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[TW] nudity

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[TW] nudity


Your fingers dusted against the scar that ran down your eye
Your eyes were fallen half lidded as you looked at yourself in the mirror

The clothes you usually wore were taken off of your body as you were waiting for the tub to finish filling up with water

You lifted an arm to push back the hair that covered your forehead and you sighed
You've completely lost it. Now that you've seen Madara and you were ninety percent sure he knew it was you... you were considering just screwing over the search for your body of this time and just running to him

Your biceps flexed as you moved your arms
The small pocket dagger that you always carried with you was placed onto the marble counter

Your gaze trailed to your hair that reflected from the mirror, should you cut your hair? Or would that just be a waste of time,,,

You placed your hands on each side of the counter and you leaned your weight onto your arms
Were you just overthinking it or did Madara actually recognize you?

You shook your head, no, you were most definitely just overthinking it. He couldn't of had recognized you when you looked so different

There was a knock at the door and you heard Aki's voice
"You doing alright in there? You're taking some time" you rolled your eyes

"Yeah I'm just taking a shit" you responded sarcastically and you heard a chuckle from the other side

You turned off the water and slowly slid into the tub full of water

You leaned against the marble wall and sighed
A whine escapes your lips and you cover your eyes with your forearm

"Curse you and your damn good looking face Madara"


Madara stared at the ceiling as he laid in his futon. He couldn't get the image of the girl from earlier out of his head. Just being around her brought back a feeling he only felt with you

He saw her bright e/c eyes and he also saw her h/c hair, is it possible that's it's you? But then why did aki call you his wife? Why did you wear such glum clothing and why did your skin look to be grey

He closed his eyes and his eyebrow twitched, he also notice by watching you get up and walk away that you had the exact same curves of his wives, he could tell meters away that you had the same body as his woman but just a little more muscle

No, he shook his head. The woman had so much more muscle

But nevertheless, even with all those clothings covering her and the mask shielding he's upper face.
She resembled his wife so much that he found her absolutely gorgeous


"A festival?" You said as you raised your eyebrow

Aki's eyes trailed down from your face to your visible chest, the oversized shirt covered your torso very well but not so on the chest part. I mean what could he say? It would be hard to cover a chest of that size

But something else that caught his attention was that your whole lower half was covered with bandages, some spots were completely soaked with blood, some were full of dried blood and the rest were fully clean

"Is there anything wrong with your legs? What is the reason behind all the bandages?"

You stayed quiet for a few moments before tucking out a side of the bandage and dropping it, making the other bandages on one leg unravel completely

Aki's eyes widened

There was three reasons why, number one being that he hasn't even caught a glimpse of your legs before, number two being that your legs were so much more muscular than most legs of the men he's seen. And number three being that

It was as if you've been branded, your legs were full of scars but not scars as in stripes scars as in... with some ink someone would believe it was a tattoo. Someone had carved into your skin for a tattoo instead of using ink. Is what he guessed

"How did you get those?"

You sat down on the bed and looked at your legs "I gave them to myself" you sighed before dropping your body completely on the bed

Aki had shock and confusion mixed on his face, "what. Why?"

A grin formed on your lips and you looked at Aki through your half lidded eyes,
"A woman can do grave things to herself when she's bored, isolated from the rest of the world in a cage with no escape for a week" your grin fell and you yawned

Aki tried not to scold you because you weren't his kid of any of that sorts and the both of you knew damn well that if someone were to scold the other, it would be you scolding

The smaller man sighed

You had changed so much from the last time he's seen you, now that hashirama and tobirama were gone, he feared that the only one who could stop you would be Madara uchiha, your husband of whom didn't recognize you

He could tell by just your body that you had probably double in taijutsu skill since the last he's seen you,  which was when you were pregnant

This whole trip, he just had one question in mind, one yes or no question of which he definitely knew the answer to

He sweatdropped and looked at you from the corner of his eye as he too laid his torso onto the bed, beside you

Your eyes were closed and your lips were slightly parted

But even though your appearance had completely changed, you were still as beautiful as ever

He reached a hand out and dusted his fingertips against a strand on your that had gotten close to him. It felt as if just touching it was a blessing. He felt like the luckiest man alive to be able to touch a strand of your hair... he wondered how Madara felt

"Y/n..." he said lowly, you hummed in response. Feeling too tired to answer
"May I be your second husband?" He asked and you opened your e/c hues and they slid to the corner of your eye

"What do you believe the answer to that is?" You asked, slightly annoyed
"Hopefully a yes"

"Aki, I do not wish to marry you, i didn't in the past and I won't in the future. I will not be apologizing for this either because we both know damn well Madara has my heart, he has my everything... and I have his everything as well"

You sat up and sighed "I'm sorry Aki, but for me, you stand no chance compared to my husband of over ten years now.  It's the honest truth, and something else that is the truth is that there are so many women out there that will beg for you like you beg for me. So open your eyes for once and realize that I do not want you"

You stood up and left for the bathroom

Aki laid there, shocked, his cheeks were pink. He was right, you had definitely gotten stronger. And he could tell just by how soul chilling your voice sounds when your annoyed

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17 ⏰

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