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[TW] gore

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[TW] gore

Madara drummed his finger on his knee as he sat on a rock he found

His face and clothes were decorated with blood and he stared at the dead bodies that laid in front of him

He tugged his sleeve upwards and looked at his forearm, the mark you had left on him was almost gone

His eyebrow twitched in frustration he didnt even know why was filling him to the brim

He made his way to the entrance of konoha and looked around for the small girl he was looking for "that damned small child" he huffed
He heard the call of a bird and looked to his right

There he saw you walking with two other people, his sharingan activated on its own and it was as if everything else blurred except for your figure

The bird flew past you and you turned your head along with it as it moved
The dove flew towards madara so the ravenette reached his arm out for it to land while mainting eye contact with you

He rubbed the dove's head and unattached the letter from its foot
He looked at you once more and muttered a few words under his breath
Your lips had seemed to curve in the faintest of a smile and your cheeks got a little bit rosy

You looked away and madara stared at the opened letter
'isnt she just the prettiest?'

"i am not a man with a soft heart hashimara" he frowned
"madara-sama please help m-" the begging man got cut off by the sudden hole in his chest

Blood poured from the man's mouth as he dropped to the floor
Madara crouche before the puddle of crimson liquid and dipped his fingertips in the blood

He rose his head in front of his face and stared at the colour

He stared at your loosely tied red yukata with white spider lily's as the pattern, your chest was open for him to look at and once he caught himself staring he quickly turned away
"cover your cleavage"

He rose to his full height and wiped his fingertips on his pants
"have i become like those pigs?" he asked myself
The image of your cleavage appeared once more in his mind and his eyebrow twitched

He clenched his fists and furrowed his eyebrows
His gaze went to his side and where a faint image of his brother with crossed arms and a disappointed look stood

Madara's jaw clenched in embarrassment "do not give me that look, brother"
"what did you need aki-san?" you asked once you sat down across him at the table
"do you like dancing?" he asked as he wrapped both hands around his teacup
"dancing? I suppose its not something i've every tried" aki hummed in acknowledgement

"you have the body of a dancer" your eyes widened, we're the dancers supposed to be bad looking in the sand village? Aki chuckled "the dancers in the sand village are known to be the most beautiful women.."

Your eyes almost flew out of its sockets "i couldnt help but admire you when we met as you we're the most beautiful woman i've ever laid my eyes on"

Your cheeks flushed pink at his compliments "back in konoha, i was known to be bad looking. It is strange that now here, in sunagakure i am of the beauty standards"

"beauty standards? Such a thing exists?" he blinked a few times, you nodded "im surprised you dont know of it, i asume you dont have any in sunagakure?" aki chuckled

"the only reason we call dancers the most beautiful women is because a large sum of citizens or a person in high ranking chose them" your eyes sparkled "there arent any women known as ugly here?" you gasped

He nodded "if being 'ugly' is when someone isnt attractive to another then i guess so, for example... If i ever see a woman that i wouldnt find attractive i wouldnt call her bad looking simply for that reason because i know that someone else will find them the most beautiful"

"to add, being beautiful isnt simply just looks it is also heart, if i do not know someone and i dont find them attractive i wouldnt call them bad looking because i do not know them, but if i do there's a chance i will simply because they have good heart"

Your eyes widened, you never knew a man like aki could ever exist "these things are common knowledge in the village hidden in the sand. I barely know anything about the village hidden in the leaf so i will not assume or judge but here women are equal to men"

"aki-san, please show me around. I want to see how everything is!" your eyes lit up with excitement

Aki's cheeks dusted pink as his eyes widened in the slightest but then softened "of course" he enjoyed seeing foreigners be so excited over his home and this was his first time seeing someone so excited
You walked beside aki as you watched a group of kids run along past you
"tag you're it"
"you'll never catch me!"
"hurry up reennnn!" one whined

You smiled and continued looking around
"here is where some women like to dance because of the flat surface" he gestured to his left and you looked in that direction

There was around eight women, barely wearing anything and showing skin dancing around with a big smile on their faces
Occasionally, the man that past by would stand by and watch but staying within an appropriate distance from them

You watched the whole scene in awe as you never saw men who could respect women on a daily basis and even in konoha 'respecting' women would be not touching them but yet saying innapropriate remarks that would make them uncomfortable

You watched as women would walk around by themselves comfortably without fearing that men would cat call them of anything of that sorts
"aki-san" you called out
Aki turned to you "what is it?"

"your home is beautiful"

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