Chapter 45 - Olivia

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The reception started a few hours ago. We did photoshoots, toasts, cake cutting, first dance, greet guests, and now I am starving. Thankfully, my fairy godmother Penelope made arrangements in order to give me a 10-minute window to sit down and eat like the rest. So, I take my seat at the sweetheart table as soon as my plate gets there. Penelope distracts anyone that tries to come my way during those minutes. I have no idea where Aaron is at this point but I don't mind eating alone. I just need food!

I nearly finish my plate before my mother comes to my table. "Don't say anything, I'm doing as fast as I can" I say before she could speak

"I can see that. I am just letting you know that your grandma wants to talk to you" she informs me

"I will be right there" I reassure her.

I chug my last bites and I get up from the table. I go to Penelope first, "Pen, thank you so much. You can relax and enjoy the party now"

"Are you sure? There's still--"

"You've done more than enough today. Go have some fun now" I insist

"Alright. But if you need anything, I'll be on the dancefloor"

"Ok" I smile.

Then I head to my family's table. I sit with them for a bit and talk. A few minutes later, I spot Aaron coming our way. My heart flutters.

"There's my wife..." he smiles as he wraps his arm me and kisses my cheek. He greets everyone as he stands next to me. Then he leans to my ear, "Do you have a moment?" he asks in a serious tone

"Sure" I reply, keeping my smile on so I wouldn't worry anyone else.

Aaron excuses us and we walk away. He keeps his arm around my waist as he guides me to the back of the venue where the bridal suite is. He must have gotten the key from Penelope, because he just opens the door and lets me in.

I shallow and prepare myself. "What's wrong?" I ask

"Oh, absolutely nothing" he says and kisses me

"Really? You got me worried" I admit

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I just needed a moment alone with my wife" he explains and kisses me again

I can't hide my smile, "I like the sound of that"

"Get used to it, Mrs Hotchner"

"God, why is this turning me on so much?" I wonder

"Mrs Hotchner..." he calls again, and starts kissing my neck.

He wraps his arms around my waist and guides me until my back hits the wall. His mouth returns to my lips. He keeps me pinned against the wall with his body and deepens the kiss. I run my fingers through his hair, holding him as close to me as possible.

His left hand leaves my waist and travels down my side. He finds the split of my skirt and grabs my thigh. He rubs my inner thigh and I open further to give him better access. He lifts my leg and I wrap it around his waist.

He presses his crotch between my legs and I grind my hips along. His other hand traces my chest over my tight dress. I moan as his fingers brush over my hard nipples even through the fabric.

I open the split of my dress further and I start undoing his pants in my attempt to speed up the process. But he takes my hands and pins them over my head. His free hand sneaks inside my panties and finds my clit. Electricity runs through my entire body at the contract and I almost gasp.

I hold onto him as pleasure rushes through my veins like fire. "Fuck me already!" I groan frustrated

"Be patient" he whispers, as he massages my clit slower now.

"I hate you" I complain

"Yeah, that's how it all started. And look at us now... You're asking me to fuck you in your wedding dress on our wedding day" he says with the biggest smirk across his face

"And you're still a pain in my ass"

"I can't help it. You look so good begging for my cock".

His fingers go fast and then slow again. "Come on, Aaron..." I moan. "You shouldn't displease the bride on her wedding day" I remind him

"Don't worry about that, I don't plan on leaving her displeased" he reassures me.

He pushes two fingers inside of me, and I drop my head back against the wall moaning. "Always so wet for me..." he says pleased

"Only for you" I reply

"Good" he smiles.

He thrusts his fingers painfully slow. "Aaron, please..." I beg, my nails almost digging into the jacket of his tuxedo.

He takes his fingers out of me and brings them to my face. I suck on his fingers, tasting myself. He pushes them down my throat a couple of times, testing me.

"If it was just us, I would already have your on your knees. But you're lucky I don't want to mess your 'expensive make up' as you previously stated" he speaks

"So thoughtful..." I reply as soon as he pulls his hand back.

He starts undoing his pants. I pull my dress back, holding the split open as much as possible for him. He rubs his tip against my folds and I bite my lip. He pushes his cock inside of me. My head drops in a loud moan of his name.

The sensation of him filling me up so nicely drives me crazy. He begins thrusting and I can already feel my climax building. I'm never going to be over this. It always feels better and hotter than the last time, no matter if we are in bed, in the shower, on the desk or against the wall.

I don't bother keeping myself quiet. I don't care to, because nothing else matters right now. Our mouths moan against one another between sloppy kisses. Our hands are all over each other.

"Aaron... Aaron!" I moan, clenching

"Yes. Finish for me, love..." he moans

He keeps his pace steady and drives me over the edge. And a few thrusts later, he finishes inside of me. I love this.

"You realize that now you're going to have to help me pee and clean myself in this dress" I mention

"You pee with the dress on? I figured you would take it off"

"No, that's too much time. My mom helps me hold it up. But I guess you don't want her here now"

"Yeah, no. I'm going to hold your dress up so you can pee and clean yourself, dear" he agrees and kisses my cheek

"Great. And another thing..."


"Can we dance to Lover later? It's sort of a fantasy for me" I smile

"We can do anything you want, love" he replies and kisses me.

And after a very long session in the bathroom, we return to the party. We dance a bit, talk more with the guests and drink. About an hour later, we sit down at our table and finally get a moment to relax. He rests his arm on the back of my chair for a moment. I take the opportunity to lay my head on his shoulder. I feel his smile as he wraps his arm around me. I don't say anything and I just start snacking on some cake I have in front of me.

"I love you" Aaron says and kisses my head

I look up, "I love you too" I kiss his lips and then my head returns on his shoulder.

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