Chapter 11 - Aaron

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My phone starts ringing as I take care of some last files I have on my desk. "Hotchner" I answer

"Are you busy?" Dave asks

"Depends" I sigh. I was hoping to get home after this.

"Liv called me. She is getting released from the hospital in a few hours, but Jackson had to go back home for an emergency yesterday, and I am in San Diego. Now, she says she'll take a cab..."

"Ok, message received. I'll pick her up"

"Thank you. Call me when she gets home" he says and hangs up.

A minute ago I couldn't wait to go home, but this detour won't hurt. I am not going to complain about it. I prefer to pick her up than letting her get in some stranger's car in her vulnerable state.

So, I finish up the files and drive it to the hospital. I get to her room and I knock on the door. I walk in at her response and she freezes. She is kneeled to the floor, "What are you doing?" I ask

"Trying to tie my shoes" she answers defeated.

I chuckle and help her up. I get down on one knee and tie her shoes for her. "No, no. I am your supervisor. You can't see me like this. You need to respect me as a leader..." she out of breathe by the end of the sentence

"I think we are way passed that point" I chuckle. "No heels today?" I tease

"Very funny" she replies with a straight face. "What are doing here?" she asks

"Your brother called Dave and said that he has an emergency. Dave and Prentiss are assisting on a case in San Diego, so you're stuck with me" I explain as I stand up again

"Great" she rolls her eyes

"Don't be too excited...".

"I can't believe that I'm saying this, but can you help me put my jacket on? I can't really lift my arms too high" she says

"Of course". I don't know if she expected me to make fun of her, but I help her anyway. I make sure her wrists are in the sleeves of the jacket before I pull it up to her shoulders to avoid hurting her. "Anything else?" I ask as I grab her bag from the bed

"No. Let's go".

Her walk is slow. I match her pace, not wanting to pressure her. She is extra grumpy today. We get to my car and I open the passenger door for her. "Your Majesty..." I smirk

"I can open my own doors" she says

"Of course you can. But that doesn't mean you should" I state.

She chuckles to herself before getting in. I close her door, put the bag in the back seat, and get to the driver's side. As I start driving, my anxiety starts kicking in, because the last time we were sitting like this she was having a heart attack. I watch dead people pretty much on daily basis. But feeling her die will always haunt me. I have this urge to take her hand. I want to hold onto her wrist. I need to feel her pulse.

"Are you ok?" she asks, her voice pulling me out of my own mind

"Yeah, just tired" I answer.

"Ah, who's making you tired now that I'm not there?" she looks at me with her big blue eyes

"Jealous?" I chuckle

"A little. It's been boring in the hospital. I miss the thrill of fighting with you" she admits

"You do?" I try to contain my smile.

The other day, she said she didn't remember what I told her before she passed out. Maybe that is a blessing in disguise. I don't know what I was thinking when I confessed all that to her. I was feeling emotional and all, but at the end of the day she is still my supervisor -and a very strict one.

I text Dave as soon as we cross her front door. It turns out she has a house, a big and nice one. "If you start profile me, I'm going to kick you out" she threatens me

"I'll try to keep it off" I lie.

I have been studying her space from the second we pulled in her driveway. This is not what I expected from her. She appears strict and acts all tough, yet she has a pink accent wall in her living room. Pink signifies love, patience, compassion -things that don't really describe the two of us. Initial exposure to the color pink is thought to have a calming effect, known as "The Pink Effect" -sometimes used in prisons to calm inmates.

Light grey sectional couch. Pink and grey pillows. A pink blanket on the side. Black and white art on the walls. White furniture. Gold decorations. Soft hidden light all over the place. And in all that harmony, against the wall on my left, there are two connect bookcases filled with books, built Legos and a lot of Taylor Swift.

'Say something bad. Find something to get a reaction out of' I think to myself.

"Did Dave buy you this house?" I ask, regretting it as soon as it leaves my mouth

"No, the FBI did when I almost died due to an overlook. You have no idea how much money I got in order not to sue them" she smirks. "You can set the bag here..." she points to her couch, "...and you can go".

"Are you sure there isn't anything else you need?" I wonder

"I'm fine" she answers, almost out of instinct, "I'll be fine"

I ignore her answers. "Are you hungry? Thirsty? Any cravings?" I suggest

"Oh, I have cravings..." she admits and bites her lip. "But I am post heart attack, so I'll avoid getting take out. I have some prepped meals in the fridge"

"How old are they?".


"If they contain--"

"Aaron!" she cuts me off. This must be the first time she calls me by my first name. Please, say it again.

"What's wrong with you today?" she asks concerned

"I need to make sure you were ok" I answer. I shouldn't have said that. I clear my throat and come up with a way to spin this.

"There is probably security footage of me picking you up from the hospital, so it wouldn't look good for me if you were found dead later" I explain.

She actually chuckles, and I finally breathe out. "Thank you for coming. Thank you for everything, Aaron" she tells me.

All of a sudden, warmth spreads into my chest and my heart flutters.

I clear my throat to cover my pause. "You're very welcome. Be careful, rest, and call me if you need anything" I say eventually

"I will. Bye"

"Bye". She will be fine.

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