I wait for him to let me. He pulls his cock out of his pants hard and ready for me. He gives himself a few first strikes.

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