Chapter 4 - Olivia

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Every time I believe Hotchner and I are heading towards a good place regarding our communication and cooperation, he fucks it up! I could have gotten fired if the director found out I cannot control the units -especially the unit chief's- under me. They are lucky I got to them on time because if they had left already, the wasted budget of their transportation would have cost them the new benefits I had just earned them. I should have revoked them as a punishment, however I recognize that Hotchner's fault is not theirs.

He, on the other hand, is going to suffer coincidences for his actions. The suspension was just the beginning -and I was been generous by giving him only two days. If he thought I was strict about procedure before, he is not ready for what is about to come.

A knock on my office's door makes me look up from the email I am typing on my laptop. The door is already open, so we make eye contact and he lets himself in.

"Close the door and sit down" I speak first

"Do you need me for something other than giving me my credentials back?" Hotchner wonders

"Clearly, yes" I reply.

He nods and turns to close the door. He sits down across from me and I close my laptop to give him my full attention, pretending I care.

"So, welcome back. How was your time out?" I ask

"Enlightening" he answers with a hint of irony

"I sure hope so" I reply.

He doesn't say anything back. I nod and reach into my drawer for his badge. I open it and check that it's indeed his.

"You got a whole collection in there?" he questions, implying I have suspended more people after him

"Jealous?" I tease

"You wish".

"I just can't believe you are capable of smiling" I point out, checking out the picture on his badge.

"It's an old picture"

"Yeah, I can tell..." I reply.

He actually looks hotter now.

I toss the badge at him and he catches it in the air. "As much as I want to brag about how quiet it's been without you here, you are needed" I admit

"You finally realized how valuable I am?" he smirks

"No. It's just that David hasn't stopped complaining about the paperwork he has to do in your place" I shut him down.

"Is this conversation going somewhere or can I leave?" he asks

"Yes, right. I wanted to let you know that I will be traveling with you today. I want to look over the case, make sure the team is functioning well" I inform him

"We are doing just fine"

"In the numbers, you are indeed. But I would like to see it for myself"

"You have seen it when you first came here" he reminds me

"I have followed you on a case in the very beginning of my transfer here, however I think you can agree on the fact that our relationship and interactions have changed since then. I need to be able to trust you"

"You know you can trust my decisions on the field"

"No, I don't. I tried to, but I don't feel comfortable trusting you anymore. You have been hostile and constantly keeping me in the dark. So, you better change that and prove to me that you are trustworthy".

"Alright" he nods

"Great, I will see you on the jet" I say as he stands from his seat. "And please warn Agent Morgan about his funny remarks and the nickname usage. If he even looks at me the wrong way, his badge will be the next one I put in my drawer and it won't be for only two days"

"Yes ma'am" he spits out and leaves.

About 30 minutes later I attend the briefing of the case, and about an hour after that we are in the air. The jet is extremely quiet today and I am sure that is because of my presence. It's better than insulting me. But I've heard that the comments of dislike towards me have decreased since I got them those reimbursements.

The quiet interrupts Hotchner's phone. I shoot him a look, but then I remember that my phone isn't on airplane mode either because of work.

He goes to the back to answer and comes back not even a minute later. "Another body was discovered this morning by the NYPD. Female, mid 20's, they are running prints and DNA now" he informs us

"Cause of death?" I ask

"Exsanguination" he answers

"That makes lucky number 3..." Rossi comments

"Any other trauma on the victim?" JJ asks

"They can't tell yet. They are keeping the body in the crime scene for us" he answers. "When we land, Dave and Morgan head to crime scene, Reid and JJ check with the medical examiner about the previous bodies, Prentiss and I -and Chief Stephens- will go to the station for family interviews" he assigns everyone.

I nod and grab a file from the table. Everyone else turns to their seats. "Would you rather to be assigned with someone else, Chief?" he asks me in a lower voice as he sits across from me

"No, I appreciate you not using this opportunity to get rid of me" I admit

"I don't have to get rid of you to be good at my job" he states

"I don't doubt that".


Everyone completed their tasks and regrouped at the station. We discussed over evidence, ideas and theories. I never doubted the fact that the team works well. I just want to get into Hotchner's nerves, and a visit to New York in the meantime doesn't sound at all bad.

"Agent Hotchner, a moment?" I request.

He nods and we step a bit further from the others. "What can I do for you now, Chief?" he asks

"I'd like you to see the preliminary profile in writing" I answer

"We don't have enough for that"

"Well, thay is why it's preliminary. A work in progress profile helps to show what you are missing. Correct?" I suggest

"Fine. I will have it ready in 2 hour" he finally agrees

"Make it one".

"Hotch" Agent Morgan calls for us from the conference room. "Reid got something".

We join the team again and shut the door. "I was watching the security footage Garcia got again and I found a car that has visited the house of the previous two victims twice already. I can tell there are two people in the car, but I can't see faces" he explains

"You said this couldn't be the work of a group" I remember

"It's not. But we should bring them in for questioning, one of them could be doing it behind the others back. Can you make out a plate?" Hotchner asks

"Yes, the car has Kansas plates, Kilo Alpha Zulu 2 Yankee 5"


"Give that to Garcia--" he starts saying

"Don't bother, she won't find anything. I got it" I say and I start looking through my contacts for a name.

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