Chapter 9 - Aaron

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"How did you get Liv to agree to be the bait?" Dave asks me as we and a SWAT squad arrive right outside the property

"It didn't take much convincing" I reply honestly.

But to be completely honest, I expected her to argue with me about it. I had no intention of letting her go there. Yet, she agreed immediately, bringing this uneasy feeling of worry in my chest. And I can't take it back now.

"Why are you asking?" I wonder

"There is some history... Where is she now?" Dave asks

"In the car. Her Majesty is fixing her make up" I mock in order to forget my gut feeling

"I heard that" she says as she appears from behind me.

The bad feeling gets worse once I see her. I breathe in and out, but it doesn't help. She is a pain in the ass but I don't want her to get killed because of me.

"You're not going in alone" I take it back, "We will find the weakest point, SWAT will go in first and then we will follow" I explain

"Are you sure? If I go in, I get the kid out and then let you in" Olivia says

"Or you both get shot in the process. We still don't know his M.O. or pretty much anything. All we have is that there is a kid in danger in that house" Dave takes my side

"Ok. If you think that is the right move" she sighs.

Dave walks back to the car to take a call. I take a closer look at Olivia who is putting her vest on, "Everything ok with you today?" I wonder

"Yeah, why?" she asks

"You've been overly accepting all day" I point out

"I just don't have the energy to argue. I was exhausted yesterday, I had a bad night, a bad morning, and I can't wait to go back home" she admits as she checks her gun

"If that's the case, maybe I should exhaust you more often" I tease

"Or maybe you shouldn't try to piss me off while I'm holding my gun. Who knows what could happen..." she winks and steps away from me.

We take a brief look at the mansion's blue prints and electrical drawings. Garcia disarms one of the gates of the property and freezes the camera feed. We walk in but keep our distance from the house. Two SWAT Agents approach the west side of the house and cut the power off.

Now, we need to locate the unsub and the victim. Each of the three of us enter the house from different points accompanied by more SWAT Agents. As we agreed beforehand, Olivia goes upstairs to the first floor, Dave stays to the clear the main floor and I go down.

Besides our steps, nothing else is heard in the house. It is too quiet which only makes me more vigilant. The basement is big, the SWAT Agents split and clear the spaces around. I get to the end of the long hallway and I see a metal door. The other Agent brings the bolt cutters and breaks the lock.

That same second, we hear noise from the distance and that uneasy feeling comes back to me. Then there is a shot heard and silence again.

"Target has been neutralized" one of the Agents says in the intercom. I recognize his voice. It's Jerry and he is on Olivia's team right now

"Stephens?" I call in my mic, without even fighting the urge to check on her

"All good" she answers.

We proceed in the previously locked room and get the kid to safety. An hour later, most Agents have been relieved and the kid is on his way to his parents in the bureau.

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