Chapter 18 - Olivia

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It's been 2 hours since I left Hotchner's apartment and I can't stop thinking about him. His heat and his taste have imprinted themselves on my senses so much that I can feel him all the time. The soft and firm pressure of his mouth, the sweep of his tongue against mine, the delicious tingles running down my spine when he tugged on my hair. I have never been this addicted to anyone before.

He brought me some files earlier today and all I could think of the time he was in my office was 'He has been inside me. I need him again'. Luckily, my brother walked in shortly after and I had to snap out of it. For some reason, Jackson decided to stay with me since he brought me to work this morning. He is just sitting in my office or walking around. I don't want to kick him out because I feel bad he had to stay up till late to clean up my house of the mess our family left behind. I didn't ask him to do that but I appreciate it so much, it makes my day even better that I don't have to think about cleaning.

"Can you at least stop making noise?" I ask him

"Sorry" he puts down the pen he was playing with. "So is this what you do all day?" he wonders as he sits down

"Pretty much" I sigh, "Why?"

"It's nothing. I just wanted to finally find out what you do all day. Did you talk to David today?" he asks

"No, why?"

"No reason".

I stop writing and put my pen down. There is no way I'm squeezing something out of Rossi, so Jackson is my best bet. "Either you're going to tell me or I'll force it out of you" I warn him

"I'm shaking" he laughs

"Then let me call mom and suggest we host the next holiday to your house" I pick up the phone


"Then tell me what you know. You cleaned up my house because you obviously feel guilty about something. So, spill it"

"I promised both of them not to say anything"

"Both? Mom and David are friends now?" I question. They never got along, just like me and Hotch--. "No..." I close my eyes, disgusted after imagining the worst case scenario

"No, no, no. They just came in contact because you wouldn't. Mom was worried but didn't want to upset you by calling all the time. David offered to bring the family for yesterday's holiday in order to have some family time" he confesses

"He did what!?" I yell, standing up from my chair

"Liv--" he tries to stop me but I'm already on my way out.

I get down there and march in the BAU. I see David in Hotchner's office. I stop at the door without walking in.

"Chief Stephens--" Hotchner goes to stand up

"Hotchner, sit down. Rossi, office. Now!" I demand and head to his office.

I throw the door open and he closes it after he comes. "I knew Jackson would be the weakest link" he admits

"Why are talking to my mom?"

"Because she is concerned"

"Why are you bringing my family here without my consent?"

"Because you haven't attended any gathering in the last 2 years"

"And there is a reason for that! I don't want anyone to 'fix' things. And I certainly don't appreciate you doing all that behind my back"

"I believed it would have a different outcome. I am sorry" he says.

I pause and take a breath.

"However, I heard that you didn't go home last night at all after the case..." he mentions

"Because I was avoiding them" I reply.

And that was the best decision so far.

"Stay away from my mom or I'll tell Richard" I threaten him and leave.

My dad has been dead for 10 years, but I still talk to him once in a while and I like to think that he listens from wherever he is.

I return to my office and sit back in my chair. Jackson watches me and recognizes how angry I am. "I'll go get you some tea" he says and leaves to give me time to calm down.

A few minutes later, there is a knock on my door. "Come in" I respond sharply

Hotchner walks in with a file in his hands. "I can see you're upset but I am afraid I have more bad news..." he says, dropping a file in front of me. "Halfway through briefing, I got a call that Chicago PD has a suspect in custody already. They have many evidence against him, but it is all circumstantial"

"Then why did they go forward with an arrest?" I ask

"Because they believed the missing 17-year-old would be at his house. They found a t-shirt that could belong to her but they are still checking for DNA"

"So, this turned into a race to get a confession..." I sigh

"Exactly. He hasn't lawyered up yet, and from what they told me, the suspect's defense strongly focuses on the lack of a body"

"Unfortunately for him, this is real life, not an excellent Taylor Swift song..." I mention as I browse through the case file

He finally breaks and chuckles, "Do I even want to know?"

"Trust me, you do" I wink at him. "So, do you want to take on another case or are you headed there anyway?"

"You don't believe we can get a confession in the next 48 hours?"

"I'm asking you" I insist

"I'd prefer we stay on the case and assist Chicago PD. If the victim is still alive, every second we earn counts" he explains

"Very well. I hope to see you in less than 48 hours" I tease

"I'll do my best" he winks at me.

There is another knock on the door and my brother walks in this time. "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you again" Jackson apologizes as he recognizes Hotchner

"It's alright, Dr. Stephens. I am on my way out" he says

"I am expecting a draft of the profile and the approach of the interrogation by the time you land in Chicago" I speak

"Yes, ma'am. Have a good day" he replies and goes on his way.

"This is the second time I run into you two and each time I feel like I'm third wheeling" Jackson admits, "They way you look into each other's eyes--"

I roll my eyes, "When are you and Kevin getting married?" I ask him

"Look at the time... I should get going" he says immediately

"That's what I thought" I smile.

We say our goodbyes quickly and he leaves. I pick up again the file Hotchner brought me to look into the information we have on the suspect more carefully. I match a few things to the evidence confirming the Chicago PD's suspicions.

Turning to the last page, there is a post-it on it.

"I will be back in less
than 48 hours. Be at my place
on Wednesday, 9pm sharp"

I bite my lip to stop myself from smiling. This is so arrogant and bossy, yet I find it so hot.

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